ARG ALPINE_IMG="alpine:3.16" ARG RUST_IMG="rust:1.62-alpine3.16" ARG GO14_IMG="golang:1.14-alpine3.13" ARG GO16_IMG="golang:1.16-alpine3.15" ARG GO17_IMG="golang:1.17-alpine3.16" ARG GO18_IMG="golang:1.18-alpine3.16" ARG PYTHON_IMG="python:3.10-alpine3.16" # Download build-base FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS build-base WORKDIR /apk/ RUN apk add build-base | grep -oE 'Installing \S+' | cut -b 12- > ./build-base RUN chmod +x ./build-base && cat ./build-base | xargs -n1 apk fetch && \ sed -i 's/^/ \/apk\/&/g;s/$/&-*.apk/g;1i\apk add' ./build-base && sed -i ':a;N;s/\n//g;ba' ./build-base # Compile numpy FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS numpy WORKDIR /wheels/ COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN /apk/build-base && pip wheel numpy # Compile gevent FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS gevent WORKDIR /wheels/ RUN apk add libffi-dev COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN /apk/build-base && pip wheel gevent # Build python wheels FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS wheels WORKDIR /wheels/ RUN apk add linux-headers COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN /apk/build-base && pip wheel colorlog flask IPy psutil pysocks pyyaml requests salsa20 COPY --from=gevent /wheels/*.whl /wheels/ COPY --from=numpy /wheels/*.whl /wheels/ # Compile upx (under gcc10) FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS upx ENV UPX_VERSION="3.96" RUN sed -i 's/v3.\d\d/v3.15/' /etc/apk/repositories && \ apk add bash build-base perl ucl-dev zlib-dev RUN wget${UPX_VERSION}/upx-${UPX_VERSION}-src.tar.xz && \ tar xf upx-${UPX_VERSION}-src.tar.xz WORKDIR ./upx-${UPX_VERSION}-src/ RUN make -C ./src/ && mkdir -p /upx/bin/ && mv ./src/upx.out /upx/bin/upx && \ mkdir -p /upx/lib/ && cd /usr/lib/ && cp -d ./* ./* ./* /upx/lib/ # Compile shadowsocks-rust FROM ${RUST_IMG} AS ss-rust ENV SS_RUST="1.15.0-alpha.8" COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN wget${SS_RUST}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${SS_RUST}.tar.gz && /apk/build-base WORKDIR ./shadowsocks-rust-${SS_RUST}/ RUN cargo fetch RUN cargo build --target-dir ./ --release --bin sslocal --bin ssserver \ --features "stream-cipher aead-cipher-extra aead-cipher-2022 aead-cipher-2022-extra" && \ mv ./release/sslocal /tmp/ss-rust-local && mv ./release/ssserver /tmp/ss-rust-server && \ strip /tmp/ss-rust-* COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /tmp/ss-rust-* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile shadowsocks-libev FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS ss-libev ENV SS_LIBEV="3.3.5" RUN apk add c-ares-dev libev-dev libsodium-dev linux-headers mbedtls-dev pcre-dev COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN wget${SS_LIBEV}/shadowsocks-libev-${SS_LIBEV}.tar.gz && \ tar xf shadowsocks-libev-*.tar.gz && /apk/build-base WORKDIR ./shadowsocks-libev-${SS_LIBEV}/ RUN ./configure --disable-documentation && make && \ mv ./src/ss-local /tmp/ss-libev-local && mv ./src/ss-server /tmp/ss-libev-server && \ strip /tmp/ss-libev-* # Package shadowsocks-python (lastest version, legacy version, R version aka ssr) FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS ss-python ENV SS_PYTHON_LEGACY="2.6.2" RUN apk add git && mkdir /packages/ && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ wget${SS_PYTHON_LEGACY}.tar.gz && \ tar xf ${SS_PYTHON_LEGACY}.tar.gz # shadowsocks-python (R version) WORKDIR ./shadowsocksr/ RUN sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "/for path in paths:/a\ if '' in path:" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "/\ path = ''" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/lib/shadowsocks/ && \ chmod +x ./ ./ && mv ./ ./ ../ && \ mv ../../lib/ /packages/ssr-python/ # shadowsocks-python (latest version) WORKDIR ../shadowsocks/ RUN git checkout master && \ sed -i 's/if addr is/if addr ==/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/and ip is not/and ip !=/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/if len(block) is/if len(block) ==/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/lib/shadowsocks/ && \ chmod +x ./ ./ && mv ./ ./ ../ && \ mv ../../lib/ /packages/ss-python/ # shadowsocks-python (legacy version) WORKDIR ../shadowsocks-${SS_PYTHON_LEGACY}/ RUN sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/lib/shadowsocks/ && \ chmod +x ./ ./ && mv ./ ./ ../ && \ mv ../../lib/ /packages/ss-python-legacy/ # Compile shadowsocks-bootstrap FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS ss-bootstrap RUN apk add cmake git glib-dev COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN git clone && /apk/build-base WORKDIR ./shadowsocks-bootstrap/build/ RUN cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make && \ mv ../bin/ss-bootstrap-* /tmp/ && \ strip /tmp/ss-bootstrap-* # Combine shadowsocks dependencies FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS shadowsocks COPY --from=ss-rust /tmp/ss-rust-* /release/ COPY --from=ss-libev /tmp/ss-libev-* /release/ COPY --from=ss-bootstrap /tmp/ss-bootstrap-* /release/ ARG PYTHON="3.10" RUN ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ssr-python/ /release/ssr-local && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ssr-python/ /release/ssr-server && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ss-python/ /release/ss-python-local && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ss-python/ /release/ss-python-server && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ss-python-legacy/ /release/ss-python-legacy-local && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ss-python-legacy/ /release/ss-python-legacy-server # Pack python modules FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS python-pkg COPY --from=wheels /wheels/*.whl /site-packages/ COPY --from=ss-python /packages/ /site-packages/ WORKDIR /site-packages/ RUN ls ./*.whl | xargs -n1 unzip && rm ./*.whl && \ rm -rf $(find ./ -name '__pycache__') && \ BZIP2=-9 tar czf /packages.tar.gz ./ # Compile openssl (old version, for shadowsocks method -> idea-cfb / seed-cfb) FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS openssl ENV OPENSSL_VER="1.0.2" ENV OPENSSL_SUB_VER="u" RUN apk add perl COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN wget${OPENSSL_VER}/openssl-${OPENSSL_VER}${OPENSSL_SUB_VER}.tar.gz && \ tar xf openssl-*.tar.gz && /apk/build-base WORKDIR ./openssl-${OPENSSL_VER}${OPENSSL_SUB_VER}/ RUN ./config --shared --prefix=/usr && make && \ mv ./ /tmp/ && \ strip /tmp/ # Compile sip003 plugins (part1 -> gcc & cargo) FROM ${RUST_IMG} AS plugin-1 RUN apk add autoconf automake git libev-dev libtool linux-headers COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN git clone && \ git clone && \ /apk/build-base && mkdir -p /plugins/ # Compile simple-obfs WORKDIR ./simple-obfs/ RUN git submodule update --init --recursive && \ ./ && ./configure --disable-documentation && make && \ mv ./src/obfs-local ./src/obfs-server /plugins/ # Compile qtun WORKDIR ../qtun/ RUN cargo fetch RUN cargo build --target-dir ./ --release && \ mv ./release/qtun-client ./release/qtun-server /plugins/ && \ strip /plugins/* COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /plugins/qtun-* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile sip003 plugins (part2 -> go1.16) FROM ${GO16_IMG} AS plugin-2 ENV GOST_PLUGIN="v1.6.3" RUN apk add git && mkdir /plugins/ RUN git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone # Compile v2ray-plugin WORKDIR ./v2ray-plugin/ RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" && \ mv ./v2ray-plugin /plugins/ # Compile kcptun WORKDIR ../kcptun/ RUN git checkout sip003 && \ go mod init && go mod tidy RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o kcptun-client -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o kcptun-server -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./server && \ mv ./kcptun-client ./kcptun-server /plugins/ # Compile gost-plugin WORKDIR ../gost-plugin/ RUN git checkout ${GOST_PLUGIN} && go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" && \ mv ./gost-plugin /plugins/ # Compile GoQuiet WORKDIR ../GoQuiet/ RUN go mod init RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./cmd/gq-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./cmd/gq-server && \ mv ./gq-client ./gq-server /plugins/ # Compile mos-tls-tunnel WORKDIR ../mos-tls-tunnel/ RUN go mod init && go mod vendor RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -mod=vendor -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/mtt-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -mod=vendor -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/mtt-server && \ mv ./mtt-client ./mtt-server /plugins/ # Compile rabbit-plugin WORKDIR ../rabbit-plugin/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" && \ mv ./rabbit-plugin /plugins/ # Compile rabbit-tcp WORKDIR ../rabbit-tcp/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.Version=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./cmd/rabbit.go && \ mv ./rabbit /plugins/ # Compile gun-plugin WORKDIR ../gun/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o gun-plugin -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/sip003/ && \ mv ./gun-plugin /plugins/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /plugins/* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile sip003 plugins (part3 -> go1.17) FROM ${GO17_IMG} AS plugin-3 ENV