A Klotski game with both computing and analysis.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

759 lines
25 KiB

5 years ago
Begin VB.Form Form_Favourite_Add
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
Caption = "�ҵ��ղ�"
ClientHeight = 5535
ClientLeft = 45
ClientTop = 390
ClientWidth = 3870
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
MinButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 5535
ScaleWidth = 3870
StartUpPosition = 2 '��Ļ����
5 years ago
Begin VB.TextBox Label_Code
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H8000000F&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
Height = 270
Left = 120
Locked = -1 'True
MousePointer = 1 'Arrow
TabIndex = 5
Text = "����:"
Top = 5200
Width = 495
Begin VB.TextBox Label_Name
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackColor = &H8000000F&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
Height = 270
Left = 120
Locked = -1 'True
MousePointer = 1 'Arrow
TabIndex = 4
Text = "����:"
Top = 4840
Width = 495
Begin VB.Timer Timer_Debug
Interval = 100
Left = 0
Top = 0
Begin VB.TextBox Text_Debug
Height = 5320
Left = 3880
MultiLine = -1 'True
TabIndex = 3
Top = 100
Width = 3375
5 years ago
Begin VB.CommandButton Command_Confirm
Caption = "ȷ��"
Height = 615
Left = 2640
5 years ago
TabIndex = 2
5 years ago
Top = 4800
Width = 1120
Begin VB.TextBox Text_Code
Alignment = 2 'Center
Height = 270
Left = 600
5 years ago
TabIndex = 1
5 years ago
Top = 5160
Width = 1935
Begin VB.TextBox Text_Name
Alignment = 2 'Center
Height = 270
Left = 600
5 years ago
TabIndex = 0
5 years ago
Top = 4800
Width = 1935
Attribute VB_Name = "Form_Favourite_Add"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
5 years ago
Dim Block(0 To 9) As Block_struct
5 years ago
Dim Exist(1 To 4, 1 To 5) As Boolean
Dim Block_index(1 To 4, 1 To 5) As Integer
5 years ago
Dim start_x As Integer, start_y As Integer, square_width As Integer, gap As Integer
5 years ago
Dim x_split(0 To 4) As Integer, y_split(0 To 5) As Integer
5 years ago
Dim limit(-1 To 1, -1 To 1) As Boolean
5 years ago
Dim click_mouse_x As Integer, click_mouse_y As Integer
Dim click_x As Integer, click_y As Integer, mouse_button As Integer, print_now As Boolean
Dim delta_x As Integer, delta_y As Integer, locked_x As Integer, locked_y As Integer
5 years ago
Private Sub Form_Load()
start_x = 120
start_y = 120
square_width = 815
gap = 75
5 years ago
print_now = False
5 years ago
favourite_add_confirm = False
5 years ago
If debug_mode = True Then
Form_Favourite_Add.width = 7425
Text_Debug.Visible = True
Form_Favourite_Add.width = 3960
Text_Debug.Visible = False
End If
5 years ago
If on_top = True Then
SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 Or 2
SetWindowPos Me.hwnd, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 Or 2
End If
5 years ago
Call init
Call Case_init
5 years ago
Text_Name = favourite_add_init_name
Text_Code = favourite_add_init_code
Call Text_Code_Change
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
favourite_add_save = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_DblClick()
If mouse_button = 2 Then
Call Case_init
Call Output_Graph
Text_Code = ""
End If
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Command_Confirm_Click()
5 years ago
If Text_Name = "" Then MsgBox "�㻹û����������", , "(��-��)": Text_Name.SetFocus: Exit Sub
5 years ago
Call Analyse(UCase(Text_Code))
5 years ago
If Check = False Then MsgBox "����������", , "(��-��)": Text_Code.SetFocus: Exit Sub
5 years ago
favourite_add_confirm = True
favourite_add_name = Text_Name
favourite_add_code = Text_Code
5 years ago
If favourite_add_save = True Then
favourite_add_save = False
Call Get_Favourite_Cases
ReDim Preserve Favourite_Cases_code(UBound(Favourite_Cases_code) + 1)
