You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
3.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import copy
import time
import _thread
import argparse
import compileall
from Basis import Constant
def mainArgParse(rawArgs: list) -> argparse.Namespace:
mainParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Start running API server')
mainParser.add_argument('--log', type = str, default = 'debug', help = 'output log level')
mainParser.add_argument('--port', type = int, default = 7839, help = 'port for running')
mainParser.add_argument('--token', type = str, default = '', help = 'token for api server')
mainParser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help = 'show version', action = 'store_true')
# TODO: api path / dns server
return mainParser.parse_args(rawArgs)
def testArgParse(rawArgs: list) -> argparse.Namespace:
testParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Test that each function is working properly')
testParser.add_argument('PROTOCOL', type = str, help = 'test protocol name')
testParser.add_argument('-a', '--all', help = 'test extra shadowsocks items', action = 'store_true')
testParser.add_argument('-6', '--ipv6', help = 'test on ipv6 network', action = 'store_true')
testParser.add_argument('--url', type = str, default = '', help = 'http request url')
testParser.add_argument('--cert', type = str, help = 'specify the certificate id')
testParser.add_argument('--thread', type = int, default = 16, help = 'thread number in check process')
testParser.add_argument('--select', type = str, nargs = '+', help = 'select id list for test')
return testParser.parse_args(rawArgs)
inputArgs = copy.copy(sys.argv)
if len(inputArgs) >= 0: # remove first arg (normally file name)
if len(inputArgs) != 0 and inputArgs[0].lower() == 'test': # test mode
inputArgs.pop(0) # remove `test`
if len(inputArgs) == 0 or inputArgs[0].startswith('-'): # no protocol is specified
inputArgs = ['all'] + inputArgs
testArgs = testArgParse(inputArgs)
# TODO: start test process
mainArgs = mainArgParse(inputArgs)
if mainArgs.version: # output version and exit
print('ProxyC version -> %s' % Constant.Version)
Constant.LogLevel = mainArgs.log # overwrite global options
Constant.ApiPort = mainArgs.port
Constant.ApiToken = mainArgs.token
from Basis.Check import Check
from Basis import Api, DnsProxy
from Basis.Logger import logging
from Basis.Manager import Manager
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def pythonCompile(dirRange: str = '/') -> None: # python optimize compile
for optimize in [-1, 1, 2]:
compileall.compile_dir(dirRange, quiet = 1, optimize = optimize)
logging.warning('Python optimize compile -> %s (level = %i)' % (dirRange, optimize))
def runCheck(taskId: str, taskInfo: dict) -> None:
checkResult = Check(taskId, taskInfo) # check by task info
logging.warning('[%s] Task finish' % taskId)
Manager.finishTask(taskId, checkResult) # commit check result
def loop(threadNum: int = 16) -> None:
threadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = threadNum) # init thread pool
while True:
taskId, taskInfo = Manager.popTask() # pop a task
logging.warning('[%s] Load new task' % taskId)
except: # no more task
threadPool.submit(runCheck, taskId, taskInfo) # submit into thread pool
logging.warning('ProxyC starts running (%s)' % Constant.Version)
_thread.start_new_thread(pythonCompile, ('/usr',)) # python compile (generate .pyc file)
_thread.start_new_thread(DnsProxy.start, (Constant.DnsServer, 53)) # start dns server
_thread.start_new_thread(loop, ()) # start check loop
Api.startServer() # start api server