This is a database project containing all klotski cases.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

57 lines
2.2 KiB

#ifndef HRD_analy_H
#define HRD_analy_H
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class HRD_analy {
struct Case_near;
struct Case_cal {
bool freeze[4][5]; // true -> no move ; false -> can move
unsigned char status[4][5]; // 0xFF -> undefined ; 0xFE -> space
unsigned char type[15]; // 0 -> 2 * 2 ; 1 -> 2 * 1 ; 2 -> 1 * 2 ; 3 -> 1 * 1
unsigned long long code;
unsigned int layer_num;
unsigned int layer_index;
Case_near *adjacent;
struct Case_near {
vector <Case_cal *> source_case;
vector <Case_cal *> next_case;
vector <vector <Case_cal *> > Layer; // 储存全部层数据的节点
bool quiet = false; // true -> 静默模式 false -> 输出运算情况
// 布局的基本参数
int min_solution_step; // 最少的步数
int min_solution_num; // 最少步解的个数
vector <unsigned long long> min_solution_case; // 所有最少步解
vector <unsigned int> solution_step; // 所有解对应的步数
int solution_num; // 解的个数
vector <unsigned long long> solution_case; // 所有解
int farthest_step; // 最远布局的步数
int farthest_num; // 最远布局的个数
vector <unsigned long long> farthest_case; // 所有最远的布局
unsigned long long Change_int (char str[10]);
string Change_str(unsigned long long dat);
void Analyse_Case(unsigned long long code);
void Output_Detail(string File_name);
vector <Case_cal *> Layer_hash[0x10000]; // 哈希表
Case_cal *now_move_case;
unsigned int now_move_num, now_move_index; // 当前扫描节点的层编号 / 当前扫描节点的层中编号
bool Parse_Code(Case_cal &dat, unsigned long long Code);
void Get_Code(Case_cal &dat);
void Find_Sub_Case(Case_cal &dat, int &num, int x, int y, bool addr[4][5]);
void Build_Case(Case_cal &dat, int &num, int x, int y, bool addr[4][5]);
void Find_Next_Case(Case_cal &dat_raw);
void Add_Case(Case_cal *dat);
void Calculate(unsigned long long code);
void Free_Data();