#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import re from ProxyDecoder import baseFunc def __vlessDecode(url: str) -> dict: """ VLESS标准分享链接解码 FORMAT: vless://$(UUID)@server:port?{fields}#$(remark) type -> tcp / kcp / ws / http / quic / grpc encryption -> none security -> none / tls / xtls path -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs host -> WebSocket / HTTP/2 / http obfs headerType -> mKCP / QUIC UDP obfs -> none / srtp / utp / wechat-video / dtls / wireguard -> TCP (http obfs) -> http seed -> mKCP seed quicSecurity -> QUIC method key -> QUIC key serviceName -> gRPC Service Name mode -> gRPC transport mode -> gun / multi / guna sni -> TLS / XTLS SNI alpn -> TLS / XTLS ALPN flow -> XTLS flow type -> xtls-rprx-origin / xtls-rprx-direct / xtls-rprx-splice """ match = re.search(r'^vless://([\S]+?)(#[\S]*)?$', url) # vless://...#REMARK remark = baseFunc.urlDecode( match[2][1:] if match[2] is not None else '' ) match = re.search( r'^([\S]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9.:\-_\[\]]+):([0-9]+)/?([\S]*)$', match[1] ) info = { 'server': baseFunc.formatHost(match[2]), 'port': int(match[3]), 'id': baseFunc.urlDecode(match[1]), 'remark': remark } params = baseFunc.paramSplit(match[4]) stream = { 'type': params['type'] if params['type'] != 'http' else 'h2' } if params['type'] == 'tcp': if 'headerType' in params and params['headerType'] == 'http': stream['obfs'] = {} if 'host' in params: stream['obfs']['host'] = params['host'] if 'path' in params: stream['obfs']['path'] = params['path'] elif params['type'] == 'kcp': if 'headerType' in params: stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'seed' in params: stream['seed'] = params['seed'] elif params['type'] == 'ws': if 'host' in params: stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'path' in params: try: stream['ed'], stream['path'] = baseFunc.splitEdParam(params['path']) except: stream['path'] = params['path'] elif params['type'] == 'http': if 'host' in params: stream['host'] = params['host'] if 'path' in params: stream['path'] = params['path'] elif params['type'] == 'quic': if 'headerType' in params: stream['obfs'] = params['headerType'] if 'quicSecurity' in params: stream['method'] = params['quicSecurity'] if 'key' in params: stream['passwd'] = params['key'] elif params['type'] == 'grpc': if 'serviceName' in params: stream['service'] = params['serviceName'] if 'mode' in params and params['mode'] == 'multi': stream['mode'] = 'multi' else: raise Exception('Unknown network type') if 'security' in params: if params['security'] in ['tls', 'xtls']: secure = { 'type': params['security'] } if 'sni' in params: secure['sni'] = params['sni'] if 'alpn' in params: secure['alpn'] = params['alpn'] if params['security'] == 'xtls' and 'flow' in params: # XTLS flow if params['flow'] in ['xtls-rprx-origin', 'xtls-rprx-origin-udp443']: secure['flow'] = 'xtls-origin' elif params['flow'] in ['xtls-rprx-direct', 'xtls-rprx-direct-udp443']: secure['flow'] = 'xtls-direct' elif params['flow'] in ['xtls-rprx-splice', 'xtls-rprx-splice-udp443']: secure['flow'] = 'xtls-splice' elif params['security'] in ['', 'none']: secure = None else: raise Exception('Unknown security type') stream['secure'] = secure info['stream'] = stream return info def decode(url: str) -> dict: if url.split('://')[0] != 'vless': raise Exception('Unexpected scheme') return { **{'type': 'vless'}, **__vlessDecode(url) }