You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
7.2 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import json
import redis
import random
from flask import Flask, request
apiPath = '/'
api = Flask(__name__)
redisPort = 6379
redisHost = 'localhost'
redisPrefix = 'proxyc-'
accessToken = 'dnomd343'
def httpPostArg(field: str): # 获取HTTP POST参数
if request.values.get(field) != None: # application/x-www-form-urlencoded
return request.values.get(field)
elif request.json.get(field) != None: # application/json
return request.json.get(field)
elif request.form.get(field) != None: # multipart/form-data
return request.form.get(field)
return None
def genRandomId(length = 24): # 生成随机ID
tag = ''
for i in range(0, length):
tmp = random.randint(0, 15)
if tmp >= 10:
tag += chr(tmp + 87) # a ~ f
tag += str(tmp) # 0 ~ 9
return tag
def genError(message: str): # 生成JSON错误回复
return {
'success': False,
'message': message
def addCheckTask(priority, checkList, proxyList): # 检测任务加入数据库
tagList = []
for proxyInfo in proxyList:
tag = genRandomId(32) # 32位检测ID
redisObject.set( # 写入数据库
redisPrefix + 'check-' + priority + '-' + tag,
'tag': tag,
'check': checkList,
'info': proxyInfo
checkId = genRandomId(24) # 24位任务ID
redisObject.set( # 记录任务
redisPrefix + 'task-' + checkId,
'checkId': checkId,
'priority': priority,
'check': checkList,
'proxy': tagList,
'complete': False
return checkId
except: # 异常错误
return None
def getCheckList(): # 获取检测任务列表
if request.args.get('token') != accessToken: # token无效
return genError('invalid token')
taskList = []
rawTaskList = redisObject.keys(redisPrefix + 'task-*')
for task in rawTaskList: # 获取任务ID
taskList.append(str(task[len(redisPrefix) + 5:], encoding = 'utf-8'))
return {
'success': True,
'taskList': taskList
return genError('server error')
def newCheckTask(): # 新增检测任务
import ProxyDecoder as Decoder
import ProxyFilter as Filter
if httpPostArg('token') != accessToken: # token无效
return genError('invalid token')
priority = httpPostArg('priority') # 优先级选项
if not priority in ['a','b','c','d','e']:
priority = 'c' # 默认优先级
checkList = httpPostArg('check') # 检测列表
if checkList == None:
return genError('missing check list')
for checkMethod in checkList:
if not checkMethod in ['http']:
return genError('unknown check method `' + checkMethod + '`')
proxyList = httpPostArg('proxy') # 代理列表
if proxyList == None:
return genError('missing proxy list')
if isinstance(proxyList, str): # 单项任务
proxyList = [ proxyList ]
for i in range(0, len(proxyList)):
if isinstance(proxyList[i], str): # 解码分享链接
proxyList[i] = Decoder.decode(proxyList[i])
if proxyList[i] == None:
return genError('could not decode index ' + str(i))
status, proxyList[i] = Filter.filter(proxyList[i]) # 节点信息检查
if status == False: # 节点不合法
return genError('index ' + str(i) + ': ' + proxyList[i])
checkId = addCheckTask(priority, checkList, proxyList) # 任务加入数据库
if checkId == None: # 异常错误
return genError('server error')
return {
'success': True,
'checkId': checkId
return genError('server error')
def getTaskInfo(checkId): # 获取任务详情
taskKey = redisObject.keys(redisPrefix + 'task-' + checkId)
if taskKey == []: # 任务ID不存在
return genError('invalid check id')
taskKey = str(taskKey[0], encoding = 'utf-8')
taskInfo = json.loads(
if taskInfo['complete'] == True: # 任务已完成
return {
'success': True,
'complete': True,
'checkId': checkId,
'number': len(taskInfo['proxy']),
'result': taskInfo['result']
completeNum = 0 # 测试完成数目
for tag in taskInfo['proxy']:
if redisObject.keys(redisPrefix + 'result-' + tag) != []: # 暂未测试
completeNum += 1
if completeNum < len(taskInfo['proxy']): # 测试未完成
return {
'success': True,
'complete': False,
'checkId': checkId,
'number': len(taskInfo['proxy']),
'schedule': round(completeNum / len(taskInfo['proxy']), 2)
checkResult = []
for tag in taskInfo['proxy']: # 遍历检测结果
redisObject.get(redisPrefix + 'result-' + tag)
redisObject.delete(redisPrefix + 'result-' + tag) # 删除测试结果
taskInfo['complete'] = True
taskInfo['result'] = checkResult
redisObject.set(taskKey, json.dumps(taskInfo)) # 记入数据库
return {
'success': True,
'complete': True,
'checkId': checkId,
'number': len(taskInfo['proxy']),
'result': taskInfo['result']
return genError('server error')
def deleteTask(checkId): # 删除任务
taskKey = redisObject.keys(redisPrefix + 'task-' + checkId)
if taskKey == []: # 任务ID不存在
return genError('invalid check id')
taskKey = str(taskKey[0], encoding = 'utf-8')
taskInfo = json.loads(
if taskInfo['complete'] != True: # 任务未完成
return genError('task not complete')
return {
'success': True,
'checkId': checkId
return genError('server error')
@api.route(apiPath + '/check', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def apiCheck():
if request.method == 'GET':
return getCheckList()
elif request.method == 'POST':
return newCheckTask()
@api.route(apiPath + '/check/<checkId>', methods = ['GET','DELETE'])
def apiCheckId(checkId):
if request.method == 'GET':
return getTaskInfo(checkId)
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
return deleteTask(checkId)
redisObject = redis.StrictRedis(
db = 0,
host = redisHost,
port = redisPort
) = '', port = 43581, debug = True)