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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SIP002:
# SS Plain:
from Utils.Logger import logger
from Utils.Common import urlDecode, b64Decode
from Utils.Common import checkScheme, splitTag
def ss(url: str) -> dict:
FORMAT: ss://method:password@hostname:port[#TAG]
config = {
'type': 'ss',
'info': {}
info = config['info']
logger.debug('Shadowsocks url decode -> %s' % url)
url, config['name'] = splitTag(checkScheme(url, 'ss', 'Shadowsocks'), fromRight = True)
userinfo, url = b64Decode(url).rsplit('@', 1)
userinfo, url = url.rsplit('@', 1)
info['server'], info['port'] = url.rsplit(':', 1)
info['method'], info['passwd'] = userinfo.split(':', 1)
logger.debug('Shadowsocks url release -> %s' % config)
return config
def sip002(url: str) -> dict:
FORMAT: ss://userinfo@hostname:port [ "/" ] [ "?" plugin ] [ #tag ]
userinfo => method:password or websafe-base64-encode-utf8(method:password)
config = {
'type': 'ss',
'info': {}
info = config['info']
logger.debug('SIP002 url decode -> %s' % url)
url, config['name'] = splitTag(checkScheme(url, 'ss', 'SIP002'))
userinfo, url = url.rsplit('@', 1)
userinfo = b64Decode(userinfo) # userinfo encode base64 is optional
userinfo = urlDecode(userinfo) # not base64 decode -> url encode format
info['method'], info['passwd'] = userinfo.split(':', 1)
url = url.replace('/?plugin=', '?plugin=') # remove `/` character
if '?plugin=' in url: # with sip003 plugin
url, plugin = url.split('?plugin=', 1)
plugin = urlDecode(plugin).split(';', 1)
info['plugin'] = {
'type': plugin[0],
'param': '' if len(plugin) == 1 else plugin[1] # default as empty string
info['server'], info['port'] = url.rsplit(':', 1)
logger.debug('SIP002 url release -> %s' % config)
return config