ReDim Preserve Favourite_Cases_name(UBound(Favourite_Cases_name) + 1)
Favourite_Cases_code(UBound(Favourite_Cases_code)) = favourite_add_code
Favourite_Cases_name(UBound(Favourite_Cases_name)) = favourite_add_name
Call Save_Favourite_Cases
End If
5 years ago
Unload Form_Favourite_Add
End Sub
Private Sub Text_Code_Change()
5 years ago
If print_now = True Then Exit Sub
5 years ago
Print_Block start_x, start_y, square_width * 4 + gap * 5, square_width * 5 + gap * 6, case_line_width, case_color, case_line_color
If Len(Text_Code) = 7 Then
5 years ago
Call Analyse(UCase(Text_Code))
5 years ago
If Check = True Then
Text_Code = UCase(Text_Code)
Call Output_Graph
End If
End If
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Label_Name_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Label_Code_Click()
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Text_Code_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call Command_Confirm_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Text_Name_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then Text_Code.SetFocus
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
click_mouse_x = X
click_mouse_y = Y
click_x = Get_block_x(Int(X))
click_y = Get_block_y(Int(Y))
mouse_button = Button
If click_x = 0 Or click_x = 5 Then Exit Sub
If click_y = 0 Or click_y = 6 Then Exit Sub
If Exist(click_x, click_y) = True Then
Call Clear_Block(Block_index(click_x, click_y))
Text_Code = ""
Call Output_Graph
Exit Sub
End If
If Not Button = 1 Then Exit Sub
Call check_limit(click_x, click_y)
print_now = True
Call Form_MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim print_x As Integer, print_y As Integer, print_width As Integer, print_height As Integer
If print_now = True Then
delta_x = Get_Signed(Get_block_x(Int(X)) - click_x)
delta_y = Get_Signed(Get_block_y(Int(Y)) - click_y)
If delta_x = 0 And delta_y = 0 Then
locked_x = click_x
locked_y = click_y
ElseIf Abs(delta_x) = 1 And Abs(delta_y) = 1 Then
locked_x = click_x + delta_x
locked_y = click_y + delta_y
If limit(delta_x, delta_y) = True And limit(delta_x, 0) = False And limit(0, delta_y) = False Then
If Abs(click_mouse_x - X) < Abs(click_mouse_y - Y) Then locked_x = click_x Else locked_y = click_y
End If
If limit(delta_x, 0) = True Then locked_x = click_x
If limit(0, delta_y) = True Then locked_y = click_y
ElseIf Abs(delta_x) = 1 And Abs(delta_y) = 0 Then
locked_y = click_y
If limit(delta_x, delta_y) = True Then locked_x = click_x Else locked_x = click_x + delta_x
ElseIf Abs(delta_x) = 0 And Abs(delta_y) = 1 Then
locked_x = click_x
If limit(delta_x, delta_y) = True Then locked_y = click_y Else locked_y = click_y + delta_y
End If
print_x = Get_Min(click_x, locked_x) * (square_width + gap) - square_width + start_x
print_y = Get_Min(click_y, locked_y) * (square_width + gap) - square_width + start_y
If locked_x = click_x Then print_width = square_width Else print_width = square_width * 2 + gap
If locked_y = click_y Then print_height = square_width Else print_height = square_width * 2 + gap
Call Output_Graph
Print_Block print_x, print_y, print_width, print_height, block_line_width, block_color, block_line_color
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Dim block_start_x As Integer, block_start_y As Integer, block_width As Integer, block_height As Integer
Dim addr As Integer, m As Integer
If print_now = True Then
block_start_x = Get_Min(click_x, locked_x)
block_start_y = Get_Min(click_y, locked_y)
block_width = Abs(click_x - locked_x) + 1
block_height = Abs(click_y - locked_y) + 1
addr = (block_start_y - 1) * 4 + block_start_x - 1
If block_width = 2 And block_height = 2 Then
If Block(0).address = 25 Then
Block(0).address = addr
Block(0).style = 0
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y) = True
