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feat: Trojan-Go test function

dnomd343 3 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 66
  4. 4
  5. 154
  6. 5


@ -124,3 +124,6 @@ xtlsFlows = {x: x.replace('-', '-rprx-') for x in xtlsFlows}
# v2ray / Xray Info
quicMethods = ['none', 'aes-128-gcm', 'chacha20-poly1305']
udpObfuscations = ['none', 'srtp', 'utp', 'wechat-video', 'dtls', 'wireguard']
# Trojan-Go Info
trojanGoMethods = ['aes-128-gcm', 'aes-256-gcm', 'chacha20-ietf-poly1305']


@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ def load(proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict, configFile: str) -> tuple[list, str,
'ssl': sslConfig(proxyInfo),
'websocket': wsConfig(proxyInfo),
'shadowsocks': ssConfig(proxyInfo),
'transport_plugin': pluginConfig(proxyInfo)
'transport_plugin': pluginConfig(proxyInfo),
return ['trojan-go', '-config', configFile], json.dumps(trojanGoConfig), {}


@ -256,7 +256,41 @@ def cloakLoad() -> None:
def ssInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
def rabbitShadowsocks(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
ssConfig = json.loads(server.file[0]['content']) # modify origin config
ssConfig.pop('plugin') # remove plugin option
rabbitBind = ipFormat(ssConfig['server'], v6Bracket=True) # ipv4 / [ipv6]
rabbitPort = ssConfig['server_port']
ssConfig['server'] = '' # SIP003 use ipv4 localhost for communication
ssConfig['server_port'] = int(pluginInfo['server']['param']) # aka ${RABBIT_PORT}
server.file[0]['content'] = json.dumps(ssConfig)
server.setCmd(['sh', '-c', paramFill(
'rabbit -mode s -password ${PASSWD} -rabbit-addr %s:%s' % (rabbitBind, rabbitPort) # start rabbit-tcp
) + ' &\nexec ' + ' '.join(server.cmd)]) # shadowsocks as main process (rabbit as sub process)
return server
def rabbitTrojanGo(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
trojanConfig = json.loads(server.file[0]['content']) # modify origin config
rabbitBind = ipFormat(trojanConfig['local_addr'], v6Bracket=True) # ipv4 / [ipv6]
rabbitPort = trojanConfig['local_port']
trojanConfig['local_addr'] = '' # SIP003 use ipv4 localhost for communication
trojanConfig['local_port'] = int(pluginInfo['server']['param']) # aka ${RABBIT_PORT}
trojanConfig['transport_plugin'] = {
'enabled': True,
'type': 'other',
'command': 'rabbit',
'arg': [
'-mode', 's', '-password', paramFill('${PASSWD}'),
'-rabbit-addr', '%s:%s' % (rabbitBind, rabbitPort)
server.file[0]['content'] = json.dumps(trojanConfig)
return server
def inject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'cloak':
ckConfig = paramFill(json.dumps({
'BypassUID': ['${CK_UID}'],
@ -272,21 +306,21 @@ def ssInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
'path': pluginInfo['server']['param'],
'content': paramFill(json.dumps({'key': '${PASSWD}'}))
elif pluginInfo['type'] == 'rabbit': # hijack rabbit plugin config
ssConfig = json.loads(server.file[0]['content']) # modify origin config
ssConfig.pop('plugin') # remove plugin option
rabbitBind = ipFormat(ssConfig['server'], v6Bracket = True) # ipv4 / [ipv6]
rabbitPort = ssConfig['server_port']
ssConfig['server'] = '' # SIP003 use ipv4 localhost for communication
ssConfig['server_port'] = int(pluginInfo['server']['param']) # aka ${RABBIT_PORT}
server.file[0]['content'] = json.dumps(ssConfig)
server.setCmd(['sh', '-c', paramFill(
'rabbit -mode s -password ${PASSWD} -rabbit-addr %s:%s' % (rabbitBind, rabbitPort) # start rabbit-tcp
) + ' &\nexec ' + ' '.join(server.cmd)]) # shadowsocks as main process (rabbit as sub process)
return server
def ssInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'rabbit': # hijack rabbit plugin config
return rabbitShadowsocks(server, pluginInfo)
return inject(server, pluginInfo)
def trojanInject(server: Process, pluginInfo: dict) -> Process:
if pluginInfo['type'] == 'rabbit': # hijack rabbit plugin config
return rabbitTrojanGo(server, pluginInfo)
return inject(server, pluginInfo)
def paramFill(param: str) -> str:
if '${RANDOM}' in param: # refresh RANDOM field
pluginParams['RANDOM'] = genFlag(length = 8)
@ -295,7 +329,9 @@ def paramFill(param: str) -> str:
return param
def load():
def load(proxyType: str):
if proxyType not in ['ss', 'trojan-go']:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown proxy type for sip003 plugin')
cloakLoad() # init cloak config
kcptunLoad() # init kcptun config
for pluginType in pluginConfig:
@ -313,5 +349,5 @@ def load():
'type': plugins[pluginType]['client'],
'param': paramFill(pluginTestInfo[1]),
'inject': ssInject # for some special plugins (only server part)
'inject': ssInject if proxyType == 'ss' else trojanInject # for some special plugins


