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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import itertools
from Builder import Brook
from Basis.Logger import logging
from Basis.Process import Process
from Basis.Functions import genFlag
from Basis.Functions import hostFormat
from Basis.Functions import getAvailablePort
settings = {
'serverBind': '',
'clientBind': '',
# 'serverBind': '::1',
# 'clientBind': '::1',
'workDir': '/tmp/ProxyC',
'host': '',
'cert': '/etc/ssl/certs/',
'key': '/etc/ssl/certs/',
def originStream(isUot: bool) -> dict:
return {
'caption': 'original' + (' (UDP over TCP)' if isUot else ''),
'info': {
'type': 'origin',
'uot': isUot,
'command': lambda proxyInfo: ['server'] + [ # callback function for loading brook command
'--listen', '%s:%i' % (hostFormat(proxyInfo['server'], v6Bracket = True), proxyInfo['port']),
'--password', proxyInfo['passwd'],
def loadWsCommand(proxyInfo: dict) -> list: # load start command for brook server
return ([
'wsserver', '--listen', '%s:%i' % (hostFormat(proxyInfo['server'], v6Bracket = True), proxyInfo['port'])
] if proxyInfo['stream']['secure'] is None else [
'wssserver', '--domainaddress', '%s:%i' % (proxyInfo['stream']['host'], proxyInfo['port'])
]) + [
'--path', proxyInfo['stream']['path'],
'--password', proxyInfo['passwd'],
] + ([] if proxyInfo['stream']['secure'] is None else [
'--cert', settings['cert'],
'--certkey', settings['key'],
]) + (['--withoutBrookProtocol'] if proxyInfo['stream']['raw'] else [])
def wsStream(isRaw: bool, isSecure: bool):
return {
'caption': 'websocket' + (' (with tls)' if isSecure else '') + (' (without brook)' if isRaw else ''),
'info': {
'type': 'ws',
'host': settings['host'],
'path': '/' + genFlag(length = 6),
'raw': isRaw,
'secure': {'verify': True} if isSecure else None,
'command': loadWsCommand # callback function for loading brook command
def loadTest(stream: dict) -> dict:
proxyInfo = {
'server': settings['serverBind'],
'port': getAvailablePort(),
'passwd': genFlag(),
'stream': stream['info']
socksInfo = { # socks5 interface for test
'addr': settings['clientBind'],
'port': getAvailablePort()
clientCommand, _, _ = Brook.load(proxyInfo, socksInfo, '')
serverCommand = ['brook', '--debug', '--listen', ':'] + stream['command'](proxyInfo)
testInfo = { # release test info
'title': 'Brook test: ' + stream['caption'],
'client': Process(settings['workDir'], cmd = clientCommand, isStart = False),
'server': Process(settings['workDir'], cmd = serverCommand, isStart = False),
'socks': socksInfo, # exposed socks5 address
'interface': {
'addr': proxyInfo['server'],
'port': proxyInfo['port'],
logging.debug('New brook test -> %s' % testInfo)
return testInfo
def load():
streams = []
addStream = lambda x: streams.append(copy.deepcopy(x))
for isUot in [False, True]:
addStream(originStream(isUot)) # origin stream test
for isSecure, isRaw in itertools.product([False, True], [False, True]):
addStream(wsStream(isRaw, isSecure)) # websocket stream test
for stream in streams:
yield loadTest(stream)