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y + 1) = True
Exist(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y) = True
Exist(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y + 1) = True
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y) = 0
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y + 1) = 0
Block_index(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y) = 0
Block_index(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y + 1) = 0
End If
End If
If block_width = 2 And block_height = 1 Then
For m = 1 To 5
If Block(m).address = 25 Then
Block(m).address = addr
Block(m).style = 1
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y) = True
Exist(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y) = True
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y) = m
Block_index(block_start_x + 1, block_start_y) = m
Exit For
End If
Next m
End If
If block_width = 1 And block_height = 2 Then
For m = 1 To 5
If Block(m).address = 25 Then
Block(m).address = addr
Block(m).style = 2
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y) = True
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y + 1) = True
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y) = m
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y + 1) = m
Exit For
End If
Next m
End If
If block_width = 1 And block_height = 1 Then
For m = 6 To 9
If Block(m).address = 25 Then
Block(m).address = addr
Block(m).style = 3
Exist(block_start_x, block_start_y) = True
Block_index(block_start_x, block_start_y) = m
Exit For
End If
Next m
End If
Text_Code = ""
Call Output_Graph
If Check_Compete = True Then Text_Code = Get_Code
print_now = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub check_limit(X As Integer, Y As Integer)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = -1 To 1
For j = -1 To 1
limit(i, j) = False
Next j
Next i
If X = 1 Then
limit(-1, -1) = True: limit(-1, 0) = True: limit(-1, 1) = True
If Exist(X - 1, Y) = True Then limit(-1, -1) = True: limit(-1, 0) = True: limit(-1, 1) = True
If Not Y = 1 Then
If Exist(X - 1, Y - 1) = True Then limit(-1, -1) = True
End If
If Not Y = 5 Then
If Exist(X - 1, Y + 1) = True Then limit(-1, 1) = True
End If
End If
If X = 4 Then
limit(1, -1) = True: limit(1, 0) = True: limit(1, 1) = True
If Exist(X + 1, Y) = True Then limit(1, -1) = True: limit(1, 0) = True: limit(1, 1) = True
If Not Y = 1 Then
If Exist(X + 1, Y - 1) = True Then limit(1, -1) = True
End If
If Not Y = 5 Then
If Exist(X + 1, Y + 1) = True Then limit(1, 1) = True
End If
End If
If Y = 1 Then
limit(-1, -1) = True: limit(0, -1) = True: limit(1, -1) = True
If Exist(X, Y - 1) = True Then limit(-1, -1) = True: limit(0, -1) = True: limit(1, -1) = True
If Not X = 1 Then
If Exist(X - 1, Y - 1) = True Then limit(-1, -1) = True
End If
If Not X = 4 Then
If Exist(X + 1, Y - 1) = True Then limit(1, -1) = True
End If
End If
If Y = 5 Then
limit(-1, 1) = True: limit(0, 1) = True: limit(1, 1) = True
If Exist(X, Y + 1) = True Then limit(-1, 1) = True: limit(0, 1) = True: limit(1, 1) = True
If Not X = 1 Then
If Exist(X - 1, Y + 1) = True Then limit(-1, 1) = True
End If
If Not X = 4 Then
If Exist(X + 1, Y + 1) = True Then limit(1, 1) = True
End If
End If
If Not Block(0).address = 25 Then limit(-1, -1) = True: limit(-1, 1) = True: limit(1, -1) = True: limit(1, 1) = True
End Sub
Private Function Get_Min(num_1 As Integer, num_2 As Integer) As Integer
If num_1 < num_2 Then Get_Min = num_1 Else Get_Min = num_2
End Function
Private Function Get_Signed(num As Integer) As Integer
If num > 0 Then Get_Signed = 1
If num = 0 Then Get_Signed = 0
If num < 0 Then Get_Signed = -1
End Function
Private Function Get_block_x(X As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 4
If X >= x_split(i - 1) And X <= x_split(i) Then
