This is a database project containing all klotski cases.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
9.1 KiB

4 years ago
## 库的调用
4 years ago
4 years ago
+ HRD_cal: 华容道快速计算器
+ HRD_analy: 华容道分析器
+ HRD_group: 华容道群组批量分析器
+ HRD_statistic: 华容道统计工具
### HRD_cal
+ 判断编码正确性
+ 对起始布局求解(仅返回搜索到的第一个最少步解的一个解法)
+ 找到两布局间最短路径(仅返回搜索到的第一条最短路径)
+ 找到起始布局衍生出的所有情况
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "HRD_cal.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Klotski fast calculator by Dnomd343" << endl;
4 years ago
cout << "----------------" << endl;
4 years ago
vector <unsigned long long> dat;
HRD_cal demo;
4 years ago
4 years ago
// 将编码转为文本(参数为unsigned long long 返回string类)
cout << "4FEA13400 is " << demo.Change_str(0x4FEA13400) << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
// 将文本转为编码(参数为*char 返回unsigned long long)
cout << "1a9bf0c00 is " << hex << demo.Change_int("1A9BF0C00") << dec << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
// 检测编码的正确性
4 years ago
cout << "Check the code: 123456789 -> ";
4 years ago
if (demo.Check_Code(0x123456789) == false) {
cout << "Code error!" << endl;
4 years ago
} else {
cout << "No problem" << endl;
4 years ago
4 years ago
cout << "----------------" << endl;
4 years ago
// 计算最少步数(参数为unsigned long long 返回vector类)
dat = demo.Calculate(0x1A9BF0C00);
cout << demo.Change_str(0x1A9BF0C00) << "'s solution";
cout << " need at least " << dat.size() - 1 << " steps" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dat.size(); i++) {
cout << i << ": " << demo.Change_str(dat[i]) << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
// 计算到某一布局的最短路径(参数均为unsigned long long 分别为起始编码和目标编码 返回vector类)
dat = demo.Calculate(0x1A9BF0C00, 0x1ABE70C00);
cout << demo.Change_str(0x1A9BF0C00) << " to " << demo.Change_str(0x1ABE70C00);
cout << " need at least " << dat.size() - 1 << " steps" << endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dat.size(); i++) {
cout << i << ": " << demo.Change_str(dat[i]) << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
// 计算某一布局衍生出的所有布局
dat = demo.Calculate_All(0x1A9BF0C00);
cout << demo.Change_str(0x1A9BF0C00) << " can derive " << dat.size() << " cases" << endl;
cout << "----------------" << endl;
return 0;
### HRD_analy
+ 编码解析为具体排列
+ 检查编码是否合法
4 years ago
+ 检测编码是否左右对称
4 years ago
+ 根据起始布局分析出层级结构,包括各层间的链接关系
+ 得到布局的具体参数,包括全部最远布局、全部最少步解、全部合法解及其步数
+ 将分析结果导出到文件
#include <iostream>
#include "HRD_analy.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Klotski Analyser by Dnomd343" << endl;
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
HRD_analy demo;
4 years ago
// 判断编码是否左右对称
cout << "Check Mirror(code: 1A9BF0C00) -> ";
if (demo.Is_Mirror(0x1A9BF0C00)) {
cout << "yes" << endl;
} else {
cout << "no" << endl;
cout << "Check Mirror(code: 4FEA13400) -> ";
if (demo.Is_Mirror(0x4FEA13400)) {
cout << "yes" << endl;
} else {
cout << "no" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
// 显示编码的实际布局样式
4 years ago
cout << "Show 1A9BF0C00: " << endl;
4 years ago
demo.Output_Graph(0x1A9BF0C00, 4, 1, "&%");
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
// 解译编码
cout << "code: " << demo.Change_str(demo.Parse_dat.code) << endl;
cout << "status" << endl;
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
if (demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y] <= 9) { // 0 ~ 9
cout << int(demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y]) << " ";
} else if (demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y] <= 0xE) { // A ~ E
cout << char(demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y] + 55) << " ";
} else if (demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y] == 0xFE) { // space
cout << ". ";
} else if (demo.Parse_dat.status[x][y] == 0xFF) { // undefined
cout << "* ";
} else { // error
cout << "! ";
cout << endl;
cout << "type" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
if (i < 10) {
cout << i;
} else {
cout << char(i + 55);
cout << " -> ";
switch (demo.Parse_dat.type[i]) {
case 0:
cout << "2 * 2" << endl;
case 1:
cout << "2 * 1" << endl;
case 2:
cout << "1 * 2" << endl;
case 3:
cout << "1 * 1" << endl;
cout << "undefined" << endl;
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
// 分析布局
demo.quiet = false; // 输出分析状态
demo.Output_Detail("demo-1A9BF0C00.txt"); // 输出分析结果到文件
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
// 查看某布局的前后情况
4 years ago
int num = 29, index = 190;
cout << "Case near (num = " << num << ", index = " << index << ")" << endl;
// 得到全部父节点数据
for (int k = 0; k < demo.Layer[num][index]->source_case->size(); k++) {
cout << "(" << demo.Layer[num][index]->source_case->at(k)->layer_num;
cout << "," << demo.Layer[num][index]->source_case->at(k)->layer_index << ") = ";
cout << demo.Change_str(demo.Layer[num][index]->source_case->at(k)->code);
if (k + 1 != demo.Layer[num][index]->source_case->size()) {
cout << " / ";
4 years ago
4 years ago
// 得到本节点数据
cout << " -> ";
cout << "(" << num << "," << index << ") = " << demo.Change_str(demo.Layer[num][index]->code);
cout << " -> ";
// 得到全部子节点数据
for (int k = 0; k < demo.Layer[num][index]->next_case->size(); k++) {
cout << "(" << demo.Layer[num][index]->next_case->at(k)->layer_num;
cout << "," << demo.Layer[num][index]->next_case->at(k)->layer_index << ") = ";
cout << demo.Change_str(demo.Layer[num][index]->next_case->at(k)->code);
if (k + 1 != demo.Layer[num][index]->next_case->size()) {
cout << " / ";
4 years ago
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
4 years ago
return 0;
### HRD_group
+ 搜索某一群组全部元素的具体参数(输入群组中任一布局编码)
+ 排列分析多个群组(输入储存种子编码的文件名)
#include <iostream>
#include "HRD_group.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Klotski batch analyser by Dnomd343" << endl;
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
HRD_group demo;
// 计算群组中所有元素的具体参数并输出到文件(此处即计算1A9BF0C00所在群的数据)
demo.Batch_Analyse(0x1A9BF0C00, "farthest.csv", "solution.csv", true);
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
// 计算多个群组的分析信息,同时合并输出到文件(编码储存于5-4-0.txt中,最后一行切不可为空)
demo.Multi_Analyse("5-4-0.txt", "farthest_5-4-0.csv", "solution_5-4-0.csv", true);
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
return 0;
### HRD_statistic
+ 搜索全部合法的华容道布局编码
+ 计算搜索到编码分类,即各布局的jiang_num-bing_num-style_num-group_num-group_index信息
+ 取各群组的种子编码输出到文件
#include <iostream>
#include "HRD_statistic.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Klotski statistician by Dnomd343" << endl;
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
HRD_statistic demo;
// 找到全部合法的编码
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
// 找到全部合法的编码并进行分类输出
4 years ago
cout << "---------------------------" << endl;
4 years ago
return 0;