Option Explicit dim fso, file dim cmd, dat dim jiang_num, bing_num, style_num set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If not fso.folderExists("../build/cal_sh") Then fso.CreateFolder("../build/cal_sh") for jiang_num = 0 to 7 for bing_num = 0 to 14 - jiang_num * 2 set file = fso.CreateTextFile("../build/cal_sh/" & jiang_num & "-" & bing_num & ".sh", true) cmd = "" for style_num = 0 to jiang_num if jiang_num = 7 and bing_num = 0 and style_num = 0 then style_num = 1 dat = jiang_num & "-" & bing_num & "-" & style_num cmd = cmd & "../engine --analy-multi-group ../seed/" & dat & ".txt " cmd = cmd & "../farthest/farthest_" & dat & ".csv ../solution/solution_" & dat & ".csv" & chr(10) next cmd = cmd & "touch " & jiang_num & "-" & bing_num & "_OK" file.Write(cmd) file.Close() next next msgbox "OK"