@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def loadTest(serverType: str, clientType: str, method: str, plugin: dict or None
pluginServer = {'plugin': None if plugin is None else plugin['server']}
configName = '%s_%s_%s' % (serverType, clientType, method) # prefix of config file name
if plugin is not None:
configName += '_%s_%s' % (plugin['type'], md5Sum(plugin['caption'])[:8])
configName += '_%s_%s' % (plugin['type'], md5Sum(plugin['type'] + plugin['caption'])[:8])
pluginText = '' if plugin is None else (' [%s -> %s]' % (plugin['type'], plugin['caption']))
testInfo = { # release test info
'title': 'Shadowsocks test: {%s <- %s -> %s}%s' % (serverType, method, clientType, pluginText),
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def loadTest(serverType: str, clientType: str, method: str, plugin: dict or None
def load(isExtra: bool = False):
pluginTest = []
pluginIter = Plugin.load()
pluginIter = Plugin.load('ss')
while True:
pluginTest.append(next(pluginIter)) # export data of plugin generator


@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import json
from Tester import Plugin
from Builder import TrojanGo
from Basis.Logger import logging
from Basis.Process import Process
from Basis.Functions import md5Sum
from Basis.Functions import genFlag
from Basis.Methods import trojanGoMethods
from Basis.Functions import getAvailablePort
settings = {
'serverBind': '',
'clientBind': '',
# 'serverBind': '::1',
# 'clientBind': '::1',
'workDir': '/tmp/ProxyC',
'host': '',
'cert': '/etc/ssl/certs/',
'key': '/etc/ssl/certs/',
# def wsConfig(proxyInfo: dict) -> dict:
# if proxyInfo['ws'] is None:
# return {'enabled': False}
# wsObject = {
# 'enabled': True,
# 'path': proxyInfo['ws']['path']
# }
# if proxyInfo['ws']['host'] != '':
# wsObject['host'] = proxyInfo['ws']['host']
# return wsObject
# def ssConfig(proxyInfo: dict) -> dict:
# return {**{
# 'enabled': False if proxyInfo['ss'] is None else True
# }, **({} if proxyInfo['ss'] is None else {
# 'method': proxyInfo['ss']['method'],
# 'password': proxyInfo['ss']['passwd'],
# })}
# def pluginConfig(proxyInfo: dict) -> dict:
# return {**{
# 'enabled': False if proxyInfo['plugin'] is None else True
# }, **({} if proxyInfo['plugin'] is None else {
# 'type': 'shadowsocks',
# 'command': proxyInfo['plugin']['type'],
# 'option': proxyInfo['plugin']['param'],
# })}
def loadServer(configFile: str, proxyInfo: dict) -> Process:
trojanGoConfig = {
'run_type': 'server',
'local_addr': proxyInfo['server'],
'local_port': proxyInfo['port'],
'remote_addr': '', # remote address are only for shadowsocks fallback (pointless here)
'remote_port': getAvailablePort(), # random port (will not be used)
'password': [
'disable_http_check': True,
'ssl': {
'cert': settings['cert'],
'key': settings['key']
'websocket': TrojanGo.wsConfig(proxyInfo),
'shadowsocks': TrojanGo.ssConfig(proxyInfo),
'transport_plugin': TrojanGo.pluginConfig(proxyInfo),
serverFile = os.path.join(settings['workDir'], configFile)
return Process(settings['workDir'], cmd = ['trojan-go', '-config', serverFile], file = {
'path': serverFile,
'content': json.dumps(trojanGoConfig)
