Browse Source

update: dnsproxy interface

dnomd343 2 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 12
  5. 175
  6. 171
  7. 31


@ -21,4 +21,7 @@
//void load_start_command(char *adguard_workdir, char *overture_config, char *upstream_config, int is_debug);
char* show_bool(int value);
char** command_init(char *bin);


@ -15,4 +15,8 @@ typedef struct {
dnsproxy* dnsproxy_init(int port);
void dnsproxy_dump(char *caption, dnsproxy *info);
void dnsproxy_add_primary(dnsproxy *info, char *server);
void dnsproxy_add_fallback(dnsproxy *info, char *server);
void dnsproxy_add_bootstrap(dnsproxy *info, char *server);


@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ include_directories(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/utils)
add_executable(cleardns cleardns.c dnsproxy.c)
add_executable(cleardns cleardns.c dnsproxy.c common.c)
target_link_libraries(cleardns utils)


@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "dnsproxy.h"
#include "strList.h"
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <string.h>
//#include "common.h"
@ -33,6 +35,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // ClearDNS server
log_info("ClearDNS server start (%s)", VERSION);
dnsproxy *domestic = dnsproxy_init(DOMESTIC_PORT);
dnsproxy_add_bootstrap(domestic, "");
dnsproxy_add_bootstrap(domestic, "");
dnsproxy_add_primary(domestic, "");
dnsproxy_add_primary(domestic, "tls://");
dnsproxy_add_fallback(domestic, "tls://");
dnsproxy_add_fallback(domestic, "tls://");
dnsproxy_dump("Domestic", domestic);
// int debug_mode = 0;


@ -1,171 +1,14 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strList.bak>
#include "cJSON.h"
#include "flag.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "strList.h"
char **adguard_command = NULL;
char **overture_command = NULL;
char **domestic_dnsproxy_command = NULL;
char **foreign_dnsproxy_command = NULL;
void error_exit(char *message);
char* read_file(char *file_name);
char** command_add_field(char **command_list, char *field);
char** dnsproxy_config(char *port, cJSON *json, int is_debug);
void load_start_command(char *adguard_workdir, char *overture_config, char *upstream_config, int is_debug);
void error_exit(char *message) { // exit with code 1
fprintf(stderr, "[ClearDNS] %s\n", message);
char* read_file(char *file_name) { // read file content
FILE *pfile = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (pfile == NULL) { // open failed
error_exit("File open failed.");
fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END);
long file_length = ftell(pfile); // get file length
char *file_content = (char*)malloc(file_length + 1); // malloc new memory
if (file_content == NULL) {
error_exit("No enough memory."); // file too large
fread(file_content, 1, file_length, pfile); // read file stream
file_content[file_length] = '\0'; // set end flag
return file_content;
char** command_add_field(char **command_list, char *field) { // add field into command
int num = 0;
while(command_list[num++] != NULL); // get options number
command_list = (char**)realloc(command_list, sizeof(char**) * (num + 1));
command_list[num - 1] = strcpy((char*)malloc(strlen(field) + 1), field);
command_list[num] = NULL; // end sign
return command_list;
char** dnsproxy_config(char *port, cJSON *json, int is_debug) { // generate dnsproxy command
char *bootstrap_dns = NULL;
cJSON *primary_dns = NULL;
cJSON *fallback_dns = NULL;
char **command_list = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 9);
command_list[0] = "dnsproxy";
command_list[1] = "--port";
command_list[2] = port; // listen port
command_list[3] = "--all-servers"; // parallel queries to all servers
command_list[4] = "--cache"; // enable DNS cache
command_list[5] = "--cache-size";
command_list[6] = "4194304"; // cache size -> 4MiB
command_list[7] = "--cache-optimistic"; // optimistic DNS cache
command_list[8] = NULL; // end sign
while (json != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(json->string, "bootstrap")) { // bootstrap DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsString(json)) {
error_exit("`bootstrap` must be a string.");
bootstrap_dns = json->valuestring;
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "primary")) { // primary DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) {
error_exit("`primary` must be a array.");
primary_dns = json->child;
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "fallback")) { // fallback DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) {
error_exit("`fallback` must be a array.");
fallback_dns = json->child;
json = json->next; // next field
if (bootstrap_dns != NULL) { // add bootstrap DNS server
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--bootstrap");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, bootstrap_dns);
if (primary_dns == NULL) { // primary DNS server required
error_exit("Miss primary DNS server.");
while (primary_dns != NULL) { // iterate over primary DNS server list
if (!cJSON_IsString(primary_dns)) {
error_exit("DNS Server should be a string.");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--upstream");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, primary_dns->valuestring);
primary_dns = primary_dns->next;
while (fallback_dns != NULL) { // iterate over fallback DNS server list
if (!cJSON_IsString(fallback_dns)) {
error_exit("DNS Server should be a string.");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--fallback");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, fallback_dns->valuestring);
fallback_dns = fallback_dns->next;
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--verbose");
char* show_bool(int value) {
if (value) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
return command_list;
void load_start_command(char *adguard_workdir, char *overture_config, char *upstream_config, int is_debug) {
// AdGuardHome command
adguard_command = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 7);
adguard_command[0] = "AdGuardHome";
adguard_command[1] = "-w";
adguard_command[2] = adguard_workdir; // workdir for AdGuardHome
adguard_command[3] = "-p";
adguard_command[4] = "80"; // port for web manage
adguard_command[5] = "--no-check-update"; // skip check update (invalid in docker)
adguard_command[6] = NULL; // end sign
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
adguard_command = command_add_field(adguard_command, "--verbose");
// overture command
overture_command = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 4);
overture_command[0] = "overture";
overture_command[1] = "-c";
overture_command[2] = overture_config;
overture_command[3] = NULL; // end sign
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
overture_command = command_add_field(overture_command, "-v");
// dnsproxy command
cJSON *json = NULL;
cJSON *json_root = cJSON_Parse(read_file(upstream_config));
if (json_root == NULL) {
error_exit("JSON format error.");
} else {
json = json_root->child;
while (json != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(json->string, "domestic")) { // domestic dnsproxy config
if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) {
error_exit("`domestic` must be a object.");
domestic_dnsproxy_command = dnsproxy_config("4053", json->child, is_debug);
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "foreign")) { // foreign dnsproxy config
if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) {
error_exit("`foreign` must be a object.");
foreign_dnsproxy_command = dnsproxy_config("6053", json->child, is_debug);
json = json->next; // next field
if (domestic_dnsproxy_command == NULL) {
error_exit("Miss domestic DNS settings.");
if (foreign_dnsproxy_command == NULL) {
error_exit("Miss foreign DNS settings.");
cJSON_free(json_root); // free cJSON object
char** command_init(char *bin) {
return string_list_append(string_list_init(), bin);


