#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import json from Tester import Xray from Builder import VLESS from Tester import Settings from Basis.Logger import logging from Basis.Process import Process from Basis.Functions import md5Sum from Basis.Methods import xtlsFlows from Basis.Functions import genUUID from Basis.Functions import getAvailablePort def loadServer(configFile: str, proxyInfo: dict, streamConfig: dict, xtlsFlow: str or None) -> Process: vlessConfig = Xray.loadConfig({ 'protocol': 'vless', 'listen': proxyInfo['server'], 'port': proxyInfo['port'], 'settings': { 'clients': [{**{ 'id': proxyInfo['id'], }, **({} if xtlsFlow is None else { 'flow': xtlsFlow })}], 'decryption': 'none' }, 'streamSettings': streamConfig }) serverFile = os.path.join(Settings['workDir'], configFile) return Process(Settings['workDir'], cmd = ['xray', '-c', serverFile], file = { 'path': serverFile, 'content': json.dumps(vlessConfig) }, isStart = False) def loadClient(configFile: str, proxyInfo: dict, socksInfo: dict) -> Process: # load client process clientFile = os.path.join(Settings['workDir'], configFile) vlessCommand, vlessConfig, _ = VLESS.load(proxyInfo, socksInfo, clientFile) return Process(Settings['workDir'], cmd = vlessCommand, file = { 'path': clientFile, 'content': vlessConfig }, isStart = False) def loadTest(stream: dict) -> dict: proxyInfo = { # connection info 'server': Settings['serverBind'], 'port': getAvailablePort(), 'method': 'none', 'id': genUUID(), # random uuid v5 'stream': stream['info'] } socksInfo = { # socks5 interface for test 'addr': Settings['clientBind'], 'port': getAvailablePort() } xtlsFlow = None if stream['info']['secure'] is not None and stream['info']['secure']['type'] == 'xtls': # with XTLS secure xtlsFlow = xtlsFlows[stream['info']['secure']['flow']] xtlsFlow = xtlsFlow.replace('splice', 'direct') # XTLS on server should use xtls-rprx-direct flow configName = 'vless_%s' % (md5Sum(stream['caption'])[:8]) testInfo = { # release test info 'title': 'VLESS test: %s' % stream['caption'], 'client': loadClient(configName + '_client.json', proxyInfo, socksInfo), 'server': loadServer(configName + '_server.json', proxyInfo, stream['server'], xtlsFlow), 'socks': socksInfo, # exposed socks5 address 'interface': { 'addr': proxyInfo['server'], 'port': proxyInfo['port'], } } logging.debug('New vless test -> %s' % testInfo) return testInfo def load(): streams = Xray.loadStream() # load xray-core stream list for stream in streams: # test all stream cases yield loadTest(stream)