}, isStart = False)
def loadClient(configFile: str, proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict) -> Process: # load client process
clientFile = os.path.join(settings['workDir'], configFile)
trojanGoCommand, trojanGoConfig, _ = TrojanGo.load(proxyInfo, socksInfo, clientFile)
return Process(settings['workDir'], cmd = trojanGoCommand, file = {
'path': clientFile,
'content': trojanGoConfig
}, isStart = False)
def loadTest(wsObject: dict or None, ssObject: dict or None, plugin: dict or None = None) -> dict:
proxyInfo = { # connection info
'server': settings['serverBind'],
'port': getAvailablePort(),
'passwd': genFlag(length = 8), # random password
'sni': settings['host'],
'alpn': None,
'verify': True,
'ws': wsObject,
'ss': ssObject,
socksInfo = { # socks5 interface for test
'addr': settings['clientBind'],
'port': getAvailablePort()
configName = 'trojan-go%s%s%s' % (
('' if wsObject is None else '_ws'),
('' if ssObject is None else '_' + ssObject['method']),
('' if plugin is None else '_' + md5Sum(plugin['type'] + plugin['caption'])[:8])
pluginClient = {'plugin': None if plugin is None else plugin['client']}
pluginServer = {'plugin': None if plugin is None else plugin['server']}
testInfo = { # release test info
'title': 'Trojan-Go test: original' + \
('' if ssObject is None else ' (with %s encrypt)' % ssObject['method']) + \
('' if wsObject is None else ' (with websocket)') + \
('' if plugin is None else ' [%s -> %s]' % (plugin['type'], plugin['caption'])),
'client': loadClient(configName + '_client.json', {**proxyInfo, **pluginClient}, socksInfo),
'server': loadServer(configName + '_server.json', {**proxyInfo, **pluginServer}),
'socks': socksInfo, # exposed socks5 address
'interface': {
'addr': proxyInfo['server'],
'port': proxyInfo['port'],
if plugin is not None:
testInfo['server'] = plugin['inject'](testInfo['server'], plugin)
logging.debug('New trojan-go test -> %s' % testInfo)
return testInfo
def load():
pluginTest = []
pluginIter = Plugin.load('trojan-go')
while True:
pluginTest.append(next(pluginIter)) # export data of plugin generator
except StopIteration:
wsObject = {
'host': settings['host'],
'path': '/' + genFlag(length = 6),
yield loadTest(None, None, None)
for method in [''] + trojanGoMethods: # different encryption for trojan-go
ssObject = {
'method': method,
'passwd': genFlag(length = 8)
yield loadTest(wsObject, None if ssObject['method'] == '' else ssObject, None)
for plugin in pluginTest: # different plugin for trojan-go
yield loadTest(None, None, plugin)


@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from threading import Thread
from Tester import VMess
from Tester import VLESS
from Tester import Trojan
from Tester import TrojanGo
from Tester import Shadowsocks
from Tester import ShadowsocksR
@ -99,11 +100,13 @@ ssr = ShadowsocksR.load()
vmess = VMess.load()
vless = VLESS.load()
trojan = Trojan.load()
trojanGo = TrojanGo.load()
logging.critical('test start')
# runTest(ss, 64)
# runTest(ssr, 64)
# runTest(vmess, 64)
# runTest(vless, 64)
runTest(trojan, 64)
# runTest(trojan, 64)
runTest(trojanGo, 64)
logging.critical('test complete')
