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class QQWry {
private $fp; // 文件指针
private $firstRecord; // 第一条记录的偏移地址
private $lastRecord; // 最后一条记录的偏移地址
private $recordNum; // 总记录条数
public function __construct() { // 构造函数
$this->fp = 0;
if (($this->fp = fopen(__DIR__ . '/qqwry.dat', 'rb')) !== false) {
$this->firstRecord = $this->read4byte();
$this->lastRecord = $this->read4byte();
$this->recordNum = ($this->lastRecord - $this->firstRecord) / 7; // 每条索引长度为7字节
public function __destruct() { // 析构函数
if ($this->fp) {
$this->fp = 0;
private function read4byte() { // 读取4字节并转为long
return unpack('Vlong', fread($this->fp, 4))['long'];
private function read3byte() { // 读取3字节并转为long
return unpack('Vlong', fread($this->fp, 3) . chr(0))['long'];
private function readString() { // 读取字符串
$str = '';
$char = fread($this->fp, 1);
while (ord($char) != 0) { // 读到二进制0结束
$str .= $char;
$char = fread($this->fp, 1);
return $str;
private function zipIP($ip) { // IP地址转为数字
$ip_arr = explode('.', $ip);
$tmp = (16777216 * intval($ip_arr[0])) + (65536 * intval($ip_arr[1])) + (256 * intval($ip_arr[2])) + intval($ip_arr[3]);
return pack('N', intval($tmp)); // 32位无符号大端序长整型
private function unzipIP($ip) { // 数字转为IP地址
return long2ip($ip);
public function getVersion() { // 获取当前数据库的版本
fseek($this->fp, $this->lastRecord + 4);
$tmp = $this->getRecord($this->read3byte())['B'];
return substr($tmp, 0, 4) . substr($tmp, 7, 2) . substr($tmp, 12, 2);
public function getDetail($ip) { // 获取IP地址区段及所在位置
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) { // 判断是否为IPv4地址
return null;
fseek($this->fp, $this->searchRecord($ip)); // 跳转到对应IP记录的位置
$detail['beginIP'] = $this->unzipIP($this->read4byte()); // 目标IP所在网段的起始IP
$offset = $this->read3byte(); // 索引后3字节为对应记录的偏移量
fseek($this->fp, $offset);
$detail['endIP'] = $this->unzipIP($this->read4byte()); // 目标IP所在网段的结束IP
$tmp = $this->getRecord($offset); // 获取记录的dataA与dataB
$detail['dataA'] = $tmp['A'];
$detail['dataB'] = $tmp['B'];
if ($detail['beginIP'] == '') { // 去除附加信息
$detail['dataA'] = 'IANA';
$detail['dataB'] = '保留地址';
if ($detail['dataA'] == ' CZ88.NET' || $detail['dataA'] == '纯真网络') {
$detail['dataA'] = '';
if ($detail['dataB'] == ' CZ88.NET') {
$detail['dataB'] = '';
return $detail;
private function searchRecord($ip) { // 根据IP地址获取索引的绝对偏移量
$ip = $this->zipIP($ip); // 转为数字以比较大小
$down = 0;
$up = $this->recordNum;
while ($down <= $up) { // 二分法查找
$mid = floor(($down + $up) / 2); // 计算二分点
fseek($this->fp, $this->firstRecord + $mid * 7);
$beginip = strrev(fread($this->fp, 4)); // 获取二分区域的下边界
if ($ip < $beginip) { // 目标IP在二分区域以下
$up = $mid - 1; // 缩小搜索的上边界
} else {
fseek($this->fp, $this->read3byte());
$endip = strrev(fread($this->fp, 4)); // 获取二分区域的上边界
if ($ip > $endip) { // 目标IP在二分区域以上
$down = $mid + 1; // 缩小搜索的下边界
} else { // 目标IP在二分区域内
return $this->firstRecord + $mid * 7; // 返回索引的偏移量
return $this->lastRecord; // 无法找到对应索引,返回最后一条记录的偏移量
private function getRecord($offset) { // 读取IP记录的数据
fseek($this->fp, $offset + 4);
$flag = ord(fread($this->fp, 1));
if ($flag == 1) { // dataA与dataB均重定向
$offset = $this->read3byte(); // 重定向偏移
fseek($this->fp, $offset);
if (ord(fread($this->fp, 1)) == 2) { // dataA再次重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->read3byte());
$data['A'] = $this->readString();
fseek($this->fp, $offset + 4);
$data['B'] = $this->getDataB();
} else { // dataA无重定向
fseek($this->fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); // 文件指针回退1字节
$data['A'] = $this->readString();
$data['B'] = $this->getDataB();
} else if ($flag == 2) { // dataA重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->read3byte());
$data['A'] = $this->readString();
fseek($this->fp, $offset + 8); // IP占4字节, 重定向标志占1字节, dataA指针占3字节
$data['B'] = $this->getDataB();
} else { // dataA无重定向
fseek($this->fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); // 文件指针回退1字节
$data['A'] = $this->readString();
$data['B'] = $this->getDataB();
$data['A'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['A']); // GBK -> UTF-8
$data['B'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['B']);
return $data;
private function getDataB() { // 从fp指定偏移获取dataB
$flag = ord(fread($this->fp, 1));
if ($flag == 0) { // dataB无信息
return '';
} else if ($flag == 1 || $flag == 2) { // dataB重定向
fseek($this->fp, $this->read3byte());
return $this->readString();
} else { // dataB无重定向
fseek($this->fp, -1, SEEK_CUR); // 文件指针回退1字节
return $this->readString();