mirror of https://github.com/dnomd343/Sudoku
5 years ago
1 changed files with 315 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ |
#include<iostream> |
#include<vector> |
#include<fstream> |
using namespace std; |
ifstream File_Input; |
ofstream File_Output; |
struct Sudoku_Class{ //一个宫格的内容
unsigned char Data; //数字1~9,0表示未完成
bool May[9]; //假设数
}; |
struct Try_Point_Class{ //假设链上的节点
unsigned char Block_Num; //被假设的宫格编号
unsigned char Point_Num; //当前正在被假设的Item编号
vector <unsigned char> Item; //节点中的所有假设数
}; |
struct Sudoku_Class Base[81]; //全部81个宫格
struct Sudoku_Class Backup[81]; //进行假设的时候暂存使用
unsigned char Addr_Kind[3][9][9]; //行列宫对应的位置表
unsigned char Addr_Block[81][3]; //宫格所在行列宫的编号
vector <struct Try_Point_Class> Try; //假设链
struct Try_Point_Class Empty_Point; //空的假设节点
unsigned char Mode; |
void Init(); |
void Analyse(); |
void Engine(); |
bool Check_Compete(); |
bool Check_Error(); |
void Create_New_Point(); |
void Solve_Output(); |
bool Try_Next(); |
void Data_Input(); |
unsigned int Calculate(); |
unsigned char Next_Empty_Block(unsigned char Start); |
void Init_Point(unsigned char Block_Num,unsigned char Point_Num); |
int main(){ |
unsigned int Solve_Num,Dat; |
Init(); |
cout<<"Welcome to Sudoku-Calculator!"<<endl; |
Restart:; |
Data_Input(); |
cout<<endl<<"The Input Data:"<<endl; |
Solve_Output(); |
cout<<"0.Go back and edit the data"<<endl; |
cout<<"1.Show all solutions one by one"<<endl; |
cout<<"2.Find the number of solutions in all cases"<<endl; |
cout<<"3.Find all solutions and output them to file"<<endl; |
cout<<endl<<"Select a mode and continue : "; |
cin>>Dat; |
if((Dat>=1)&&(Dat<=3)){Mode=Dat;}else{goto Restart;} |
cout<<"The mode is "<<int(Mode)<<" ,Press ENTER to Start Calculate..."; |
cin.get();cin.get(); |
cout<<"Please Wait..."<<endl; |
Solve_Num=Calculate(); |
if(Solve_Num==0){ |
cout<<"Error or No solve!!!"<<endl; |
} |
else{ |
cout<<"Found "<<Solve_Num<<" Solution"<<endl; |
} |
cout<<"Press ENTER to Exit..."; |
cin.get(); |
return 0; |
} |
void Data_Input(){ //接受命令行下输入数独内容
unsigned int Num,i; |
char Dat; |
char Data[82]; |
cout<<"Please Input the Data:"<<endl; |
Num=0; |
Next:; |
cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; |
cout<<"You can Input the Command and then Press the ENTER"<<endl; |
cout<<"'+' : Next Block '-' : Last Block"<<endl; |
cout<<"'*' : Next Line '/' : Last Line"<<endl; |
cout<<"'=' : Compete '0' : Empty Block"<<endl; |
cout<<"'1' to '9' : The Number"<<endl<<endl; |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ |
Data[i]=Base[i].Data+48; |
} |
Data[81]=0; |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ |
if(i==Num){ |
cout<<"_"<<" "; |
} |
else{ |
if(Data[i]=='0'){cout<<"?"<<" ";}else{cout<<Data[i]<<" ";} |
} |
if(i%3==2){cout<<" ";} |
if(i%9==8){cout<<endl;} |
