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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from ProxyBuilder import V2ray
baseConfig = V2ray.baseConfig
def __secureConfig(secureInfo: dict or None) -> dict: # TLS/XTLS加密传输配置
if secureInfo is None:
return {}
secureObject = {
'allowInsecure': not secureInfo['verify']
if secureInfo['alpn'] is not None:
secureObject['alpn'] = secureInfo['alpn'].split(',')
if secureInfo['sni'] != '':
secureObject['serverName'] = secureInfo['sni']
if secureInfo['type'] == 'tls':
return {
'security': 'tls',
'tlsSettings': secureObject
elif secureInfo['type'] == 'xtls':
return {
'security': 'xtls',
'xtlsSettings': secureObject
raise Exception('Unknown secure type')
def wsConfig(streamInfo: dict, secureFunc) -> dict: # WebSocket传输方式配置
wsObject = {
'path': streamInfo['path']
if streamInfo['host'] != '':
wsObject['headers'] = {}
wsObject['headers']['Host'] = streamInfo['host']
if streamInfo['ed'] is not None: # ed参数写入路径 -> /...?ed=xxx
if wsObject['path'].find('?') == -1: # 原路径不带参数
wsObject['path'] += '?ed=' + str(streamInfo['ed'])
wsObject['path'] += '&ed=' + str(streamInfo['ed'])
return {**{
'network': 'ws',
'wsSettings': wsObject
}, **secureFunc(streamInfo['secure'])}
def xrayStreamConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # 生成xray传输方式配置
streamType = streamInfo['type']
if streamType == 'tcp':
return V2ray.tcpConfig(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
elif streamType == 'kcp':
return V2ray.kcpConfig(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
elif streamType == 'ws':
return wsConfig(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
elif streamType == 'h2':
return V2ray.h2Config(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
elif streamType == 'quic':
return V2ray.quicConfig(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
elif streamType == 'grpc':
return V2ray.grpcConfig(streamInfo, __secureConfig)
raise Exception('Unknown stream type')