Several demo of learning GDBus
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
2.3 KiB

#include "client.h"
// 进程主循环函数
static void* start_main_loop(void* args) {
// 接收完成信号
static gboolean receive_signal(ComGdbusDemo *object, const gchar *payload, gpointer userdata) {
complete = true;
return true;
// 发送一段文字并获取返回
static void method_call(const gchar *str_send) {
GError *error = NULL;
gchar *str_return = NULL;
g_print("Send -> %s\n", str_send);
com_gdbus_demo_call_show_data_sync(proxy, str_send, &str_return, NULL, &error); // 发送请求
if (error != NULL) { // 发送请求失败
g_print("Failed to call method: %s.\n", error->message);
g_print("Return -> %s\n", str_return);
// 初始化DBus连接
bool init_dbus_client() {
GError *proxy_error = NULL;
GError *connect_error = NULL;
connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &connect_error); // 建立连接
if (connect_error != NULL) { // 连接失败
g_print("Failed to connect dbus: %s.\n", connect_error->message);
return false;
proxy = com_gdbus_demo_proxy_new_sync(connection, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, "com.gdbus.demo",
"/com/gdbus/object", NULL, &proxy_error); // 创建Proxy
if (proxy == 0) { // 创建Proxy失败
g_print("Failed to create proxy: %s.\n", proxy_error->message);
return false;
return true;
// client向server发送一段文本,server返回成功并进行处理,处理完成后发送一个信号
int main() {
pthread_t tid;
if (!init_dbus_client()) { // 初始化DBus失败
return -1;
g_print("DBus init successfully.\n"); // DBus连接成功
method_call("This is a sentence for test."); // 发送请求
g_print("Wait for signal...");
main_loop= g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); // 创建主循环对象
g_signal_connect(proxy, "complete", G_CALLBACK(receive_signal), NULL); // 监听信号
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, start_main_loop, NULL); // 创建线程 进入主循环
while (!complete); // 循环等待server完成
return 0;