@ -2,17 +2,38 @@ VERSION 5.00 |
Begin VB.Form Form_main |
AutoRedraw = -1 'True |
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single |
Caption = "HRD Visual v0.0 by Dnomd343" |
Caption = "HRD Visual v0.1 by Dnomd343" |
ClientHeight = 6585 |
ClientLeft = 45 |
ClientTop = 390 |
ClientWidth = 4830 |
ClientWidth = 9390 |
LinkTopic = "Form1" |
MaxButton = 0 'False |
MinButton = 0 'False |
ScaleHeight = 6585 |
ScaleWidth = 4830 |
ScaleWidth = 9390 |
StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心 |
Begin VB.Timer Timer1 |
Interval = 100 |
Left = 8280 |
Top = 5385 |
End |
Begin VB.TextBox Text_debug |
Height = 5190 |
Left = 5505 |
MultiLine = -1 'True |
TabIndex = 3 |
Top = 495 |
Width = 2250 |
End |
Begin VB.CommandButton Command_Get_Code |
Caption = "生成编码" |
Height = 465 |
Left = 210 |
TabIndex = 2 |
Top = 5970 |
Width = 975 |
End |
Begin VB.CommandButton Command_Print |
Caption = "解译编码" |
Height = 465 |
@ -46,13 +67,36 @@ Attribute VB_Creatable = False |
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True |
Attribute VB_Exposed = False |
Option Explicit |
Dim print_now As Boolean |
Dim click_x As Integer, click_y As Integer |
Dim click_x_ As Integer, click_y_ As Integer |
Dim mouse_x As Integer, mouse_y As Integer |
Dim output As Case_size |
Dim case_main As Case_detail |
Dim exclude(-1 To 1, -1 To 1) As Boolean |
Private Sub Command_Get_Code_Click() |
Text_Code = Get_Code(case_main) |
End Sub |
Private Sub Form_Load() |
Call Parse_Code("4FEA13400") |
case_main = Parse_data |
print_now = False |
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer |
For i = 0 To 14 |
case_main.kind(i) = 255 |
Next i |
For i = 0 To 3 |
For j = 0 To 4 |
case_main.status(i, j) = 254 |
Next j |
Next i |
'Call Parse_Code("4FEA13400") |
'Call Parse_Code("5000300C0") |
'case_main = Parse_data |
output.start_x = 150 |
output.start_y = 150 |
'output.start_x = 0 |
'output.start_y = 0 |
output.square_width = 1000 |
output.gap = 100 |
style.block_line_width = 1 |
@ -61,7 +105,14 @@ Private Sub Form_Load() |
style.case_line_color = RGB(0, 158, 240) |
style.block_color = RGB(225, 245, 255) |
style.case_color = RGB(248, 254, 255) |
' case_main.status(1, 1) = 254 |
' case_main.status(1, 2) = 254 |
' case_main.status(2, 1) = 254 |
' case_main.status(2, 2) = 254 |
' case_main.kind(0) = 255 |
Call Output_case(Form_main, case_main, output) |
'Call Get_Code(case_main) |
End Sub |
Private Sub Command_Print_Click() |
If Len(Text_Code) <> 9 Then MsgBox "编码有误", , "提示": Exit Sub |
@ -72,6 +123,235 @@ Private Sub Command_Print_Click() |
MsgBox "编码有误", , "提示" |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) |
Dim x_ As Integer, y_ As Integer |
Dim block_x As Single, block_y As Single |
block_x = Get_block_x(X) |
block_y = Get_block_y(Y) |
If Int(block_x) <> block_x Then Exit Sub |
If Int(block_y) <> block_y Then Exit Sub |
If block_x < 1 Or block_x > 4 Then Exit Sub |
If block_y < 1 Or block_y > 5 Then Exit Sub |
click_x = block_x |
click_y = block_y |
click_x_ = X |
click_y_ = Y |
If case_main.status(click_x - 1, click_y - 1) <> 254 Then Exit Sub |
For y_ = -1 To 1 |
For x_ = -1 To 1 |
exclude(x_, y_) = False |
Next x_ |
Next y_ |
If case_main.kind(0) <> 255 Then exclude(-1, -1) = True: exclude(-1, 1) = True: exclude(1, -1) = True: exclude(1, 1) = True |
If click_x = 1 Then exclude(-1, -1) = True: exclude(-1, 0) = True: exclude(-1, 1) = True |
If click_x = 4 Then exclude(1, -1) = True: exclude(1, 0) = True: exclude(1, 1) = True |
