#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import re import base64 import urllib.parse def urlEncode(content: str) -> str or None: try: return urllib.parse.urlencode(content) except: return None def urlDecode(content: str) -> str or None: try: return urllib.parse.unquote(content) except: return None def base64Encode(content: str, urlSafe: bool = False, isPadding: bool = True) -> str or None: try: content = base64.b64encode(content.encode()).decode() if urlSafe: content = content.replace('+', '-') content = content.replace('/', '_') if not isPadding: content = content.replace('=', '') return content except: return None def base64Decode(content: str) -> str or None: try: content = content.replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') if len(content) % 4 in range(2, 4): # remainder -> 2 or 3 content = content.ljust((len(content) // 4 + 1) * 4, '=') # increase to 4n return base64.b64decode(content).decode() except: return None def formatHost(host: str) -> str: try: host = host.lower().strip() if host[:1] == '[' and host[-1:] == ']': # [IPv6] return host[1:-1] except: pass return host def paramSplit(paramStr: str) -> dict: # ?param_1=xxx¶m_2=xxx¶m_3=xxx if paramStr.startswith('?'): paramStr = paramStr[1:] # remove `?` char params = {} for field in paramStr.split('&'): if field.find('=') < 0: # without `=` char continue key, value = field.split('=', maxsplit = 1) params[key] = urlDecode(value) return params def splitEdParam(path: str) -> tuple[int or None, str]: # 分离early-data参数 if path.find('?') == -1: return None, path content = re.search(r'^([\s\S]*?)\?([\s\S]*)$', path) ed = None params = [] for field in content[2].split('&'): # ?param_a=...¶m_b=... if not field.startswith('ed='): params.append(field) continue ed = int(field[3:]) # ed=... if ed is None: # ed param not found return None, path if not params: # param -> [] return ed, content[1] return ed, content[1] + '?' + '&'.join(params) def urlSplit(url: str) -> dict: # scheme://[auth@]server[:port]/.../...?param_1=...¶m_2=...#remark url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) auth = port = None netloc = url[1] if not netloc.find(':') < 0: # server[:port] netloc, port = netloc.rsplit(':', maxsplit = 1) port = int(port) if not netloc.find('@') < 0: # [auth@]server auth, netloc = netloc.rsplit('@', maxsplit = 1) return { 'scheme': url[0], 'auth': auth, 'server': formatHost(netloc), 'port': port, 'path': url[2], 'params': paramSplit(url[4]), 'remark': urlDecode(url[5]) }