#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Builder import V2ray from Utils.Constant import xtlsFlows from Utils.Exception import buildException loadConfig = V2ray.loadConfig def loadSecure(secureInfo: dict or None) -> dict: # TLS / XTLS encrypt config if secureInfo is None: return {'security': 'none'} # without TLS / XTLS options if secureInfo['type'] not in ['tls', 'xtls']: raise buildException('Unknown xray secure type') secureObject = { 'allowInsecure': not secureInfo['verify'] # whether verify server's certificate } if secureInfo['alpn'] is not None: secureObject['alpn'] = secureInfo['alpn'].split(',') # multi-alpn like `h2,http/1.1` if secureInfo['sni'] != '': secureObject['serverName'] = secureInfo['sni'] # SNI field in TLS / XTLS protocol return { 'security': secureInfo['type'], '%sSettings' % secureInfo['type']: secureObject } def wsStream(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: # WebSocket stream config (different ed config with v2fly-core) wsObject = { 'path': streamInfo['path'] # websocket connection path } if streamInfo['host'] != '': # empty host should not be set wsObject['headers'] = {} wsObject['headers']['Host'] = streamInfo['host'] if streamInfo['ed'] is not None: # ed value into uri path -> /...?ed=xxx if wsObject['path'].find('?') == -1: # no params in raw path wsObject['path'] += '?ed=%i' % streamInfo['ed'] else: wsObject['path'] += '&ed=%i' % streamInfo['ed'] return { 'network': 'ws', 'wsSettings': wsObject } def loadStream(streamInfo: dict) -> dict: streamEntry = { 'tcp': V2ray.tcpStream, 'kcp': V2ray.kcpStream, 'ws': wsStream, # different with v2fly-core 'h2': V2ray.h2Stream, 'quic': V2ray.quicStream, 'grpc': V2ray.grpcStream, } if streamInfo['type'] not in streamEntry: raise buildException('Unknown xray stream type') streamObject = streamEntry[streamInfo['type']](streamInfo) return { **streamObject, **loadSecure(streamInfo['secure']) } def xtlsFlow(streamInfo: dict or None) -> dict: if streamInfo['secure'] is None: # without TLS / XTLS options return {} if streamInfo['secure']['type'] != 'xtls': # not XTLS secure type return {} if streamInfo['secure']['flow'] not in xtlsFlows: raise buildException('Unknown xtls flow') return { 'flow': xtlsFlows[streamInfo['secure']['flow']] + ( # xtls-rprx-xxx '-udp443' if streamInfo['secure']['udp443'] else '' # whether block udp/443 (disable http/3) ) }