SIMPLE_TLS="v0.7.0" ENV CLOAK="v2.6.0" RUN apk add git && mkdir /plugins/ RUN git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone # Compile simple-tls WORKDIR ./simple-tls/ RUN git checkout ${SIMPLE_TLS} && go mod download -x RUN sed -i 's/version = "unknown\/dev"/version = "'$(git describe --tags)'"/g' main.go && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" && \ mv ./simple-tls /plugins/ # Compile xray-plugin WORKDIR ../xray-plugin/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" && \ mv ./xray-plugin /plugins/ # Compile Cloak WORKDIR ../Cloak/ RUN git checkout ${CLOAK} && go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./cmd/ck-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$(git describe --tags) -s -w" ./cmd/ck-server && \ mv ./ck-client ./ck-server /plugins/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /plugins/* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Combine sip003 plugins FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS plugin COPY --from=plugin-1 /plugins/ /plugins/ COPY --from=plugin-2 /plugins/ /plugins/ COPY --from=plugin-3 /plugins/ /plugins/ # Compile xray-core and v2fly-core FROM ${GO18_IMG} AS v2ray ENV XRAY_VERSION="1.5.9" ENV V2FLY_VERSION="4.45.2" RUN wget${XRAY_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${XRAY_VERSION}.tar.gz RUN wget${V2FLY_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${V2FLY_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./Xray-core-${XRAY_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o xray -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./main && \ mv ./xray /tmp/ WORKDIR ../v2ray-core-${V2FLY_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o v2ray -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./main && \ mv ./v2ray /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /tmp/*ray | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile trojan-go FROM ${GO17_IMG} AS trojan-go ENV TROJAN_GO_VERSION="v0.10.6" RUN apk add git RUN git clone WORKDIR ./trojan-go/ RUN git checkout ${TROJAN_GO_VERSION} && go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags " \ -X$(git describe --dirty) \ -X$(git rev-parse HEAD) -s -w" -tags "full" && \ mv ./trojan-go /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/trojan-go # Compile trojan FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS trojan ENV TROJAN_VERSION="1.16.0" RUN apk add boost-dev cmake openssl-dev COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN wget${TROJAN_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${TROJAN_VERSION}.tar.gz && /apk/build-base WORKDIR ./trojan-${TROJAN_VERSION}/build/ RUN cmake .. -DENABLE_MYSQL=OFF -DSYSTEMD_SERVICE=OFF && make && \ mv ./trojan /tmp/ && \ strip /tmp/trojan COPY --from=trojan-go /tmp/trojan-go /tmp/ # Compile gost and gost-v3 FROM ${GO18_IMG} AS gost ENV GOST_VERSION="2.11.2" RUN apk add git RUN git clone ./gost-v3/ && \ wget${GOST_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${GOST_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./gost-${GOST_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/gost && \ mv ./gost /tmp/ WORKDIR ../gost-v3/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/gost && \ mv ./gost /tmp/gost-v3 COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /tmp/gost* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile brook FROM ${GO16_IMG} AS brook ENV BROOK_VERSION="20220707" RUN wget${BROOK_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${BROOK_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./brook-${BROOK_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cli/brook && \ mv ./brook /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/brook # Compile clash FROM ${GO18_IMG} AS clash ENV CLASH_VERSION="1.11.4" RUN wget${CLASH_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${CLASH_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./clash-${CLASH_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w \ -X '${CLASH_VERSION}' \ -X '$(date -u)'" && \ mv ./clash /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/clash # Download naiveproxy FROM ${ALPINE_IMG} AS naive ENV NAIVE_VERSION="v104.0.5112.79-2" RUN apk add curl libgcc jq RUN curl -sL${NAIVE_VERSION} \ | jq .assets | jq .