You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
1.9 KiB

## ssrObject
'server': ---,
'port': ---,
'method': ---,
'passwd': ---,
'protocol': ---,
'protocolParam': ---,
'obfs': ---,
'obfsParam': ---,
### server
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR服务地址
+ 缺省:必选
+ 限制:IP地址或域名
### port
+ 类型:*int*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR服务端口
+ 缺省:必选
+ 限制:1 ~ 65535
### method
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR加密方式
+ 缺省:必选
+ 限制:(以下37种加密方式)
`none`, `table`
`rc4`, `rc4-md5`, `rc4-md5-6`
`bf-cfb`, `cast5-cfb`, `des-cfb`
`idea-cfb`, `seed-cfb`, `rc2-cfb`
`aes-128-gcm`, `aes-192-gcm`, `aes-256-gcm`
`aes-128-ctr`, `aes-192-ctr`, `aes-256-ctr`
`aes-128-ofb`, `aes-192-ofb`, `aes-256-ofb`
`aes-128-cfb`, `aes-192-cfb`, `aes-256-cfb`
`aes-128-cfb1`, `aes-192-cfb1`, `aes-256-cfb1`
`aes-128-cfb8`, `aes-192-cfb8`, `aes-256-cfb8`
`camellia-128-cfb`, `camellia-192-cfb`, `camellia-256-cfb`
`salsa20`, `xsalsa20`, `chacha20`, `xchacha20`, `chacha20-ietf`
### passwd
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR连接密码
+ 缺省:必选
+ 限制:无
### protocol
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR连接协议
+ 缺省:`origin`
+ 限制:(以下17种连接协议)
`origin`, `auth_simple`
`auth_sha1`, `auth_sha1_v2`, `auth_sha1_v4`
`auth_chain_a`, `auth_chain_b`, `auth_chain_c`
`auth_chain_d`, `auth_chain_e`, `auth_chain_f`
`auth_aes128`, `auth_aes128_md5`, `auth_aes128_sha1`
`verify_sha1`, `verify_simple`, `verify_deflate`
### protocolParam
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR协议参数
+ 缺省:`空`
+ 限制:无
### obfs
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR混淆方式
+ 缺省:`plain`
+ 限制:(以下7种混淆方式)
`plain`, `http_post`, `http_simple`, `random_head`
`tls_simple`, `tls1.2_ticket_auth`, `tls1.2_ticket_fastauth`
### obfsParam
+ 类型:*str*
+ 说明:ShadowsocksR混淆参数
+ 缺省:`空`
+ 限制:无