#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import copy import time import ctypes import signal from Basis.Logger import logging from Basis.Functions import genFlag from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, DEVNULL libcPaths = [ '/usr/lib/libc.so.6', # CentOS '/usr/lib64/libc.so.6', '/lib/libc.musl-i386.so.1', # Alpine '/lib/libc.musl-x86_64.so.1', '/lib/libc.musl-aarch64.so.1', '/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', # Debian / Ubuntu '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', '/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6', ] libcPath = None for libc in libcPaths: if os.path.exists(libc): # try to locate libc.so libcPath = libc break if libcPath is None: # lost libc.so -> unable to utilize prctl logging.warning('libc.so not found') else: logging.info('libc.so -> ' + str(libcPath)) class Process(object): """ Manage a sub process and it's file. Arguments: cmd: Command list, which use to start the program. env: Environment variables for sub process. file: dict or list or None, include path and content option. workDir: A directory for storing log files and configuration files. taskId: Task ID, defaults to 12 random characters length. isStart: Start the process after class init complete. Attributes: id, cmd, env, file, workDir, output """ output = None # sub process output if capture is True __capture = None # capture the sub process output or not __logfile = None # the log file which sub process output into STDOUT and STDERR __process = None # CompletedProcess object of subprocess module @staticmethod def __preExec() -> None: ctypes.CDLL(libcPath).prctl(1, signal.SIGTERM) # sub process killed when father process exit os.setpgrp() # new process group def __checkWorkDir(self) -> None: # check if the working directory is normal if os.path.isdir(self.workDir): return logging.warning('[%s] Work directory %s not exist' % (self.id, self.workDir)) try: os.makedirs(self.workDir) # just like `mkdir -p ...` logging.info('[%s] New directory -> %s' % (self.id, self.workDir)) except: if os.path.exists(self.workDir): logging.error('[%s] %s already exist but not folder' % (self.id, self.workDir)) else: logging.error('[%s] Unable to create new folder -> %s' % (self.id, self.workDir)) raise RuntimeError('working directory error') # fatal error def __killProcess(self, killSignal: int) -> None: try: pgid = os.getpgid(self.__process.pid) # progress group id os.killpg(pgid, killSignal) # kill sub process group logging.debug('[%s] Send kill signal to PGID %i' % (self.id, pgid)) except: logging.warning('[%s] Failed to get PGID of sub process (PID = %i)' % (self.id, self.__process.pid)) def __deleteFile(self, filePath: str) -> None: if not os.path.isfile(filePath): # file not found (or not a file) logging.warning('[%s] File %s not found' % (self.id, filePath)) return try: os.remove(filePath) # remove config file logging.debug('[%s] File %s deleted successfully' % (self.id, filePath)) except: logging.error('[%s] Unable to delete file %s' % (self.id, filePath)) def __init__(self, workDir: str, taskId: str = '', isStart: bool = True, cmd: str or list or None = None, env: dict or None = None, file: dict or list or None = None) -> None: self.id = genFlag(length = 12) if taskId == '' else taskId self.workDir = workDir self.env = copy.copy(env) # depth = 1 self.cmd = copy.copy([cmd] if type(cmd) == str else cmd) # depth = 1 self.file = copy.deepcopy([file] if type(file) == dict else file) # depth = 2 self.__checkWorkDir() # ensure the working direction is normal logging.debug('[%s] Process command -> %s (%s)' % (self.id, self.cmd, self.env)) if self.file is not None: if len(self.file) > 1: logging.debug('[%s] Manage %i files' % (self.id, len(self.file))) for file in self.file: # traverse all files if not isStart: # don't print log twice logging.debug('[%s] File %s -> %s' % (self.id, file['path'], file['content'])) if isStart: self.start() def setCmd(self, cmd: str or list) -> None: self.cmd = copy.copy([cmd] if type(cmd) == str else cmd) logging.info('[%s] Process setting command -> %s' % (self.id, self.cmd)) def setEnv(self, env: dict or None) -> None: self.env = copy.copy(env) logging.info('[%s] Process setting environ -> %s' % (self.id, self.env)) def setFile(self, file: dict or list or None) -> None: self.file = copy.deepcopy([file] if type(file) == dict else file) if self.file is None: logging.info('[%s] Process setting file -> None' % self.id) return for file in self.file: # traverse all files logging.info('[%s] Process setting file %s -> %s' % (self.id, file['path'], file['content'])) def start(self, isCapture: bool = True) -> None: self.