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103 lines
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// 数据来源:IPIP免费数据库 ipipfree.ipdb
// 初始化类:new IPDB($fileName)
// 请求方式:getDistrict($ip)
// 返回格式:
// {
// '0': 国家
// '1': 省、直辖市
// '2': 市
// }
// 注:仅国内省市数据
// 请求版本:getVersion()
// 返回格式:YYYYMMDD
class IPDB {
private $fp; // 文件指针
private $meta; // 元数据信息
private $nodeCount;
private $nodeOffset;
public function __construct($fileName) { // 构造函数
$this->fp = fopen($fileName, 'rb');
$metaSize = unpack('N', fread($this->fp, 4))[1]; // 获取元数据长度
$this->meta = json_decode(fread($this->fp, $metaSize), 1); // 读取元数据信息
$this->nodeCount = $this->meta['node_count'];
$this->nodeOffset = 4 + $metaSize;
public function __destruct() { // 析构函数
if ($this->fp) {
public function getVersion() { // 获取版本信息
return date("Ymd", $this->meta['build']);
public function getDistrict($ip) { // 获取地区信息
$node = $this->getNode($ip);
if ($node <= 0) {
return NULL;
$data = explode("\t", $this->getData($node));
foreach ($data as &$field) {
$field = trim($field);
if ($data[1] === '中国' && $data[2] === '中国') {
$data[1] = $data[2] = '';
return $data;
private function getNode($ip) { // 获取节点编号
$node = 0;
$binary = inet_pton($ip);
for ($i = 0; $i < 96 && $node < $this->nodeCount; $i++) {
if ($i >= 80) {
$node = $this->readNode($node, 1);
} else {
$node = $this->readNode($node, 0);
if ($node > $this->nodeCount) {
return 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 32; $i++) {
if ($node >= $this->nodeCount) {
$node = $this->readNode($node, 1 & ((0xFF & ord($binary[$i >> 3])) >> 7 - ($i % 8)));
if ($node <= $this->nodeCount) {
return NULL;
return $node;
private function readNode($node, $index) {
return unpack('N', $this->read($node * 8 + $index * 4, 4))[1];
private function getData($node) { // 根据节点编号获取信息
$offset = $node + $this->nodeCount * 7;
$bytes = $this->read($offset, 2);
$size = unpack('N', str_pad($bytes, 4, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT))[1];
$offset += 2;
return $this->read($offset, $size);
private function read($offset, $length) { // 从指定位置读取指定长度
if ($length <= 0) {
return NULL;
if (fseek($this->fp, $offset + $this->nodeOffset) === 0) {
return fread($this->fp, $length);