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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import copy
import ProxyTester.Plugin as sip003
testConfig = {}
ssMethodList = [
sip003PluginList = [ # SIP003插件列表
def __ssServerConfig(method: str, plugin: str or None) -> list:
rabbitPort = 20191
proxyInfo = {
'type': 'ss',
'server': testConfig['addr'],
'port': testConfig['port'],
'passwd': testConfig['passwd'],
'method': method
caption = 'Shadowsocks method ' + method
if method in ['plain', 'none']: # plain / none -> ss-rust
serverCommand = [
'-s', testConfig['bind'] + ':' + str(testConfig['port']),
'-k', testConfig['passwd'],
'-m', method
elif method == 'salsa20-ctr': # salsa20-ctr -> ss-python-legacy
serverCommand = [
'ss-bootstrap-server', '--no-udp',
'--shadowsocks', 'ss-python-legacy-server',
'-s', testConfig['bind'],
'-p', str(testConfig['port']),
'-k', testConfig['passwd'],
'-m', method
else: # others -> ss-python
mbedtlsMethods = [
if method in mbedtlsMethods:
method = 'mbedtls:' + method
serverCommand = [
'ss-bootstrap-server', '--no-udp',
'--shadowsocks', 'ss-python-server',
'-s', testConfig['bind'],
'-p', str(testConfig['port']),
'-k', testConfig['passwd'],
'-m', method
if method == 'idea-cfb' or method == 'seed-cfb':
if plugin is None: # 无插件模式
return [{
'caption': caption,
'proxy': proxyInfo,
'server': {
'startCommand': serverCommand,
'fileContent': None,
'filePath': None,
'envVar': {}
'aider': None
if plugin == 'rabbit-plugin': # rabbit-tcp
proxyInfo['port'] = rabbitPort
proxyInfo['plugin'] = {
'type': 'rabbit-plugin',
'param': 'serviceAddr=' + str(testConfig['port']) + ';password=' + testConfig['passwd']
return [{
'proxy': proxyInfo,
'caption': 'Shadowsocks plugin rabbit-plugin (basic mode)',
'server': {
'startCommand': serverCommand,
'fileContent': None,
'filePath': None,
'envVar': {}
'aider': {
'startCommand': [
'-mode', 's',
'-password', testConfig['passwd'],
'-rabbit-addr', ':' + str(rabbitPort)
'fileContent': None,
'filePath': None,
'envVar': {}
# others plugin
result = []
pluginConfig = sip003.loadPluginConfig( # 载入插件配置
plugin, testConfig['host'], testConfig['cert'], testConfig['key']
serverBaseCommand = copy.deepcopy(serverCommand)
for pluginOption in pluginConfig:
serverCommand = copy.deepcopy(serverBaseCommand)
proxyInfo['plugin'] = pluginOption['client']
'proxy': proxyInfo,
'caption': 'Shadowsocks plugin ' + proxyInfo['plugin']['type'] + ' (' + pluginOption['caption'] + ')',
'server': {
'startCommand': serverCommand,
'fileContent': pluginOption['file'],
'filePath': pluginOption['path'],
'envVar': {}
'aider': None
return result
def test(config: dict) -> list:
global testConfig
testConfig = config
testList = []
for method in ssMethodList: # all Shadowsocks methods
testList += __ssServerConfig(method, None)
for plugin in sip003PluginList: # all SIP003 plugin
testList += __ssServerConfig('aes-256-ctr', plugin)
return testList