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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import re
import IPy
import copy
def isIpAddr(content: str) -> bool:
判断是否为IP地址IPv4 / IPv6
域名: return True
非域名: return False
if content.find('/') != -1: # filter CIDR
return False
if content.find('.') == -1 and content.find(':') == -1:
return False
return True # IP地址合法
return False
def isDomain(content: str) -> bool:
域名: return True
非域名: return False
return # 域名匹配
r'^(?=^.{3,255}$)[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,62})+$', content
) is not None
except: # 异常错误
return False
def isHost(host: str) -> bool:
IPv4 / IPv6 / Domain
合法: return True
不合法: return False
if isIpAddr(host) or isDomain(host):
return True
return False
def isPort(port: int) -> bool:
1 ~ 65535
合法: return True
不合法: return False
if 1 <= port <= 65535: # 1 ~ 65535
return True
except: # illegal
return False
def toInt(raw) -> int: # change to int
if isinstance(raw, (int, float)): # int / float -> int
return int(raw)
elif isinstance(raw, bytes): # bytes -> str
raw = str(raw, encoding = 'utf-8')
elif not isinstance(raw, str):
raise Exception('type not allowed')
return int(raw)
raise Exception('not a integer')
def toStr(raw) -> str: # change to str
if raw is None:
return ''
elif isinstance(raw, str):
return raw
elif isinstance(raw, bytes):
return str(raw, encoding = 'utf-8')
raise Exception('type not allowed')
def toBool(raw) -> bool: # change to bool
if isinstance(raw, bool):
return raw
if isinstance(raw, int):
raw = str(raw)
elif isinstance(raw, bytes):
raw = str(raw, encoding = 'utf-8')
elif not isinstance(raw, str):
raise Exception('type not allowed')
raw = raw.strip().lower()
if raw == 'true':
return True
elif raw == 'false':
return False
raw = int(raw)
return raw != 0
raise Exception('not a boolean')
def toStrTidy(raw) -> str: # change to str with trim and lower
return toStr(raw).strip().lower()
class filterException(Exception): # 检测异常
def __init__(self, reason):
self.reason = reason
def __dictCheck(data: dict, objectList: dict, limitRules: dict, keyPrefix: str) -> dict: # 递归检查dict
result = {}
for key, option in limitRules.items(): # 遍历规则
keyName = key if keyPrefix == '' else keyPrefix + '.' + key
# 检查必选key 补全可选key
if key not in data:
if option['optional']: # 必选
raise filterException('Missing `' + keyName + '` option') # 必选值缺失
else: # 可选
data[key] = option['default'] # 补全可选值
allowNone = False
if 'allowNone' in option and option['allowNone']: # 允许为None
allowNone = True
if not (data[key] is None and allowNone): # 忽略允许None且为None的情况
if 'format' in option: # 预处理数据
data[key] = option['format'](data[key])
except Exception as reason:
raise filterException('Illegal `' + keyName + '`: ' + str(reason)) # 格式化错误
# 检查value类型
if data[key] is None: # 值为None
if not allowNone: # 不允许为None
raise filterException('Unexpected None in `' + keyName + '`')
result[key] = None
dataValue = copy.deepcopy(data[key])
if isinstance(option['type'], (str, list)) and not isinstance(dataValue, dict): # 子对象下必为dict
raise filterException('Illegal `' + keyName + '`: should be dictionary')
if isinstance(option['type'], str): # 单子对象
result[key] = __dictCheck(dataValue, objectList, objectList[option['type']], keyName) # 检查子对象
elif isinstance(option['type'], list): # 多子对象
subResult = None
errMsg = None
for valueType in option['type']: # 遍历子Object
subResult = __dictCheck(dataValue, objectList, objectList[valueType], keyName) # 尝试检查子对象
except filterException as reason:
errMsg = str(reason) # 捕获抛出信息
except Exception as reason:
if str(reason)[:10] == 'index-key:': # index-key匹配错误
errMsg = str(reason)[10:]
else: # 子对象匹配成功
if subResult is None: # 无匹配子级
if errMsg is not None: # 存在子级异常信息
raise filterException(errMsg)
raise filterException('Error in `' + keyName + '` option')
