#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import copy import json from ProxyTester import Plugin testConfig = {} trojanGoMethod = [ 'AES-128-GCM', 'AES-256-GCM', 'CHACHA20-IETF-POLY1305' ] sip003PluginList = [ # SIP003插件列表 'obfs-local', 'simple-tls', 'v2ray-plugin', 'xray-plugin', 'kcptun-client', 'gost-plugin', 'ck-client', 'gq-client', 'mtt-client', 'rabbit-plugin', 'qtun-client', 'gun-plugin' ] def loadTrojanGo(isWs: bool, ssMethod: str or None) -> dict: caption = 'Trojan-Go original' serverConfig = { 'run_type': 'server', 'local_addr': testConfig['bind'], 'local_port': testConfig['port'], 'remote_addr': '', # only for shadowsocks fallback 'remote_port': 343, 'password': [ testConfig['passwd'] ], 'disable_http_check': True, 'ssl': { 'cert': testConfig['cert'], 'key': testConfig['key'] } } proxyInfo = { 'type': 'trojan-go', 'server': testConfig['addr'], 'port': testConfig['port'], 'passwd': testConfig['passwd'], 'sni': testConfig['host'], } if ssMethod is not None: # add Shadowsocks encrypt caption += ' ' + ssMethod + ' encrypt' serverConfig['shadowsocks'] = { 'enabled': True, 'method': ssMethod, 'password': testConfig['passwd'] } proxyInfo['ss'] = { 'method': ssMethod, 'passwd': testConfig['passwd'] } if isWs: # add WebSocket config caption += ' (websocket)' serverConfig['websocket'] = { 'enabled': True, 'host': testConfig['host'], 'path': testConfig['path'] } proxyInfo['ws'] = { 'host': testConfig['host'], 'path': testConfig['path'] } return { 'caption': caption, 'client': proxyInfo, 'server': serverConfig, 'file': None, 'path': None } def loadTrojanGoPlugin(plugin: str) -> list: result = [] rabbitPort = 20191 trojanBaseConfig = loadTrojanGo(False, None) if plugin == 'rabbit-plugin': # rabbit-tcp trojanBaseConfig['caption'] = 'Trojan-Go rabbit-plugin (basic mode)' trojanBaseConfig['client']['port'] = rabbitPort trojanBaseConfig['client']['plugin'] = { 'type': 'rabbit-plugin', 'param': 'serviceAddr=' + str(testConfig['port']) + ';password=' + testConfig['passwd'] } trojanBaseConfig['server']['transport_plugin'] = { 'enabled': True, 'type': 'other', 'command': 'rabbit', 'arg': [ '-mode', 's', '-password', testConfig['passwd'], '-rabbit-addr', ':' + str(rabbitPort) ] } trojanBaseConfig['file'] = None trojanBaseConfig['path'] = None return [trojanBaseConfig] # other plugin pluginConfig = Plugin.loadPluginConfig(plugin, testConfig['host'], testConfig['cert'], testConfig['key']) # 载入插件配置 if plugin == 'kcptun-client' and testConfig['bind'].find(':') >= 0: trojanBaseConfig['server']['local_addr'] = '[' + trojanBaseConfig['server']['local_addr'] + ']' for pluginOption in pluginConfig: trojanConfig = copy.deepcopy(trojanBaseConfig) trojanConfig['caption'] = 'Trojan-Go plugin ' + plugin + ' (' + pluginOption['caption'] + ')' trojanConfig['client']['plugin'] = pluginOption['client'] trojanConfig['server']['transport_plugin'] = { 'enabled': True, 'type': 'shadowsocks', 'command': pluginOption['server']['type'], 'option': pluginOption['server']['param'] } trojanConfig['file'] = pluginOption['file'] trojanConfig['path'] = pluginOption['path'] result.append(trojanConfig) return result def loadTrojanGoConfig(trojanGoConfigList: list) -> list: result = [] for trojanGoConfig in trojanGoConfigList: result.append({ 'caption': trojanGoConfig['caption'], 'proxy': trojanGoConfig['client'], 'server': { 'startCommand': ['trojan-go', '-config', testConfig['file']], 'fileContent': json.dumps(trojanGoConfig['server']), 'filePath': testConfig['file'], 'envVar': {'PATH': '/usr/bin'} }, 'aider': { 'startCommand': None, 'fileContent': trojanGoConfig['file'], 'filePath': trojanGoConfig['path'], 'envVar': {} } }) return result def test(config: dict) -> list: global testConfig testConfig = config testList = [] testList += loadTrojanGoConfig([loadTrojanGo(False, None)]) # basic test testList += loadTrojanGoConfig([loadTrojanGo(True, None)]) for ssMethod in trojanGoMethod: testList += loadTrojanGoConfig([loadTrojanGo(False, ssMethod)]) # basic test with shadowsocks testList += loadTrojanGoConfig([loadTrojanGo(True, ssMethod)]) if config['bind'].find(':') >= 0: # ipv6 format error sip003PluginList.remove('gq-client') sip003PluginList.remove('rabbit-plugin') for plugin in sip003PluginList: # plugin test -> cause zombie process (imperfect trojan-go) testList += loadTrojanGoConfig(loadTrojanGoPlugin(plugin)) return testList