if(i%27==26){cout<<endl;} |
} |
cin>>Dat; |
if(Dat==43){ // ‘+’
if(Num<=79){Num++;} |
goto Next; |
} |
else if(Dat==45){ // '-'
if(Num>=1){Num--;} |
goto Next; |
} |
else if(Dat==42){ // '*'
if(Num<=71){Num=Num+9;} |
goto Next; |
} |
else if(Dat==47){ // '/'
if(Num>=9){Num=Num-9;} |
goto Next; |
} |
else if(Dat==61){} // '='
else if((Dat>=48)&&(Dat<=57)){ |
Base[Num].Data=int(Dat-48); |
if(Num<=79){Num++;} |
goto Next; |
} |
else{goto Next;} |
} |
void Solve_Output(){ |
unsigned char i; |
char Data[82]; |
if(Mode==2){return;} |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){Data[i]=Base[i].Data+48;} |
Data[81]=0; |
if(Mode==0){ |
cout<<endl; |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ |
if(Data[i]==48){cout<<"-"<<" ";}else{cout<<Data[i]<<" ";} |
if(i%3==2){cout<<" ";} |
if(i%9==8){cout<<endl;} |
if(i%27==26){cout<<endl;} |
} |
} |
else if(Mode==1){ |
cout<<endl; |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ |
cout<<Data[i]<<" "; |
if(i%3==2){cout<<" ";} |
if(i%9==8){cout<<endl;} |
if(i%27==26){cout<<endl;} |
} |
cout<<"Press ENTER to Show Next Solution..."; |
cin.get(); |
cout<<endl; |
} |
else if(Mode==3){ |
File_Output<<Data<<endl; |
} |
} |
unsigned int Calculate(){ //主计算函数
unsigned char i; |
int Solve_Num=0; |
if(Mode==3){File_Output.open("Data_Output.txt");} |
Engine(); //初步排除运算
if(Check_Error()==true){File_Output.close();return 0;} //输入的数独有误
if(Check_Compete()==true){Solve_Output();File_Output.close();return 1;} //输入的数独已完成
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){Backup[i]=Base[i];} //备份数据 假设时暂存
Create_New_Point(); //创建假设链根节点
while(1){ |
for(i=0;i<=(Try.size()-1);i++){ //装载假设链
Base[Try[i].Block_Num].Data=Try[i].Item[Try[i].Point_Num]; |
} |
Engine(); //进行排除运算
if(Check_Error()==true){ //当前假设错误
if(Try_Next()==false){break;} //没有下一个假设,则该数独无解,退出
} |
else{ //当前假设可能正确
if(Check_Compete()==false){ //若仍未完成,则创建新的假设节点
Create_New_Point(); |
} |
else{ //已完成
Solve_Output(); |
Solve_Num++; //答案数目+1
if(Try_Next()==false){break;} //没有下一个假设,求解完成,退出
} |
} |
} |
File_Output.close(); |
return Solve_Num; |
} |
bool Try_Next(){ //当前假设错误,装载下一个假设
unsigned char i; |
while((Try[Try.size()-1].Point_Num>=(Try[Try.size()-1].Item.size()-1))){ |
if(Try.size()==1){return false;} |
Try.resize(Try.size()-1); |
} |
Try[Try.size()-1].Point_Num++; //假设链末节点指向下一个Item
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ //将备份数据重新装载
Base[i]=Backup[i]; |
} |
return true; //成功
} |
void Create_New_Point(){ //创建新的假设链节点
Try.push_back(Empty_Point); |
if(Try.size()==1){ //若为根节点
Init_Point(Next_Empty_Block(0),0); //从第一格开始搜索未完成宫格
} |
else{ //若不是根节点
Init_Point(Next_Empty_Block(Try[Try.size()-2].Block_Num+1),Try.size()-1); //从上一节点指向的宫格开始搜索未完成宫格
} |
} |
void Init_Point(unsigned char Block_Num,unsigned char Point_Num){ //初始化假设链节点 Block_Num->被假设宫格的编号 Point_Num->节点的编号