If click_y = 1 Then exclude(-1, -1) = True: exclude(0, -1) = True: exclude(1, -1) = True |
If click_y = 5 Then exclude(-1, 1) = True: exclude(0, 1) = True: exclude(1, 1) = True |
For y_ = -1 To 1 |
For x_ = -1 To 1 |
If click_x + x_ >= 1 And click_x + x_ <= 4 And click_y + y_ >= 1 And click_y + y_ <= 5 Then |
If case_main.status(click_x + x_ - 1, click_y + y_ - 1) <> 254 Then exclude(x_, y_) = True |
End If |
Next x_ |
Next y_ |
print_now = True |
Call Form_MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y) |
End Sub |
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) |
If print_now = False Then Exit Sub |
Form_main.Cls |
Call Output_case(Form_main, case_main, output) |
Dim delta_x As Integer, delta_y As Integer |
Dim print_x As Integer, print_y As Integer |
Dim print_width As Integer, print_height As Integer |
delta_x = Get_block_x(X) - click_x |
delta_y = Get_block_y(Y) - click_y |
If Abs(delta_x) <> 0 Then delta_x = delta_x / Abs(delta_x) |
If Abs(delta_y) <> 0 Then delta_y = delta_y / Abs(delta_y) |
mouse_x = click_x |
mouse_y = click_y |
If Abs(delta_x) + Abs(delta_y) = 1 Then |
If exclude(delta_x, delta_y) = False Then |
mouse_x = click_x + delta_x |
mouse_y = click_y + delta_y |
End If |
End If |
If Abs(delta_x) + Abs(delta_y) = 2 Then |
If exclude(delta_x, 0) = True And exclude(0, delta_y) = False Then |
mouse_y = click_y + delta_y |
End If |
If exclude(delta_x, 0) = False And exclude(0, delta_y) = True Then |
mouse_x = click_x + delta_x |
End If |
If exclude(delta_x, delta_y) = True And exclude(delta_x, 0) = False And exclude(0, delta_y) = False Then |
If Abs(click_x_ - X) > Abs(click_y_ - Y) Then |
mouse_x = click_x + delta_x |
Else |
mouse_y = click_y + delta_y |
End If |
End If |
If exclude(delta_x, delta_y) = False And exclude(delta_x, 0) = False And exclude(0, delta_y) = False Then |
mouse_x = click_x + delta_x |
mouse_y = click_y + delta_y |
End If |
End If |
print_x = (Get_min(click_x, mouse_x) - 1) * (output.square_width + output.gap) + output.gap + output.start_x ' 计算起始位置 |
print_y = (Get_min(click_y, mouse_y) - 1) * (output.square_width + output.gap) + output.gap + output.start_y |
If Abs(click_x - mouse_x) = 1 Then |
print_width = output.square_width * 2 + output.gap |
Else |
print_width = output.square_width |
End If |
If Abs(click_y - mouse_y) = 1 Then |
print_height = output.square_width * 2 + output.gap |
Else |
print_height = output.square_width |
End If |
Call Print_Block(Form_main, print_x, print_y, print_width, print_height, style.block_line_width, style.block_color, style.block_line_color) |
End Sub |
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) |
If print_now = False Then Exit Sub |
print_now = False |
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, num As Integer |
Dim empty_num As Integer |
Dim block_x As Integer, block_y As Integer |
Dim block_width As Integer, block_height As Integer |
block_x = Get_min(click_x, mouse_x) - 1 |
block_y = Get_min(click_y, mouse_y) - 1 |
block_width = Abs(click_x - mouse_x) + 1 |
block_height = Abs(click_y - mouse_y) + 1 |
empty_num = 0 |
If block_width = 2 And block_height = 2 Then |
For i = 0 To 3 |
For j = 0 To 4 |
If case_main.status(i, j) = 254 Then empty_num = empty_num + 1 |
Next j |
Next i |
If empty_num >= 6 Then |
case_main.kind(0) = 0 |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y) = 0 |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y + 1) = 0 |
case_main.status(block_x + 1, block_y) = 0 |
