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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import time
import requests
def httpPing(port, url = '', timeout = 30):
检测异常: return None, {reason}
服务错误: return False, {reason}
连接正常: return True, httpDelay
startTime = time.time_ns() # 请求开始时间
socks5 = 'socks5://' + str(port)
httpRequest = requests.get(url, proxies = { # http请求
'http': socks5,
'https': socks5,
}, timeout = timeout)
except NameError: # 模块无效
return None, 'Missing modules'
except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema: # 缺失pysocks包
return None, 'Missing dependencies for SOCKS support'
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # socks端口出错
return None, 'Unable to connect socks5 proxy'
except requests.exceptions.ProxyError: # socks代理出错
return None, 'Unable to connect socks5 proxy'
except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: # 请求超时
return False, 'Request timeout'
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: # 请求超时
return False, 'Request timeout'
except requests.exceptions.Timeout: # 请求超时
return False, 'Request timeout'
except: # 未知错误
return None, 'Unknown error'
statusCode = httpRequest.status_code # 获取http状态码
return None, 'Http request error'
if 'statusCode' in vars() and statusCode == 204: # http测试成功
delay = (time.time_ns() - startTime) / (10 ** 6)
return True, round(delay, 2) # 保留小数点后两位
return False, 'Http status code not 204'
def httpCheck(port, url = '', timeout = 30):
测试异常: return None, {reason}
测试完成: return health, delay
result = []
failNum = 0
for i in [4, 2, 1]: # 三次测试
status, delay = httpPing(port, url, timeout / i)
if status == None: # 测试异常
return None, delay
elif status == False: # 连接失败
else: # 连接成功
for ret in result: # 计算失败次数
if ret < 0:
failNum += 1
if failNum == 3: # 全部失败
return False, -1
elif failNum == 2: # 仅成功一次
for ret in result:
if ret > 0: # 返回成功单次延迟
return False, ret
elif failNum == 1: # 存在一次失败
sum = 0
for ret in result:
if ret > 0:
sum += ret
return False, sum / 2 # 返回成功延迟均值
else: # 全部成功
return True, min(min(result[0], result[1]), result[2]) # 返回最低延迟