You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

131 lines
5.7 KiB

function getIPInfo($ip) {
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
$ip = long2ip6(ip2long6($ip)); // 压缩IPv6地址
$specialInfo = checkSpecial($ip); // 检查是否为特殊IP段
if ($specialInfo !== null) {
$info['ip'] = $ip;
$info['as'] = null;
$info['city'] = null;
$info['region'] = null;
$info['country'] = null;
$info['timezone'] = null;
$info['loc'] = null;
$info['isp'] = $specialInfo['descEn'];
$info['scope'] = $specialInfo['scope'];
$info['detail'] = $specialInfo['descCn'];
} else {
$IPIP = new IPDB('ipipfree.ipdb');
$addr = $IPIP->getDistrict($ip); // 获取IPIP.net数据
$data = IPinfo::getInfo($ip); // 获取ipinfo.io数据
$country = getCountry($data['country']); // 解析国家2位编码
$qqwry = new QQWry('qqwry.dat');
$detail = $qqwry->getDetail($ip); // 获取纯真IP数据
$info['ip'] = $data['ip'];
$info['as'] = $data['as'];
$info['city'] = $data['city'];
$info['region'] = $data['region'];
if (isset($data['country'])) {
$info['country'] = $data['country'];
if (isset($country['en'])) {
$info['country'] .= ' - ' . $country['en'];
$info['country'] .= "" . $country['cn'] . "";
$info['timezone'] = $data['timezone'];
$info['loc'] = $data['loc'];
$info['isp'] = $data['isp'];
if ($detail['country'] == '中国') {
$info['country'] = 'CN - China(中国)';
$info['timezone'] = 'Asia/Shanghai';
if ($detail['region'] == '台湾') { // 修正台湾数据带 "市" 或 "县" 的情况
if (mb_substr($detail['city'], -1) == '市' || mb_substr($detail['city'], -1) == '县') {
$detail['city'] = mb_substr($detail['city'], 0, mb_strlen($detail['city']) - 1);
if ($detail['region'] == '' && $detail['city'] == '') { // 纯真库解析不出数据
if ($addr[1] != '' || $addr[2] != '') { // IPIP数据不同时为空
$detail['region'] = $addr[1];
$detail['city'] = $addr[2];
} else if ($detail['region'] == '' || $detail['city'] == '') { // 纯真库存在空数据
if ($addr[1] != '' && $addr[2] != '') { // IPIP数据完整
$detail['region'] = $addr[1]; // 修正纯真数据
$detail['city'] = $addr[2];
if ($detail['region'] != '' || $detail['city'] != '') { // 修正后数据不同时为空
$cityLoc = getLoc($detail['region'], $detail['city']); // 获取城市经纬度
if ($cityLoc['region'] != '香港' && $cityLoc['region'] != '澳门' && $cityLoc['region'] != '台湾') { // 跳过港澳台数据
$info['region'] = $cityLoc['region'];
$info['city'] = $cityLoc['city'];
$info['loc'] = $cityLoc['lat'] . ',' . $cityLoc['lon'];
if ($detail['isp'] == '教育网') { // 载入纯真库分析出的ISP数据
$info['isp'] = 'China Education and Research Network';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '电信') {
$info['isp'] = 'China Telecom';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '联通') {
$info['isp'] = 'China Unicom Limited';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '移动') {
$info['isp'] = 'China Mobile Communications Corporation';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '铁通') {
$info['isp'] = 'China Tietong Telecom';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '广电网') {
$info['isp'] = 'Shaanxi Broadcast & TV Network Intermediary';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '鹏博士') {
$info['isp'] = 'Chengdu Dr.Peng Technology';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '长城') {
$info['isp'] = 'Great Wall Broadband Network Service';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '中华电信') {
$info['isp'] = 'ChungHwa Telecom';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '亚太电信') {
$info['isp'] = 'Asia Pacific Telecom';
} else if ($detail['isp'] == '远传电信') {
$info['isp'] = 'Far EasTone Telecommunications';
if (filter_var($ip, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP,\FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { // 录入纯真库数据
$info['scope'] = tryCIDR($detail['beginIP'], $detail['endIP']);
$info['detail'] = $detail['dataA'] . $detail['dataB'];
} else {
$info['scope'] = $info['ip'];
$info['detail'] = $info['as'] . ' ' . $info['isp'];
if (trim($info['detail']) == '') {
$info['detail'] = null;
return $info;
function tryCIDR($beginIP, $endIP) { // 给定IP范围,尝试计算CIDR
$tmp = ip2long($endIP) - ip2long($beginIP) + 1;
if (pow(2, intval(log($tmp, 2))) == $tmp) { // 判断是否为2的整数次方
return $beginIP . '/' . (32 - log($tmp, 2));
} else {
return $beginIP . ' - ' . $endIP;
function getVersion() { // 获取自身及数据库版本号
global $myVersion;
$version['echoip'] = $myVersion;
$qqwry = new QQWry('qqwry.dat');
$IPIP = new IPDB('ipipfree.ipdb');
$version['qqwry'] = $qqwry->getVersion();
$version['ipip'] = $IPIP->getVersion();
return $version;