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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Utils.Common import v6AddBracket
def loadOrigin(proxyInfo: dict) -> list: # origin stream
return ['client'] + [
'--server', '%s:%i' % (v6AddBracket(proxyInfo['server']), proxyInfo['port']),
'--password', proxyInfo['passwd'],
] + (['--udpovertcp'] if proxyInfo['stream']['uot'] else []) # add uot option
def loadWebsocket(proxyInfo: dict) -> list: # websocket stream
isTls = proxyInfo['stream']['secure'] is not None # ws or wss
wsAddress = (('wss' if isTls else 'ws') + '://%s:%i%s') % ( # websocket address
v6AddBracket(proxyInfo['stream']['host']), proxyInfo['port'], proxyInfo['stream']['path']
brookCommand = [
'wssclient' if isTls else 'wsclient',
'--address', '%s:%i' % (v6AddBracket(proxyInfo['server']), proxyInfo['port']), # real address
'--password', proxyInfo['passwd'],
] + (['--withoutBrookProtocol'] if proxyInfo['stream']['raw'] else []) # raw transmission on ws or wss
if not isTls:
return brookCommand + ['--wsserver', wsAddress]
return brookCommand + ['--wssserver', wsAddress] + (
[] if proxyInfo['stream']['secure']['verify'] else ['--insecure'] # add tls options
def load(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, configFile: str) -> tuple[list, str, dict]:
brookCommand = ['brook', '--debug', '--listen', ':'] + { # debug module listen on random port
'origin': loadOrigin,
'ws': loadWebsocket,
}[proxyInfo['stream']['type']](proxyInfo) # choose origin or websocket stream
brookCommand += ['--socks5', '%s:%i' % (v6AddBracket(socksInfo['addr']), socksInfo['port'])]
return brookCommand, 'Config file %s no need' % configFile, {} # command, fileContent, envVar