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strList.bak>
#include "cJSON.h"
#include "flag.h"
char **adguard_command = NULL;
char **overture_command = NULL;
char **domestic_dnsproxy_command = NULL;
char **foreign_dnsproxy_command = NULL;
void error_exit(char *message);
char* read_file(char *file_name);
char** command_add_field(char **command_list, char *field);
char** dnsproxy_config(char *port, cJSON *json, int is_debug);
void load_start_command(char *adguard_workdir, char *overture_config, char *upstream_config, int is_debug);
void error_exit(char *message) { // exit with code 1
fprintf(stderr, "[ClearDNS] %s\n", message);
char* read_file(char *file_name) { // read file content
FILE *pfile = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (pfile == NULL) { // open failed
error_exit("File open failed.");
fseek(pfile, 0, SEEK_END);
long file_length = ftell(pfile); // get file length
char *file_content = (char*)malloc(file_length + 1); // malloc new memory
if (file_content == NULL) {
error_exit("No enough memory."); // file too large
fread(file_content, 1, file_length, pfile); // read file stream
file_content[file_length] = '\0'; // set end flag
return file_content;
char** command_add_field(char **command_list, char *field) { // add field into command
int num = 0;
while(command_list[num++] != NULL); // get options number
command_list = (char**)realloc(command_list, sizeof(char**) * (num + 1));
command_list[num - 1] = strcpy((char*)malloc(strlen(field) + 1), field);
command_list[num] = NULL; // end sign
return command_list;
char** dnsproxy_config(char *port, cJSON *json, int is_debug) { // generate dnsproxy command
char *bootstrap_dns = NULL;
cJSON *primary_dns = NULL;
cJSON *fallback_dns = NULL;
char **command_list = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 9);
command_list[0] = "dnsproxy";
command_list[1] = "--port";
command_list[2] = port; // listen port
command_list[3] = "--all-servers"; // parallel queries to all servers
command_list[4] = "--cache"; // enable DNS cache
command_list[5] = "--cache-size";
command_list[6] = "4194304"; // cache size -> 4MiB
command_list[7] = "--cache-optimistic"; // optimistic DNS cache
command_list[8] = NULL; // end sign
while (json != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(json->string, "bootstrap")) { // bootstrap DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsString(json)) {
error_exit("`bootstrap` must be a string.");
bootstrap_dns = json->valuestring;
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "primary")) { // primary DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) {
error_exit("`primary` must be a array.");
primary_dns = json->child;
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "fallback")) { // fallback DNS server
if (!cJSON_IsArray(json)) {
error_exit("`fallback` must be a array.");
fallback_dns = json->child;
json = json->next; // next field
if (bootstrap_dns != NULL) { // add bootstrap DNS server
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--bootstrap");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, bootstrap_dns);
if (primary_dns == NULL) { // primary DNS server required
error_exit("Miss primary DNS server.");
while (primary_dns != NULL) { // iterate over primary DNS server list
if (!cJSON_IsString(primary_dns)) {
error_exit("DNS Server should be a string.");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--upstream");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, primary_dns->valuestring);
primary_dns = primary_dns->next;
while (fallback_dns != NULL) { // iterate over fallback DNS server list
if (!cJSON_IsString(fallback_dns)) {
error_exit("DNS Server should be a string.");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--fallback");
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, fallback_dns->valuestring);
fallback_dns = fallback_dns->next;
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
command_list = command_add_field(command_list, "--verbose");
return command_list;
void load_start_command(char *adguard_workdir, char *overture_config, char *upstream_config, int is_debug) {
// AdGuardHome command
adguard_command = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 7);
adguard_command[0] = "AdGuardHome";
adguard_command[1] = "-w";
adguard_command[2] = adguard_workdir; // workdir for AdGuardHome
adguard_command[3] = "-p";
adguard_command[4] = "80"; // port for web manage
adguard_command[5] = "--no-check-update"; // skip check update (invalid in docker)
adguard_command[6] = NULL; // end sign
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
adguard_command = command_add_field(adguard_command, "--verbose");
// overture command
overture_command = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * 4);
overture_command[0] = "overture";
overture_command[1] = "-c";
overture_command[2] = overture_config;
overture_command[3] = NULL; // end sign
if (is_debug) { // debug mode
overture_command = command_add_field(overture_command, "-v");
// dnsproxy command
cJSON *json = NULL;
cJSON *json_root = cJSON_Parse(read_file(upstream_config));
if (json_root == NULL) {
error_exit("JSON format error.");
} else {
json = json_root->child;
while (json != NULL) {
if (!strcmp(json->string, "domestic")) { // domestic dnsproxy config
if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) {
error_exit("`domestic` must be a object.");
domestic_dnsproxy_command = dnsproxy_config("4053", json->child, is_debug);
} else if (!strcmp(json->string, "foreign")) { // foreign dnsproxy config
if (!cJSON_IsObject(json)) {
error_exit("`foreign` must be a object.");
foreign_dnsproxy_command = dnsproxy_config("6053", json->child, is_debug);
json = json->next; // next field
if (domestic_dnsproxy_command == NULL) {
error_exit("Miss domestic DNS settings.");
if (foreign_dnsproxy_command == NULL) {
error_exit("Miss foreign DNS settings.");
cJSON_free(json_root); // free cJSON object


