#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- method_list = { "ss-python": [ "aes-128-gcm", "aes-192-gcm", "aes-256-gcm", "aes-128-ctr", "aes-192-ctr", "aes-256-ctr", "aes-128-ocb", "aes-192-ocb", "aes-256-ocb", "aes-128-ofb", "aes-192-ofb", "aes-256-ofb", "aes-128-cfb", "aes-192-cfb", "aes-256-cfb", "aes-128-cfb1", "aes-192-cfb1", "aes-256-cfb1", "aes-128-cfb8", "aes-192-cfb8", "aes-256-cfb8", "aes-128-cfb128", "aes-192-cfb128", "aes-256-cfb128", "camellia-128-cfb", "camellia-192-cfb", "camellia-256-cfb", "camellia-128-cfb128", "camellia-192-cfb128", "camellia-256-cfb128", "table", "rc4", "rc4-md5", "rc2-cfb", "bf-cfb", "cast5-cfb", "des-cfb", "idea-cfb", "seed-cfb", "salsa20", "xchacha20", "chacha20", "chacha20-ietf", "chacha20-poly1305", "chacha20-ietf-poly1305", "xchacha20-ietf-poly1305", ], "ss-python-legacy": [ "aes-128-ctr", "aes-192-ctr", "aes-256-ctr", "aes-128-ofb", "aes-192-ofb", "aes-256-ofb", "aes-128-cfb", "aes-192-cfb", "aes-256-cfb", "aes-128-cfb1", "aes-192-cfb1", "aes-256-cfb1", "aes-128-cfb8", "aes-192-cfb8", "aes-256-cfb8", "camellia-128-cfb", "camellia-192-cfb", "camellia-256-cfb", "table", "rc4", "rc4-md5", "rc2-cfb", "bf-cfb", "cast5-cfb", "des-cfb", "idea-cfb", "seed-cfb", "salsa20", "salsa20-ctr", "chacha20", ], "ss-libev": [ "aes-128-gcm", "aes-192-gcm", "aes-256-gcm", "aes-128-ctr", "aes-192-ctr", "aes-256-ctr", "aes-128-cfb", "aes-192-cfb", "aes-256-cfb", "camellia-128-cfb", "camellia-192-cfb", "camellia-256-cfb", "rc4", "rc4-md5", "bf-cfb", "salsa20", "chacha20", "chacha20-ietf", "chacha20-ietf-poly1305", "xchacha20-ietf-poly1305", ], "ss-libev-legacy": [ "aes-128-ctr", "aes-192-ctr", "aes-256-ctr", "aes-128-cfb", "aes-192-cfb", "aes-256-cfb", "camellia-128-cfb", "camellia-192-cfb", "camellia-256-cfb", "table", "rc4", "rc4-md5", "rc2-cfb", "bf-cfb", "cast5-cfb", "des-cfb", "idea-cfb", "seed-cfb", "salsa20", "chacha20", "chacha20-ietf", ], "ss-rust": [ "aes-128-gcm", "aes-256-gcm", "plain", "none", "chacha20-ietf-poly1305", ] } import sys client_port_start = 10001 server_port_start = 20001 password = "dnomd343" def type_to_filename(type): if type == "ss-python" or type == "ss-python-legacy": return "ss-bootstrap-" elif type == "ss-libev" or type == "ss-libev-legacy" or type == "ss-rust": return type + "-" else: return None def gen_server_cmd(type, method, port): if type == "ss-python": if method == "aes-128-cfb128" or method == "aes-192-cfb128" or method == "aes-256-cfb128": method = "mbedtls:" + method if method == "camellia-128-cfb128" or method == "camellia-192-cfb128" or method == "camellia-256-cfb128": method = "mbedtls:" + method cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "server --shadowsocks ss-python-server" cmd += " -p " + port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method if method == "idea-cfb" or method == "seed-cfb": cmd += " --libopenssl=libcrypto.so.1.0.0" elif type == "ss-python-legacy": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "server --shadowsocks ss-python-legacy-server" cmd += " -p " + port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method elif type == "ss-libev" or type == "ss-libev-legacy": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "server -u -p " + port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method elif type == "ss-rust": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "server -U -s" + port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method else: print("unknow server type") sys.exit(1) return cmd + " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" def gen_client_cmd(type, method, target_port, local_port): if type == "ss-python": if method == "aes-128-cfb128" or method == "aes-192-cfb128" or method == "aes-256-cfb128": method = "mbedtls:" + method if method == "camellia-128-cfb128" or method == "camellia-192-cfb128" or method == "camellia-256-cfb128": method = "mbedtls:" + method cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "local --shadowsocks ss-python-local" cmd += " -l " + local_port + " -s -p " + target_port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method if method == "idea-cfb" or method == "seed-cfb": cmd += " --libopenssl=libcrypto.so.1.0.0" elif type == "ss-python-legacy": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "local --shadowsocks ss-python-legacy-local" cmd += " -l " + local_port + " -s -p " + target_port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method elif type == "ss-libev" or type == "ss-libev-legacy": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "local -l " + local_port + " -s -p " + target_port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method elif type == "ss-rust": cmd = type_to_filename(type) + "local -b" + local_port + " -s" + target_port + " -k " + password + " -m " + method else: print("unknow client type") sys.exit(1) return cmd + " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" command_list = [] method_port_list = {} client_port = client_port_start server_port = server_port_start # Server command_list.append('echo -n "Start the servers..."') for (type, methods) in method_list.items(): for method in methods: if not method in method_port_list: method_port_list[method] = [] method_port_list[method].append(server_port) command_list.append(gen_server_cmd(type, method, str(server_port))) server_port += 1 command_list.append('sleep 5 && echo "OK"') # Client for (type, methods) in method_list.items(): command_list.append('echo -n "Start the ' + type + ' clients..."') for method in methods: for server_port in method_port_list[method]: command_list.append(gen_client_cmd(type, method, str(server_port), str(client_port))) client_port += 1 command_list.append('sleep 5 && echo "OK"') # Curl test for port in range(client_port_start, client_port): command_list.append('echo -n "' + str(port) + ' -> " && curl ip.343.re --socks5' + str(port)) client_port_start = client_port command_list.append("kill `ps aux | grep " + type_to_filename(type) + "local | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`") command_list.append('sleep 1') command_list.append("kill `ps aux | grep ss-bootstrap-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`") command_list.append("kill `ps aux | grep ss-libev-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`") command_list.append("kill `ps aux | grep ss-libev-legacy-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`") command_list.append("kill `ps aux | grep ss-rust-server | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`") command_list.append('echo "Done"') # Output for cmd in command_list: print(cmd)