unsigned char i; |
Try[Point_Num].Block_Num=Block_Num; |
for(i=0;i<=8;i++){ |
if(Base[Try[Point_Num].Block_Num].May[i]==true){ //遍历目标宫格的所有假设数并加入到该节点的Item中
Try[Point_Num].Item.push_back(i+1); |
} |
} |
Try[Point_Num].Point_Num=0; //指向Item中的第一个假设数
} |
unsigned char Next_Empty_Block(unsigned char Start){ //找到下一个未确定答案的宫格并返回其编号
unsigned char i; |
for(i=Start;i<=80;i++){ |
if(Base[i].Data==0){return i;} |
} |
return 0; //没有未确定宫格
} |
bool Check_Error(){ //检查数独是否存在错误
unsigned char kind,num,add,item; |
for(kind=0;kind<=2;kind++){ //分别扫描行列宫
for(num=0;num<=8;num++){ |
for(item=1;item<=9;item++){ |
add=0; |
for(unsigned char k=0;k<=8;k++){ |
if(Base[Addr_Kind[kind][num][k]].Data==item){add++;} |
} |
if(add>=2){return true;} //若一组行列宫中存在两个相同的数 -> 错误退出
} |
} |
} |
for(num=0;num<=80;num++){ //扫描全部宫格
if(Base[num].Data==0){ //若未完成
add=0; |
for(unsigned char k=0;k<=8;k++){ //遍历其所有假设数
if(Base[num].May[k]==true){add++;} |
} |
if(add==0){return true;} //没有可能的数 -> 错误退出
} |
} |
return false; //暂时未发现错误
} |
bool Check_Compete(){ //判断数独是否完成
unsigned char i; |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ |
if(Base[i].Data==0){return false;} |
} |
return true; |
} |
void Engine(){ //使用排除法
unsigned char kind,num,item,add,dat; |
bool Could_Solve; |
Again:; |
Analyse(); //每次排除前应先消去假设数
Could_Solve=false; |
for(kind=0;kind<=2;kind++){ //分别扫描行列宫
for(num=0;num<=8;num++){ |
for(item=0;item<=8;item++){ |
add=0; |
for(unsigned char k=0;k<=8;k++){ |
if((Base[Addr_Kind[kind][num][k]].Data==0)&&(Base[Addr_Kind[kind][num][k]].May[item]==true)){add++;dat=k;} //记录一组行列宫中的可能数
} |
if(add==1){Base[Addr_Kind[kind][num][dat]].Data=item+1;Could_Solve=true;} //若仅有唯一可能数,则该宫格答案确定
} |
} |
if(Could_Solve==true){goto Again;} //一直循环直到没有排除对象
} |
} |
void Analyse(){ //消去假设数
unsigned char num,kind,item; |
for(num=0;num<=80;num++){ //遍历所有宫格
if(Base[num].Data!=0){ //若该宫格已完成
for(kind=0;kind<=2;kind++){ //分别对行列宫操作
for(item=0;item<=8;item++){ |
Base[Addr_Kind[kind][Addr_Block[num][kind]][item]].May[Base[num].Data-1]=false; //消去同行同列同宫的假设数
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void Init(){ //初始化容器
unsigned char i,j,x,y; |
for(i=0;i<=8;i++){ //初始化行与列的位置表
for(j=0;j<=8;j++){ |
Addr_Kind[0][i][j]=i*9+j; |
Addr_Kind[1][i][j]=j*9+i; |
} |
} |
for(x=0;x<=2;x++){ //初始化九宫格的位置表
for(y=0;y<=2;y++){ |
for(i=0;i<=2;i++){ |
for(j=0;j<=2;j++){ |
Addr_Kind[2][y*3+x][j*3+i]=(y*3+j)*9+(x*3+i); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
for(i=0;i<=2;i++){ //初始化宫格所在行列宫的编号
for(x=0;x<=8;x++){ |
for(y=0;y<=8;y++){ |
Addr_Block[Addr_Kind[i][x][y]][i]=x; |
} |
} |
} |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ //清空所有假设数
for(j=0;j<=8;j++){ |
Base[i].May[j]=true; |
} |
} |
for(i=0;i<=80;i++){ //清空所有数字
Base[i].Data=0; |
} |
} |
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