[].name | grep naiveproxy-${NAIVE_VERSION}-openwrt-$(uname -m) \ | cut -b 2- | rev | cut -b 2- | rev | tac > list.dat RUN echo "while read FILE_NAME; do" >> && \ echo "wget\${NAIVE_VERSION}/\${FILE_NAME}" >> && \ echo "tar xf \${FILE_NAME} && ldd ./\$(echo \$FILE_NAME | rev | cut -b 8- | rev)/naive" >> && \ echo "[ \$? -eq 0 ] && cp ./\$(echo \$FILE_NAME | rev | cut -b 8- | rev)/naive /tmp/ && break" >> && \ echo "done < list.dat" >> && sh COPY --from=build-base /apk/ /apk/ RUN /apk/build-base && strip /tmp/naive # Compile open-snell FROM ${GO17_IMG} AS snell ENV SNELL_VERSION="3.0.1" RUN wget${SNELL_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${SNELL_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./open-snell-${SNELL_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags \ "-s -w -X '${SNELL_VERSION}'" ./cmd/snell-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags \ "-s -w -X '${SNELL_VERSION}'" ./cmd/snell-server && \ mv ./snell-client ./snell-server /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN ls /tmp/snell-* | xargs -P0 -n1 upx -9 # Compile hysteria FROM ${GO17_IMG} AS hysteria ENV HYSTERIA_VERSION="v1.1.0" RUN apk add git RUN git clone WORKDIR ./hysteria/ RUN git checkout ${HYSTERIA_VERSION} && go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o hysteria -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w \ -X 'main.appVersion=$(git describe --tags)' \ -X 'main.appCommit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)' \ -X 'main.appDate=$(date "+%F %T")'" ./cmd && \ mv ./hysteria /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/hysteria # Compile relaybaton FROM ${GO14_IMG} AS relaybaton ENV RELAYBATON_VERSION="0.6.0" RUN apk add build-base git perl rsync RUN wget${RELAYBATON_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${RELAYBATON_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./relaybaton-${RELAYBATON_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN make && mv ./bin/relaybaton /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/relaybaton # Compile pingtunnel FROM ${GO18_IMG} AS pingtunnel RUN apk add git RUN git clone RUN env GO111MODULE=off go get -v WORKDIR ./pingtunnel/ RUN env GO111MODULE=off CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags="-s -w" && \ mv ./pingtunnel /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/pingtunnel # Compile wireproxy FROM ${GO17_IMG} AS wireproxy ENV WIREPROXY_VERSION="1.0.3" RUN wget${WIREPROXY_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${WIREPROXY_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./wireproxy-${WIREPROXY_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/wireproxy && \ mv ./wireproxy /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/wireproxy # Compile dnsproxy FROM ${GO18_IMG} AS dnsproxy ENV DNSPROXY_VERSION="0.43.1" RUN wget${DNSPROXY_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${DNSPROXY_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./dnsproxy-${DNSPROXY_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VersionString=${DNSPROXY_VERSION} -s -w" && \ mv ./dnsproxy /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/dnsproxy # Compile mad FROM ${GO16_IMG} AS mad ENV MAD_VERSION="20210401" RUN wget${MAD_VERSION}.tar.gz && \ tar xf v${MAD_VERSION}.tar.gz WORKDIR ./mad-${MAD_VERSION}/ RUN go mod download -x RUN env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -ldflags="-s -w" ./cli/mad && \ mv ./mad /tmp/ COPY --from=upx /upx/ /usr/ RUN upx -9 /tmp/mad # Combine all release FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} AS asset COPY --from=python-pkg /packages.tar.gz / ARG PYTHON="3.10" RUN mkdir -p /asset/usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ && \ tar xf /packages.tar.gz -C /asset/usr/local/lib/python${PYTHON}/site-packages/ COPY --from=openssl /tmp/* /asset/lib/ COPY --from=shadowsocks /release/ /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=plugin /plugins/ /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=v2ray /tmp/*ray /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=trojan /tmp/trojan* /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=gost /tmp/gost* /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=brook /tmp/brook /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=clash /tmp/clash /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=naive /tmp/naive /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=snell /tmp/snell-* /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=hysteria /tmp/hysteria /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=relaybaton /tmp/relaybaton /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=pingtunnel /tmp/pingtunnel /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=wireproxy /tmp/wireproxy /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=dnsproxy /tmp/dnsproxy /asset/usr/bin/ COPY --from=mad /tmp/mad /asset/usr/bin/ COPY . /asset/usr/local/share/ProxyC/ # Release docker image FROM ${PYTHON_IMG} RUN apk add --no-cache boost-program_options c-ares \ ca-certificates glib libev libsodium libstdc++ mbedtls pcre && \ ln -s /usr/local/share/ProxyC/ /usr/bin/proxyc COPY --from=asset /asset / EXPOSE 7839 ENTRYPOINT ["proxyc"]