getModuleCount(); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $qr->getModuleCount(); $x++) { $qrString .= ($qr->isDark($y, $x) ? $block : ' '); } $qrString .= PHP_EOL; } return $qrString; } function getQrCodeUtf($str) { $qr = QRCode::getMinimumQRCode($str, QR_ERROR_CORRECT_LEVEL_L); $length = $qr->getModuleCount(); for ($y = 0; $y < $length; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) { $table[$y][$x] = $qr->isDark($y, $x); } if ($length % 2) { $table[$y][$length] = false; } } if ($length % 2) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) { $table[$length][$i] = false; } $length++; } for ($y = 0; $y < $length; $y += 2) { for ($x = 0; $x < $length; $x++) { if ($table[$y][$x] && $table[$y + 1][$x]) { echo '█'; } else if ($table[$y][$x] && !$table[$y + 1][$x]) { echo '▀'; } else if (!$table[$y][$x] && $table[$y + 1][$x]) { echo '▄'; } else { echo ' '; } } echo PHP_EOL; } } function preRount() { // 解析请求路径 global $request; $requestUri = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI']; if ($_GET['cli'] == 'true') { $request['cli'] = true; } if ($requestUri == '/' || $requestUri == '/ip') { // URI -> / or /ip $request['justip'] = true; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/help') { // URI -> /help $request['help'] = true; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/version') { // URI -> /version $request['version'] = true; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/qr') { // URI -> /qr $request['qr'] = true; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/qr/') { // URI -> /qr/ $request['qr'] = true; $request['qr_fill'] = '██'; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/info' || $requestUri == '/info/') { // URI -> /info or /info/ $request['ip'] = getClientIP(); return; } else if ($requestUri == '/info/gbk') { // URI -> /info/gbk $request['ip'] = getClientIP(); $request['gbk'] = true; return; } else if ($requestUri == '/query') { // URI -> /query?xxx=xxx if ($_GET['error'] == 'true') { $request['error'] = true; } if ($_GET['version'] == 'true') { $request['version'] = true; } if ($_GET['help'] == 'true') { $request['help'] = true; } if ($_GET['gbk'] == 'true') { $request['gbk'] = true; } if ($_GET['qr'] == 'true') { $request['qr'] = true; } if ($_GET['justip'] == 'true') { $request['justip'] = true; } if (isset($_GET['ip'])) { $request['ip'] = $_GET['ip']; } return; } preg_match('#^/qr/([^/]{2})$#', $requestUri, $match); // URI -> /qr/{qr_fill} if (count($match) > 0) { $request['qr'] = true; $request['qr_fill'] = $match[1]; return; } preg_match('#^/([^/]+?)$#', $requestUri, $match); // URI -> /{ip} if (count($match) > 0) { if ($request['cli']) { // 命令行模式 $request['ip'] = $match[1]; } else { $request['error'] = true; } return; } preg_match('#^/([^/]+?)/gbk$#', $requestUri, $match); // URI -> /{ip}/gbk if (count($match) > 0) { $request['ip'] = $match[1]; $request['gbk'] = true; return; } preg_match('#^/info/([^/]+?)$#', $requestUri, $match); // URI -> /info/{ip} if (count($match) > 0) { $request['ip'] = $match[1]; return; } preg_match('#^/info/([^/]+?)/gbk$#', $requestUri, $match); // URI -> /info/{ip}/gbk if (count($match) > 0) { $request['ip'] = $match[1]; $request['gbk'] = true; return; } $request['error'] = true; } function routeParam() { // error -> 请求出错 // version -> 获取版本数据 // help -> 显示帮助信息 // cli -> 来自命令行下的请求 // gbk -> 返回数据使用GBK编码 // qr -> 生成二维码 // qr_fill -> 二维码填充符号 // justip -> 仅查询IP地址 // ip -> 请求指定IP的数据 global $request; global $webUri; global $helpContent; if ($request['error']) { // 请求出错 if ($request['cli']) { // 命令行模式 echo 'Illegal Request' . PHP_EOL; } else { header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: /error'); } exit; // 退出 } if ($request['help']) { // 显示帮助信息 if (!$request['cli']) { // 网页模式不输出 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: /error'); } else { echo $helpContent; } exit; } if ($request['version']) { // 请求版本信息 $version = getVersion(); if ($request['cli']) { // 命令行模式 echo "echoip -> " . $version['echoip'] . PHP_EOL; echo "qqwry.dat -> " . formatDate($version['qqwry']) . PHP_EOL; echo " -> " . formatDate($version['ipip']) . PHP_EOL; } else { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($version); // 返回JSON数据 } exit; // 退出 } if ($request['qr']) { // 生成二维码 if (!$request['cli']) { // 网页模式不输出 header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: /error'); } else { echo $webUri . PHP_EOL; if (isset($request['qr_fill'])) { // 使用字符填充生成二维码 echo getQrCode($webUri . '?ip=' . getClientIP(), $request['qr_fill']); } else { // 使用特殊Unicode字符生成二维码 echo getQrCodeUtf($webUri . '?ip=' . getClientIP()); } } exit; } if ($request['justip']) { // 仅查询IP地址 if ($request['cli']) { // 命令行模式 echo getClientIP() . PHP_EOL; } else { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo '{"ip":"' . getClientIP() . '"}'; // 返回JSON数据 } exit; } $ip = isset($request['ip']) ? $request['ip'] : getClientIP(); // 若存在请求信息则查询该IP if (!filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { // 输入IP不合法 if ($request['cli']) { // 命令行模式 echo "Illegal Request" . PHP_EOL; } else { $reply = array( 'status' => 'F', 'message' => 'Illegal Request' ); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($reply); } exit; } $info = getIPInfo($ip); // 查询目标IP if ($request['gbk']) { $info = iconv('UTF-8', 'gbk', $info); } echo $info; } function main() { preRount(); // 解析请求路径 routeParam(); // 处理请求参数 } $myVersion = 'v1.2'; $request = array( 'error' => false, 'version' => false, 'help' => false, 'cli' => false, 'gbk' => false, 'qr' => false, 'justip' => false ); $webUri = ''; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { preg_match('#^', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $match); // 排除127.0.0.1下的host if (count($match) == 0) { $webUri = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } } $helpContent = PHP_EOL . 'echoIP - ' . $myVersion . ' (' . PHP_EOL . ' Format: http(s)://' . $webUri . '{Request_URI} / or /ip -> Show client IP. /info or /info/ -> Show detail of client IP. /{ip} or /info/{ip} -> Show detail of {ip}. /info/gbk -> Show detail of client IP (use GBK encoding). /{ip}/gbk or /info/{ip}/gbk -> Show detail of {ip} (use GBK encoding). /qr -> Show QR code of client IP (use special unicode characters). /qr/ -> Show QR code of client IP (use full characters). /qr/{xx} -> Show QR code of client IP (Use two custom characters). /help -> Show help message. /ua -> Show http user-agent of client. /version -> Show version of echoIP and IP database. /query?xxx=xxx&xxx=xxx |-> error=true: Show error request. |-> version=true: Show help message. |-> help=true: Show version of echoIP and IP database. |-> gbk=true: Use GBK encoding. |-> qr=true: Show QR code of client IP. |-> justip=true: Only query the client IP. |-> ip={ip}: Query of specified IP. '; $webUri = 'http://' . $webUri . '/'; main(); ?>