__capture = isCapture logging.debug('[%s] Process ready to start (%s)' % (self.id, ( 'with output capture' if self.__capture else 'without output capture' ))) if self.cmd is None: # ERROR CASE logging.error('[%s] Process miss start command' % self.id) raise RuntimeError('miss start command') if self.__process is not None and self.__process.poll() is None: # ERROR CASE logging.error('[%s] Sub process is still running' % self.id) raise RuntimeError('sub process is still running') if self.env is not None and 'PATH' not in self.env and '/' not in self.cmd[0]: # WARNING CASE logging.warning('[%s] Executable file in relative path but miss PATH in environ' % self.id) if self.file is not None: # create and write file contents for file in self.file: with open(file['path'], 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as fileObject: # save file content fileObject.write(file['content']) logging.debug('[%s] File %s -> %s' % (self.id, file['path'], file['content'])) if self.__capture: # with output capture self.__logfile = os.path.join(self.workDir, self.id + '.log') logging.debug('[%s] Output capture file -> %s' % (self.id, self.__logfile)) stdout = open(self.__logfile, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') stderr = STDOUT # combine the stderr with stdout else: # discard all the output of sub process stdout = DEVNULL stderr = DEVNULL self.__process = Popen( self.cmd, env = self.env, stdout = stdout, stderr = stderr, preexec_fn = None if libcPath is None else Process.__preExec ) logging.info('[%s] Process running -> PID = %i' % (self.id, self.__process.pid)) def signal(self, signalNum: int) -> None: # send specified signal to sub process try: signalName = signal.Signals(signalNum).name except: signalName = 'unknown' logging.info('[%s] Send signal -> %i (%s)' % (self.id, signalNum, signalName)) self.__process.send_signal(signalNum) def status(self) -> bool: # check if the sub process is still running status = self.__process.poll() is None logging.debug('[%s] Check status -> %s' % (self.id, 'running' if status else 'exit')) return status def wait(self, timeout: int or None = None) -> None: # blocking wait sub process logging.info('[%s] Process wait -> timeout = %s' % (self.id, str(timeout))) try: self.__process.wait(timeout = timeout) logging.info('[%s] Process wait timeout -> sub process exit' % self.id) except: logging.info('[%s] Process wait timeout -> sub process still running' % self.id) def quit(self, isForce: bool = False, waitTime: int = 50) -> None: # wait 50ms in default killSignal = signal.SIGKILL if isForce else signal.SIGTERM # 9 -> force kill / 15 -> terminate signal logging.debug('[%s] Kill signal = %i (%s)' % (self.id, killSignal, signal.Signals(killSignal).name)) self.__killProcess(killSignal) time.sleep(waitTime / 1000) # sleep (ms -> s) while self.__process.poll() is None: # confirm sub process exit self.__killProcess(killSignal) time.sleep(waitTime / 1000) logging.info('[%s] Process terminated -> PID = %i' % (self.id, self.__process.pid)) if self.__capture: try: with open(self.__logfile, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as fileObject: # read sub process output self.output = fileObject.read() logging.debug('[%s] Process output -> length = %s' % (self.id, len(self.output))) self.__deleteFile(self.__logfile) except: logging.error('[%s] Failed to read capture log file -> %s' % (self.id, self.__logfile)) if self.file is not None: # with config file for file in self.file: self.__deleteFile(file['path'])