case_main.status(block_x + 1, block_y + 1) = 0 |
End If |
ElseIf block_width = 2 And block_height = 1 Then |
num = Get_empty_seat |
For i = 0 To 3 |
For j = 0 To 4 |
If case_main.status(i, j) = 254 Then empty_num = empty_num + 1 |
Next j |
Next i |
If num <> 0 And empty_num >= 4 Then |
case_main.kind(num) = 1 |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y) = num |
case_main.status(block_x + 1, block_y) = num |
End If |
ElseIf block_width = 1 And block_height = 2 Then |
num = Get_empty_seat |
For i = 0 To 3 |
For j = 0 To 4 |
If case_main.status(i, j) = 254 Then empty_num = empty_num + 1 |
Next j |
Next i |
If num <> 0 And empty_num >= 4 Then |
case_main.kind(num) = 2 |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y) = num |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y + 1) = num |
End If |
ElseIf block_width = 1 And block_height = 1 Then |
num = Get_empty_seat |
For i = 0 To 3 |
For j = 0 To 4 |
If case_main.status(i, j) = 254 Then empty_num = empty_num + 1 |
Next j |
Next i |
If num <> 0 And empty_num >= 3 Then |
case_main.kind(num) = 3 |
case_main.status(block_x, block_y) = num |
End If |
End If |
Call Output_case(Form_main, case_main, output) |
End Sub |
Private Function Get_empty_seat() As Integer |
Dim i As Integer |
Get_empty_seat = 0 |
For i = 1 To 14 |
If case_main.kind(i) = 255 Then |
Get_empty_seat = i |
Exit For |
End If |
Next i |
End Function |
Private Function Get_min(dat_1 As Integer, dat_2 As Integer) As Integer |
If dat_1 > dat_2 Then |
Get_min = dat_2 |
Else |
Get_min = dat_1 |
End If |
End Function |
Private Function Get_block_x(dat As Single) As Single ' 间隔上返回*.5 左越界返回0 右越界返回5 |
dat = dat - output.start_x |
Get_block_x = -1 |
Dim i As Integer |
For i = 1 To 4 |
If dat > output.gap * i + output.square_width * (i - 1) And dat < (output.gap + output.square_width) * i Then Get_block_x = i |
If dat >= (output.gap + output.square_width) * i And dat <= output.gap * (i + 1) + output.square_width * i Then Get_block_x = i + 0.5 |
Next i |
If dat > (output.gap + output.square_width) * 4 Then Get_block_x = 5 |
If dat < output.gap Then Get_block_x = 0 |
dat = dat + output.start_x |
End Function |
Private Function Get_block_y(dat As Single) As Single ' 间隔上返回*.5 上越界返回0 下越界返回6 |
dat = dat - output.start_y |
Get_block_y = -1 |
Dim i As Integer |
For i = 1 To 5 |
If dat > output.gap * i + output.square_width * (i - 1) And dat < (output.gap + output.square_width) * i Then Get_block_y = i |
If dat >= (output.gap + output.square_width) * i And dat <= output.gap * (i + 1) + output.square_width * i Then Get_block_y = i + 0.5 |
Next i |
If dat > (output.gap + output.square_width) * 5 Then Get_block_y = 6 |
If dat < output.gap Then Get_block_y = 0 |
dat = dat + output.start_y |
End Function |
Private Sub Text_Code_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) |
If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command_Print_Click |
End Sub |
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() |
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer |
Dim debug_dat As String |
debug_dat = "" |
For j = 0 To 4 |
For i = 0 To 3 |
If case_main.status(i, j) = 254 Then |
debug_dat = debug_dat & "- " |
Else |
debug_dat = debug_dat & case_main.status(i, j) & " " |
End If |
Next i |
debug_dat = debug_dat & vbCrLf |
Next j |
For i = 0 To 14 |
debug_dat = debug_dat & Trim(i) & ": " & case_main.kind(i) & vbCrLf |
Next i |
Text_debug = debug_dat |
End Sub |