FROM alpine:3.16.0 AS ss-libev ENV SS_LIBEV="3.3.5" RUN \ # Source code downloads and dependent installations apk add asciidoc build-base c-ares-dev libev-dev libsodium-dev linux-headers mbedtls-dev pcre-dev xmlto && \ wget$SS_LIBEV/shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV.tar.gz && \ wget && \ ls ./*.tar.gz | xargs -n1 tar xf && \ mkdir -p /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile shadowsocks-libev cd ./shadowsocks-libev-$SS_LIBEV/ && \ ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install && \ mv /usr/bin/ss-local /tmp/release/ss-libev-local && \ mv /usr/bin/ss-server /tmp/release/ss-libev-server && \ \ # Compile and install openssl (version 1.0.2u) cd ../openssl-1.0.2u/ && \ ./config --shared --prefix=/usr && make && make install && \ cp /usr/lib/ /tmp/release/ FROM rust:1.62.0-alpine3.16 AS ss-rust ENV SS_RUST="v1.15.0-alpha.5" RUN \ apk add git build-base && \ mkdir -p /tmp/release/ && \ git clone && \ cd ./shadowsocks-rust/ && git checkout $SS_RUST && \ cargo build --release --features "stream-cipher aead-cipher-extra aead-cipher-2022 aead-cipher-2022-extra" && \ mv ./target/release/sslocal /tmp/release/ss-rust-local && \ mv ./target/release/ssserver /tmp/release/ss-rust-server FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16 AS ss-python ENV SS_PYTHON_LEGACY="2.6.2" RUN \ apk add build-base cmake git glib-dev && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ wget$SS_PYTHON_LEGACY.tar.gz && \ mkdir -p /tmp/release/ && \ tar xf ./*.tar.gz && \ \ # Package shadowsocksr cd ./shadowsocksr/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "/for path in paths:/a\ if '' in path:" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "/\ path = ''" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/ && mv ./lib/ ./ssr-python/ && \ mv ./ssr-python/shadowsocks/ ./ssr-python/shadowsocks/ ./ssr-python/ && \ chmod +x ./ssr-python/ ./ssr-python/ && \ BZIP2=-9 tar cjf /tmp/release/ssr-python.tar.bz2 ./ssr-python/ && \ \ # Package shadowsocks-python (latest version) cd ../../shadowsocks/ && git checkout master && \ sed -i 's/if addr is/if addr ==/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/and ip is not/and ip !=/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/if len(block) is/if len(block) ==/g' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/ && mv ./lib/ ./ss-python/ && \ mv ./ss-python/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python/ && \ chmod +x ./ss-python/ ./ss-python/ && \ BZIP2=-9 tar cjf /tmp/release/ss-python.tar.bz2 ./ss-python/ && \ \ # Package shadowsocks-python (legacy version) cd ../../shadowsocks-$SS_PYTHON_LEGACY/ && \ sed -i 's/MutableMapping/abc.MutableMapping/' ./shadowsocks/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ sed -i "s/find_library(p)/''/g" ./shadowsocks/crypto/ && \ python3 build && cd ./build/ && mv ./lib/ ./ss-python-legacy/ && \ mv ./ss-python-legacy/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python-legacy/shadowsocks/ ./ss-python-legacy/ && \ chmod +x ./ss-python-legacy/ ./ss-python-legacy/ && \ BZIP2=-9 tar cjf /tmp/release/ss-python-legacy.tar.bz2 ./ss-python-legacy/ && \ \ # Compile shadowsocks-bootstrap cd ../../shadowsocks-bootstrap/ && mkdir ./build/ && \ cd ./build/ && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make && \ mv ../bin/* /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Build numpy and salsa20 python module mkdir /tmp/salsa20/ && \ pip3 install numpy salsa20 && \ cd /usr/local/lib/python*/site-packages/ && \ mv ./*numpy* ./*salsa20* /tmp/salsa20/ && \ cd /tmp/salsa20/ && rm -rf `find ./ -name '__pycache__'` && \ BZIP2=-9 tar cjf /tmp/release/salsa20.tar.bz2 ./* FROM rust:1.62.0-alpine3.16 AS plugin-1 RUN \ apk add asciidoc autoconf automake build-base git libev-dev libtool linux-headers xmlto && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ mkdir /tmp/release/ && \ # Compile simple-obfs cd ./simple-obfs/ && \ git submodule update --init --recursive && \ ./ && ./configure && make && make install && \ mv /usr/local/bin/obfs-local /usr/local/bin/obfs-server /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile qtun cd ../qtun/ && \ cargo build --release && \ mv ./target/release/qtun-client /tmp/release/ && \ mv ./target/release/qtun-server /tmp/release/ FROM golang:1.16.15-alpine3.15 AS plugin-2 ENV GOST_PLUGIN="v1.6.3" RUN \ apk add git && mkdir /tmp/release/ && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ \ # Compile v2ray-plugin cd ./v2ray-plugin/ && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$VERSION -s -w" && \ mv ./v2ray-plugin /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile kcptun cd ../kcptun/ && git checkout sip003 && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ go mod init && go mod tidy && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o kcptun-client -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$VERSION -s -w" ./client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o kcptun-server -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$VERSION -s -w" ./server && \ mv ./kcptun-client ./kcptun-server /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile gost-plugin cd ../gost-plugin/ && \ git checkout $GOST_PLUGIN -b build && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$VERSION -s -w" && \ mv ./gost-plugin /tmp/release && \ \ # Compile GoQuiet cd ../GoQuiet/ && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ go mod init && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION -s -w" ./cmd/gq-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION -s -w" ./cmd/gq-server && \ mv ./gq-client ./gq-server /tmp/release/ && \ \ # mos-tls-tunnel cd ../mos-tls-tunnel/ && \ go mod init && go mod vendor && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod=vendor -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/mtt-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod=vendor -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/mtt-server && \ mv ./mtt-client ./mtt-server /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile rabbit-plugin cd ../rabbit-plugin/ && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" && \ mv ./rabbit-plugin /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile rabbit-tcp cd ../rabbit-tcp/ && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.Version=$VERSION -s -w" ./cmd/rabbit.go && \ mv ./rabbit /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile gun-plugin cd ../gun/ && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o gun-plugin -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" ./cmd/sip003/ && \ mv ./gun-plugin /tmp/release/ FROM golang:1.17.11-alpine3.16 AS plugin-3 ENV SIMPLE_TLS="v0.7.0" RUN \ apk add git && mkdir /tmp/release/ && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ git clone && \ \ # Compile simple-tls cd ./simple-tls/ && \ git checkout $SIMPLE_TLS -b build && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ sed -i 's/version = "unknown\/dev"/version = "'$VERSION'"/g' main.go && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w" && \ mv ./simple-tls /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile xray-plugin cd ../xray-plugin/ && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.VERSION=$VERSION -s -w" && \ mv ./xray-plugin /tmp/release/ && \ \ # Compile Cloak cd ../Cloak/ && VERSION=`git describe --tags` && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION -s -w" ./cmd/ck-client && \ env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -trimpath -ldflags "-X main.version=$VERSION -s -w" ./cmd/ck-server && \ mv ./ck-client ./ck-server /tmp/release/ FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16 AS asset COPY --from=ss-rust /tmp/release /tmp/release COPY --from=ss-libev /tmp/release /tmp/release COPY --from=ss-python /tmp/release /tmp/release COPY --from=plugin-1 /tmp/release /tmp/release COPY --from=plugin-2 /tmp/release /tmp/release COPY --from=plugin-3 /tmp/release /tmp/release RUN \ PACKAGE_DIR="usr/local/lib/$(ls /usr/local/lib/ | grep ^python)/site-packages" && \ mkdir -p /asset/$PACKAGE_DIR/ && \ cd /asset/$PACKAGE_DIR/ && mv /tmp/release/*.tar.bz2 ./ && \ ls ./*.tar.bz2 | xargs -n1 tar xf && rm -rf ./*.tar.bz2 && \ mkdir -p /asset/usr/bin/ && mkdir -p /asset/lib/ && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ssr-python/ /asset/usr/bin/ssr-local && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ssr-python/ /asset/usr/bin/ssr-server && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ss-python/ /asset/usr/bin/ss-python-local && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ss-python/ /asset/usr/bin/ss-python-server && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ss-python-legacy/ /asset/usr/bin/ss-python-legacy-local && \ ln -s /$PACKAGE_DIR/ss-python-legacy/ /asset/usr/bin/ss-python-legacy-server && \ mv /tmp/release/*.so* /asset/lib/ && \ mv /tmp/release/* /asset/usr/bin/ FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16 COPY --from=asset /asset / RUN \ apk add --no-cache c-ares glib libev libsodium mbedtls pcre && \ pip3 --no-cache-dir install colorlog pysocks requests # ss-libev-server --help # ss-libev-local --help # ss-rust-server --help # ss-rust-local --help # ss-bootstrap-server --help # ss-bootstrap-local --help # ss-python-server --help # ss-python-local --help # ss-python-legacy-server --help # ss-python-legacy-local --help # ssr-server --help # ssr-local --help # obfs-local --help # obfs-server --help # simple-tls --help # v2ray-plugin --help # xray-plugin --help # kcptun-client --help # kcptun-server --help # gost-plugin --help # ck-client --help # ck-server --help # gq-client --help # gq-server --help # mtt-client --help # mtt-server --help # rabbit-plugin --help # rabbit --help # qtun-client --help # qtun-server --help # gun-plugin --help