@ -4,18 +4,6 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "strList.h"
char* show_bool(int value) {
if (value) {
return "true";
} else {
return "false";
char** command_init(char *file) {
return string_list_append(string_list_init(), file);
dnsproxy* dnsproxy_init(int port) {
dnsproxy *info = (dnsproxy*)malloc(sizeof(dnsproxy));
info->port = port;
@ -34,21 +22,20 @@ void dnsproxy_dump(char *caption, dnsproxy *info) {
log_debug("%s verify -> %s", caption, show_bool(info->verify));
log_debug("%s parallel -> %s", caption, show_bool(info->parallel));
log_debug("%s optimistic -> %s", caption, show_bool(info->optimistic));
log_debug("%s bootstrap -> %s", caption, string_list_dump(info->bootstrap));
log_debug("%s fallback -> %s", caption, string_list_dump(info->fallback));
log_debug("%s primary -> %s", caption, string_list_dump(info->primary));
log_debug("%s cache -> %s", caption, info->cache);
char **test = string_list_init();
test = string_list_append(test, "0");
test = string_list_append(test, "1");
test = string_list_append(test, "2");
void dnsproxy_add_primary(dnsproxy *info, char *server) {
info->primary = string_list_append(info->primary, server);
// char *test[] = {NULL};
// char *test[] = {"dnomd343", "2333", NULL};
log_warn("%s", string_list_dump(test));
log_warn("%d", string_list_len(test));
void dnsproxy_add_fallback(dnsproxy *info, char *server) {
info->fallback = string_list_append(info->fallback, server);
void dnsproxy_add_bootstrap(dnsproxy *info, char *server) {
info->bootstrap = string_list_append(info->bootstrap, server);
