You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

156 lines
4.2 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import json
logLevel = 'warning'
def __baseConfig(socksPort: int, outboundObject: dict) -> dict: # v2ray配置生成
return {
'log': {
'loglevel': logLevel
'inbounds': [
'port': socksPort,
'listen': '',
'protocol': 'socks',
'settings': {
'udp': True,
'auth': 'noauth'
'outbounds': [
def __secureConfig(secureInfo: dict or None) -> dict: # TLS加密传输配置
if secureInfo is None:
return {}
return {
'security': 'tls',
'tlsSettings': {
'allowInsecure': not secureInfo['verify']
# sni
# alpn
def __tcpConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # TCP传输方式配置
tcpObject = {}
return {**{
'network': 'tcp',
'tcpSettings': tcpObject
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __kcpConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # mKCP传输方式配置
kcpObject = {}
return {**{
'network': 'kcp',
'kcpSettings': kcpObject
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __wsConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # WebSocket传输方式配置
wsObject = {}
return {**{
'network': 'ws',
'wsSettings': wsObject
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __h2Config(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # HTTP/2传输方式配置
h2Object = {}
return {**{
'network': 'h2',
'httpSettings': h2Object
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __quicConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # QUIC传输方式配置
quicObject = {}
return {**{
'network': 'quic',
'quicSettings': quicObject
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __grpcConfig(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # gRPC传输方式配置
grpcObject = {}
return {**{
'network': 'grpc',
'grpcSettings': grpcObject
}, **__secureConfig(streamInfo['secure'])}
def __vmessConfig(proxyInfo: dict) -> dict: # VMess节点配置
streamType = proxyInfo['stream']['type']
if streamType == 'tcp':
streamObject = __tcpConfig(proxyInfo['stream'])
elif streamType == 'kcp':
streamObject = __kcpConfig(proxyInfo['stream'])
elif streamType == 'ws':
streamObject = __wsConfig(proxyInfo['stream'])
elif streamType == 'h2':
streamObject = __h2Config(proxyInfo['stream'])
elif streamType == 'quic':
streamObject = __quicConfig(proxyInfo['stream'])
elif streamType == 'grpc':
streamObject = __grpcConfig(proxyInfo['stream'])
raise Exception('Unknown stream type')
return {
'protocol': 'vmess',
'settings': {
'vnext': [
'address': proxyInfo['server'],
'port': proxyInfo['port'],
'users': [
'id': proxyInfo['id'],
'alterId': proxyInfo['aid'],
'security': proxyInfo['method']
'streamSettings': streamObject
def load(proxyInfo: dict, socksPort: int, configFile: str) -> tuple[list or None, str or None, dict or None]:
proxyInfo: 节点信息
socksPort: 本地通讯端口
configFile: 配置文件路径
return None, None, None
return startCommand, fileContent, envVar
config = __baseConfig(socksPort, __vmessConfig(proxyInfo))
return ['v2ray', '-c', configFile], json.dumps(config), {}
info = {
'server': '',
'port': 12345,
'method': 'aes-128-gcm',
'id': 'eb6273f1-a98f-59f6-ba52-945f11dee100',
'aid': 64,
'stream': {
'type': 'tcp',
'obfs': None,
'secure': {
'sni': '',
'alpn': 'h2,http/1.1',
'verify': True
ret = load(info, 1080, '/tmp/ProxyC/test.json')