You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

139 lines
3.6 KiB

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from ProxyFilter import baseFunc
from ProxyFilter import Plugin
trojanGoFilterRules = {
'rootObject': {
'remark': {
'optional': False,
'default': '',
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'server': {
'optional': True,
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStrTidy,
'filter': baseFunc.isHost,
'errMsg': 'Illegal server address'
'port': {
'optional': True,
'type': int,
'format': baseFunc.toInt,
'filter': baseFunc.isPort,
'errMsg': 'Illegal port number'
'passwd': {
'optional': True,
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'sni': {
'optional': False,
'default': '',
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'alpn': {
'optional': False,
'default': None,
'allowNone': True,
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStrTidy,
'filter': lambda alpn: alpn in ['h2', 'http/1.1', 'h2,http/1.1'],
'errMsg': 'Illegal alpn option'
'verify': {
'optional': False,
'default': True,
'type': bool,
'format': baseFunc.toBool
'ws': {
'optional': False,
'default': None,
'allowNone': True,
'type': 'wsObject'
'ss': {
'optional': False,
'default': None,
'allowNone': True,
'type': 'ssObject'
'plugin': {
'optional': False,
'default': None,
'allowNone': True,
'type': 'pluginObject'
'ssObject': {
'method': {
'optional': False,
'default': 'AES-128-GCM',
'type': str,
'format': lambda s: baseFunc.toStrTidy(s).replace('_', '-').upper(),
'filter': lambda method: method in ['AES-128-GCM', 'AES-256-GCM', 'CHACHA20-IETF-POLY1305'],
'errMsg': 'Unknown Shadowsocks method'
'passwd': {
'optional': True,
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'wsObject': {
'host': {
'optional': False,
'default': '',
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'path': {
'optional': False,
'default': '/',
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
'pluginObject': {
'type': {
'optional': True,
'type': str,
'format': lambda pluginType: Plugin.pluginFormat(baseFunc.toStrTidy(pluginType)),
'filter': Plugin.isPlugin,
'errMsg': 'Unknown SIP003 plugin'
'param': {
'optional': False,
'default': '',
'type': str,
'format': baseFunc.toStr
def trojanGoFilter(rawInfo: dict, isExtra: bool) -> tuple[bool, str or dict]:
return False, {reason}
return True, {
'type': 'trojan-go',
if not isExtra: # 去除非必要参数
return baseFunc.ruleFilter(rawInfo, trojanGoFilterRules, {})
return False, 'Unknown error'