Get_block_x = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If X < x_split(0) Then Get_block_x = 0
If X > x_split(4) Then Get_block_x = 5
End Function
Private Function Get_block_y(Y As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 5
If Y >= y_split(i - 1) And Y <= y_split(i) Then
Get_block_y = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Y < y_split(0) Then Get_block_y = 0
If Y > y_split(5) Then Get_block_y = 6
End Function
Private Sub init()
x_split(0) = start_x
x_split(1) = start_x + gap / 2 + square_width + gap
x_split(2) = start_x + gap / 2 + (square_width + gap) * 2
x_split(3) = start_x + gap / 2 + (square_width + gap) * 3
x_split(4) = start_x + gap + (square_width + gap) * 4
y_split(0) = start_y
y_split(1) = start_y + gap / 2 + square_width + gap
y_split(2) = start_y + gap / 2 + (square_width + gap) * 2
y_split(3) = start_y + gap / 2 + (square_width + gap) * 3
y_split(4) = start_y + gap / 2 + (square_width + gap) * 4
y_split(5) = start_y + gap + (square_width + gap) * 5
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Output_Graph()
5 years ago
Dim m, X, Y As Integer
5 years ago
Dim width As Integer, height As Integer
Print_Block start_x, start_y, square_width * 4 + gap * 5, square_width * 5 + gap * 6, case_line_width, case_color, case_line_color
For m = 0 To 9
If Block(m).address <> 25 Then
5 years ago
X = (Block(m).address Mod 4) * (square_width + gap) + gap + start_x
Y = Int(Block(m).address / 4) * (square_width + gap) + gap + start_y
5 years ago
If Block(m).style = 0 Or Block(m).style = 1 Then
width = square_width * 2 + gap
width = square_width
End If
If Block(m).style = 0 Or Block(m).style = 2 Then
height = square_width * 2 + gap
height = square_width
End If
5 years ago
Print_Block X, Y, width, height, block_line_width, block_color, block_line_color
5 years ago
End If
Next m
End Sub
Private Sub Print_Block(print_start_x, print_start_y, print_width, print_height, print_line_width, print_color, print_line_color)
If print_width < 0 Or print_height < 0 Then Exit Sub
FillStyle = 0
DrawWidth = print_line_width
FillColor = print_color
Line (print_start_x, print_start_y)-(print_start_x + print_width, print_start_y + print_height), print_color, B
Line (print_start_x, print_start_y)-(print_start_x + print_width, print_start_y + print_height), print_line_color, B
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Case_init()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 0 To 9
Block(i).address = 25
Block(i).style = 4
Next i
For i = 1 To 4
For j = 1 To 5
Exist(i, j) = False
Block_index(i, j) = 10
Next j
Next i
For i = -1 To 1
For j = -1 To 1
limit(i, j) = False
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Private Function Check_Compete()
Dim m As Integer
For m = 0 To 9
If Block(m).style = 4 Then
Check_Compete = False
Exit Function
End If
Next m
Check_Compete = True
End Function
Private Sub Clear_Block(m As Integer)
Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer, addr As Integer, style As Integer
addr = Block(m).address
style = Block(m).style
Block(m).address = 25
Block(m).style = 4
Y = Int(addr / 4) + 1
X = addr - (Y - 1) * 4 + 1
If style = 0 Then
Exist(X, Y) = False
Exist(X, Y + 1) = False
Exist(X + 1, Y) = False
Exist(X + 1, Y + 1) = False
Block_index(X, Y) = 10
Block_index(X, Y + 1) = 10
Block_index(X + 1, Y) = 10
Block_index(X + 1, Y + 1) = 10
End If
If style = 1 Then
Exist(X, Y) = False
Exist(X + 1, Y) = False
Block_index(X, Y) = 10
Block_index(X + 1, Y) = 10
End If
If style = 2 Then
Exist(X, Y) = False
Exist(X, Y + 1) = False
Block_index(X, Y) = 10
Block_index(X, Y + 1) = 10
End If
If style = 3 Then
Exist(X, Y) = False
Block_index(X, Y) = 10
End If
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Function Check() As Boolean
Dim temp(0 To 19) As Boolean
Dim addr As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 0 To 19