result[key] = subResult
elif not isinstance(data[key], option['type']): # 类型不匹配
raise filterException('Illegal `' + keyName + '` option')
else: # 检查无误
result[key] = dataValue
if result[key] is not None and 'filter' in option: # 值不为None且有检查函数
errFlag = False
if not option['filter'](result[key]): # 格式检查
errFlag = True
raise filterException('Filter error in `' + keyName + '`')
if errFlag:
if 'indexKey' in option and option['indexKey']:
raise Exception('index-key:' + option['errMsg'])
raise filterException(option['errMsg'])
return result
def __ruleCheck(ruleSet: dict) -> None: # 规则集合法性检查
if 'rootObject' not in ruleSet: # 根对象检查
raise Exception('Miss root object')
for objName in ruleSet: # 遍历全部对象
if objName[-6:] != 'Object': # 对象名必须以Object结尾
raise Exception('Illegal object name `' + objName + '`')
for key, option in ruleSet[objName].items():
keyName = '`' + objName + '.' + key + '`'
if 'optional' not in option or not isinstance(option['optional'], bool): # optional检查
raise Exception('Illegal optional in ' + keyName)
if not option['optional'] and 'default' not in option: # optional为False时应有default
raise Exception('Miss default value in ' + keyName)
allowNone = False
if 'allowNone' in option and not isinstance(option['allowNone'], bool):
raise Exception('Illegal allowNone in ' + keyName)
if 'allowNone' in option and option['allowNone']:
allowNone = True
if 'type' not in option: # type值缺失
raise Exception('Miss type in ' + keyName)
if not isinstance(option['type'], (type, str, list)): # type为变量类型 / str / list
raise Exception('Illegal type in ' + keyName)
if isinstance(option['type'], str) and option['type'] not in ruleSet: # 子Object未定义
raise Exception('Object `' + option['type'] + '` not found in ' + keyName)
if isinstance(option['type'], list):
for subObjName in option['type']:
if not isinstance(subObjName, str):
raise Exception('Type list must be str in ' + keyName)
if subObjName not in ruleSet: # 子Object未定义
raise Exception('Object `' + subObjName + '` not found in ' + keyName)
if 'default' in option:
if option['default'] is None: # default值检查
if not allowNone:
raise Exception(keyName + ' can\'t be None')
if isinstance(option['type'], type): # type
if not isinstance(option['default'], option['type']):
raise Exception('Error default type in ' + keyName)
else: # str / list
if not isinstance(option['default'], dict):
raise Exception('Default type should be dict in ' + keyName)
if 'format' in option and not callable(option['format']): # format必须为函数
raise Exception('Format option must be a function in ' + keyName)
if isinstance(option['type'], type) and 'format' not in option: # 指定变量类型时需有format函数
raise Exception('Miss format in ' + keyName)
if 'filter' in option:
if 'errMsg' not in option: # filter与errMsg同时存在
raise Exception('Miss errMsg option in ' + keyName)
if not callable(option['filter']): # filter必须为函数
raise Exception('Filter option must be a function in ' + keyName)
if not isinstance(option['type'], type):
raise Exception('Overage filter option in ' + keyName)
if 'errMsg' in option and not isinstance(option['errMsg'], str): # errMsg必须为str
raise Exception('Error message must be str in ' + keyName)
if 'indexKey' in option and not isinstance(option['indexKey'], bool): # indexKey必为bool
raise Exception('Illegal indexKey in ' + keyName)
def ruleFilter(rawData: dict, ruleSet: dict, header: dict) -> tuple[bool, dict or str]:
return False, {reason}
return True, {dist}
__ruleCheck(ruleSet) # 检查规则集
except Exception as reason:
return False, 'Filter rules -> ' + str(reason) # 规则集有误
data = copy.deepcopy(rawData)
data = __dictCheck(data, ruleSet, ruleSet['rootObject'], '') # 开始检查
except filterException as reason: # 节点格式错误
return False, str(reason)
return False, 'Format error'
return True, {**header, **data}