You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
from ProxyDecoder import baseFunc
def __trojanGoDecode(url: str) -> dict:
FORMAT: trojan-go://$(password)@server:port/?{fields}#$(remark)
sni -> TLS SNI
type -> original / ws
host -> WebSocket Host
path -> WebSocket Path
encryption -> urlEncode(ss;aes-256-gcm;ss-password)
plugin -> urlEncode(pluginName;pluginOption) -> officially undefined (refer to SIP002 scheme)
match ='^trojan-go://([\S]+?)(#[\S]*)?$', url) # trojan-go://...#REMARK
remark = baseFunc.urlDecode(
match[2][1:] if match[2] is not None else ''
match =
r'^([\S]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9.:\-_\[\]]+)/?([\S]*)$', match[1] # $(password)@server[:port]/?...
info = {
'passwd': baseFunc.urlDecode(match[1]),
'remark': remark
params = baseFunc.paramSplit(match[3])
match =
r'^([a-zA-Z0-9.:\-_\[\]]+?)(:([0-9]{1,5}))?$', match[2] # server[:port]
info['server'] = baseFunc.formatHost(match[1])
info['port'] = int(match[3]) if match[3] is not None else 443
if 'sni' in params:
info['sni'] = params['sni']
if 'type' in params:
if params['type'] not in ['', 'original', 'ws']:
raise Exception('Unknown Trojan-Go network type')
if params['type'] == 'ws': # WebSocket mode
info['ws'] = {}
if 'host' in params:
info['ws']['host'] = params['host']
if 'path' in params:
info['ws']['path'] = params['path']
if 'encryption' in params and params['encryption'] not in ['', 'none']: # shadowsocks encrypt
match =
r'^ss;([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+):([\S]+)$', params['encryption']
info['ss'] = {
'method': match[1],
'passwd': match[2]
if 'plugin' in params and params['plugin'] not in ['', 'none']: # SIP003 plugin
match =
r'^([\S]+?)(;([\S]+))?$', params['plugin']
info['plugin'] = {
'type': match[1],
'param': match[3] if match[3] is not None else ''
return info
def decode(url: str) -> dict:
if url.split('://')[0] != 'trojan-go':
raise Exception('Unexpected scheme')
return {
**{'type': 'trojan-go'},