temp(i) = False
Next i
Check = True
If Block(0).style <> 0 Or Block(0).address > 20 Or Block(0).address < 0 Then
5 years ago
Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
addr = Block(0).address
5 years ago
If addr > 14 Or (addr Mod 4 = 3) Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
temp(addr) = True
temp(addr + 1) = True
temp(addr + 4) = True
temp(addr + 5) = True
End If
For i = 1 To 5
If Block(i).address > 20 Or Block(i).address < 0 Then
5 years ago
Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
ElseIf Block(i).style <> 1 And Block(i).style <> 2 Then
5 years ago
Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
addr = Block(i).address
If Block(i).style = 1 Then
5 years ago
If addr > 18 Or (addr Mod 4 = 3) Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
If temp(addr) = True Or temp(addr + 1) = True Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
temp(addr) = True
temp(addr + 1) = True
End If
If Block(i).style = 2 Then
5 years ago
If addr > 15 Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
If temp(addr) = True Or temp(addr + 4) = True Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
temp(addr) = True
temp(addr + 4) = True
End If
End If
Next i
For i = 6 To 9
If Block(i).style <> 3 Or Block(i).address > 20 Or Block(i).address < 0 Then
5 years ago
Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
addr = Block(i).address
5 years ago
If addr > 19 Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
If temp(addr) = True Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
temp(addr) = True
End If
Next i
j = 0
For i = 0 To 19
If temp(i) = False Then j = j + 1
Next i
5 years ago
If j <> 2 Then Check = False: GoTo check_err
5 years ago
End Function
5 years ago
Private Function Get_Code() As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim temp(20) As Boolean
Dim Table(20) As Integer
Dim dat(1 To 12) As Integer
Dim code As String
Dim i As Integer, addr As Integer, style As Integer, num As Integer
For i = 0 To 19
temp(i) = False
Table(i) = 10
Next i
For i = 0 To 9
If Block(i).style = 0 Then
Table(Block(i).address) = i
Table(Block(i).address + 1) = i
Table(Block(i).address + 4) = i
Table(Block(i).address + 5) = i
ElseIf Block(i).style = 1 Then
Table(Block(i).address) = i
Table(Block(i).address + 1) = i
ElseIf Block(i).style = 2 Then
Table(Block(i).address) = i
Table(Block(i).address + 4) = i
ElseIf Block(i).style = 3 Then
Table(Block(i).address) = i
End If
Next i
temp(Block(0).address) = True
temp(Block(0).address + 1) = True
temp(Block(0).address + 4) = True
temp(Block(0).address + 5) = True
If Block(0).address < 10 Then
code = code & Block(0).address
code = code & Chr(Block(0).address + 55)
End If
addr = 0
num = 1
For i = 1 To 11
While (temp(addr) = True)
If addr < 19 Then
addr = addr + 1
Exit Function
End If
If Table(addr) = 10 Then
temp(addr) = True
dat(num) = 0: num = num + 1
style = Block(Table(addr)).style
If style = 1 Then
temp(addr) = True
temp(addr + 1) = True
dat(num) = 1: num = num + 1
ElseIf style = 2 Then
temp(addr) = True
temp(addr + 4) = True
dat(num) = 2: num = num + 1
ElseIf style = 3 Then
temp(addr) = True
dat(num) = 3: num = num + 1
End If
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To 6
num = dat(i * 2 - 1) * 4 + dat(i * 2)
If num < 10 Then
code = code & num
code = code & Chr(num + 55)
End If
Next i
Get_Code = code
End Function
Private Sub Analyse(code As String)
Dim m As Integer, addr As Integer, X As Integer, Y As Integer
Call Analyse_Code(code)
5 years ago
If Check = False Then Call Case_init: Exit Sub
5 years ago
For X = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To 5
Block_index(X, Y) = 10
Exist(X, Y) = False
Next Y
Next X
For m = 0 To 9
addr = Block(m).address
Y = Int(addr / 4) + 1
