You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

140 lines
6.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import copy
import time
import _thread
import argparse
import compileall
from Utils import Constant
from Utils.Exception import checkException
def mainArgParse(rawArgs: list) -> argparse.Namespace:
mainParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Start running API server')
mainParser.add_argument('--log', type = str, default = Constant.LogLevel, help = 'output log level')
mainParser.add_argument('--dns', type = str, default = Constant.DnsServer, nargs = '+', help = 'specify dns server')
mainParser.add_argument('--port', type = int, default = Constant.ApiPort, help = 'port for running')
mainParser.add_argument('--path', type = str, default = Constant.ApiPath, help = 'root path for api server')
mainParser.add_argument('--token', type = str, default = Constant.ApiToken, help = 'token for api server')
mainParser.add_argument('--thread', type = int, default = Constant.CheckThread, help = 'number of check thread')
mainParser.add_argument('-v', '--version', help = 'show version', action = 'store_true')
return mainParser.parse_args(rawArgs)
def testArgParse(rawArgs: list) -> argparse.Namespace:
testParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Test that each function is working properly')
testParser.add_argument('PROTOCOL', type = str, help = 'test protocol name')
testParser.add_argument('-a', '--all', help = 'test extra shadowsocks items', action = 'store_true')
testParser.add_argument('-6', '--ipv6', help = 'test on ipv6 network', action = 'store_true')
testParser.add_argument('--debug', help = 'enable debug log level', action = 'store_true')
testParser.add_argument('--url', type = str, default = '', help = 'http request url')
testParser.add_argument('--cert', type = str, default = '', help = 'specify the certificate id')
testParser.add_argument('--thread', type = int, default = 16, help = 'thread number in check process')
testParser.add_argument('--select', type = str, nargs = '+', help = 'select id list for test')
return testParser.parse_args(rawArgs)
testArgs = None
testMode = False
inputArgs = copy.copy(sys.argv)
if len(inputArgs) >= 0: # remove first arg (normally file name)
if len(inputArgs) != 0 and inputArgs[0].lower() == 'test': # test mode
inputArgs.pop(0) # remove `test`
if len(inputArgs) == 0 or inputArgs[0].startswith('-'): # no protocol is specified
inputArgs = ['all'] + inputArgs
testArgs = testArgParse(inputArgs)
Constant.LogLevel = 'debug' if testArgs.debug else 'warning'
testMode = True
mainArgs = mainArgParse(inputArgs)
if mainArgs.version: # output version and exit
print('ProxyC version -> %s' % Constant.Version)
Constant.LogLevel = mainArgs.log # overwrite global options
Constant.DnsServer = mainArgs.dns
Constant.ApiPort = mainArgs.port
Constant.ApiPath = mainArgs.path
Constant.ApiToken = mainArgs.token
Constant.CheckThread = mainArgs.thread
from Tester import testEntry
from Utils.Check import Check
from Utils import Api, DnsProxy
from Utils.Logger import logger
from Utils.Manager import Manager
from Utils.Test import Test, loadBind, loadCert
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def pythonCompile(dirRange: str = '/') -> None: # python optimize compile
for optimize in [-1, 1, 2]:
compileall.compile_dir(dirRange, quiet = 1, optimize = optimize)
logger.warning('Python optimize compile -> %s (level = %i)' % (dirRange, optimize))
def runCheck(taskId: str, taskInfo: dict) -> None:
success = True
checkResult = {}
checkResult = Check(taskId, taskInfo) # check by task info
logger.warning('[%s] Task finish' % taskId)
except checkException as exp:
success = False
logger.error('[%s] Task error -> %s' % (taskId, exp))
success = False
logger.error('[%s] Task error -> Unknown error' % taskId)
if not success: # got some error in check process
checkResult = {
'success': False,
Manager.finishTask(taskId, checkResult) # commit check result
def loop(threadNum: int) -> None:
logger.warning('Loop check start -> %i threads' % threadNum)
threadPool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = threadNum) # init thread pool
while True:
taskId, taskInfo = Manager.popTask() # pop a task
logger.warning('[%s] Load new task' % taskId)
except: # no more task
threadPool.submit(runCheck, taskId, taskInfo) # submit into thread pool
if testMode: # test mode
loadBind(serverV6 = testArgs.ipv6, clientV6 = testArgs.ipv6) # ipv4 / ipv6 ( / ::1)
loadCert(certId = testArgs.cert) # cert config
logger.critical('TEST ITEM: %s' % testArgs.PROTOCOL)
logger.critical('SELECT: ' + str(
logger.critical('URL: %s' % testArgs.url)
logger.critical('THREAD NUMBER: %i' % testArgs.thread)
logger.critical('-' * 32 + ' TEST START ' + '-' * 32)
if testArgs.PROTOCOL == 'all': # run all test items
for item in testEntry:
if item == ('ss' if testArgs.all else 'ss-all'): # skip ss / ss-all
logger.critical('TEST ITEM -> ' + item)
Test(testEntry[item], testArgs.thread, testArgs.url,
else: # run single item
if testArgs.PROTOCOL == 'ss' and testArgs.all: # test shadowsocks extra items
testItem = 'ss-all'
Test(testEntry[testArgs.PROTOCOL], testArgs.thread, testArgs.url,
logger.critical('-' * 32 + ' TEST COMPLETE ' + '-' * 32)
sys.exit(0) # test complete
logger.warning('ProxyC starts running (%s)' % Constant.Version)
_thread.start_new_thread(pythonCompile, ('/usr',)) # python compile (generate .pyc file)
_thread.start_new_thread(DnsProxy.start, (Constant.DnsServer, 53)) # start dns server
_thread.start_new_thread(loop, (Constant.CheckThread, )) # start check loop
Api.startServer() # start api server