X = addr - (Y - 1) * 4 + 1
If Block(m).style = 0 Then
Block_index(X, Y) = 0
Block_index(X, Y + 1) = 0
Block_index(X + 1, Y) = 0
Block_index(X + 1, Y + 1) = 0
End If
If Block(m).style = 1 Then
Block_index(X, Y) = m
Block_index(X + 1, Y) = m
End If
If Block(m).style = 2 Then
Block_index(X, Y) = m
Block_index(X, Y + 1) = m
End If
If Block(m).style = 3 Then
Block_index(X, Y) = m
End If
Next m
For X = 1 To 4
For Y = 1 To 5
If Block_index(X, Y) <> 10 Then Exist(X, Y) = True
Next Y
Next X
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Analyse_Code(code As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim temp(1 To 12) As Integer
Dim i, addr, style As Integer
Dim type_1, type_2, type_3 As Integer
Dim Table(0 To 19) As Integer
Dim num As Integer, b1 As Integer, b2 As Integer
Dim dat As String
For i = 1 To 6
dat = Mid(code, i + 1, 1)
If Asc(dat) >= 48 And Asc(dat) <= 57 Then num = Int(dat)
If Asc(dat) >= 65 And Asc(dat) <= 70 Then num = Asc(dat) - 55
b1 = num Mod 4
b2 = (num - b1) / 4 Mod 4
temp(i * 2 - 1) = b2
temp(i * 2) = b1
Next i
type_1 = 0: type_2 = 0: type_3 = 5
For i = 0 To 19
Table(i) = 69
Next i
For i = 0 To 9
Block(i).address = 69
Block(i).style = 69
Next i
dat = Left(code, 1)
If Asc(dat) >= 48 And Asc(dat) <= 57 Then num = Int(dat)
If Asc(dat) >= 65 And Asc(dat) <= 70 Then num = Asc(dat) - 55
Block(0).address = num
Block(0).style = 0
If Block(0).address > 14 Then GoTo err
Table(Block(0).address) = 0
Table(Block(0).address + 1) = 0
Table(Block(0).address + 4) = 0
Table(Block(0).address + 5) = 0
addr = 0
For i = 1 To 11
Do While Table(addr) <> 69
If addr < 19 Then
addr = addr + 1
Exit Do
End If
style = temp(i)
If style = 0 Then
Table(addr) = 10
ElseIf style = 1 Then
If type_2 < 5 Then type_2 = type_2 + 1
If addr > 18 Then GoTo err
Block(type_2).style = 1
Block(type_2).address = addr
Table(addr) = type_2
Table(addr + 1) = type_2
ElseIf style = 2 Then
If type_2 < 5 Then type_2 = type_2 + 1
If addr > 15 Then GoTo err
Block(type_2).style = 2
Block(type_2).address = addr
Table(addr) = type_2
Table(addr + 4) = type_2
ElseIf style = 3 Then
If type_3 < 9 Then type_3 = type_3 + 1
Block(type_3).style = 3
Block(type_3).address = addr
Table(addr) = type_3
End If
Next i
End Sub
5 years ago
Private Sub Timer_Debug_Timer()
Dim debug_dat As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, m As Integer
For m = 0 To 9
debug_dat = debug_dat & "Block[" & m & "] -> address = " & Block(m).address & " style = " & Block(m).style
If m <> 9 Then debug_dat = debug_dat & vbCrLf
Next m
debug_dat = debug_dat & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & " exist block_index limit" & vbCrLf
For j = 1 To 5
For i = 1 To 4
If Exist(i, j) Then
debug_dat = debug_dat & "$$ "
debug_dat = debug_dat & "[] "
End If
Next i
debug_dat = debug_dat & " "
For i = 1 To 4
If Block_index(i, j) = 10 Then
debug_dat = debug_dat & "A "
debug_dat = debug_dat & Trim(Block_index(i, j)) & " "
End If
Next i
debug_dat = debug_dat & " "
If j <= 3 Then
For i = -1 To 1
If limit(i, j - 2) = True Then
debug_dat = debug_dat & "$$ "
debug_dat = debug_dat & "[] "
End If
Next i
End If
debug_dat = debug_dat & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Next j
debug_dat = debug_dat & "click_mouse_x=" & click_mouse_x & vbCrLf & "click_mouse_y=" & click_mouse_y & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & "click_x=" & click_x & " " & "click_y=" & click_y & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & "delta_x=" & delta_x & " " & "delta_y=" & delta_y & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & "locked_x=" & locked_x & " " & "locked_y=" & locked_y & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & "print_now=" & print_now & vbCrLf
debug_dat = debug_dat & "favourite_add_save=" & favourite_add_save & vbCrLf
Text_Debug = debug_dat
End Sub