#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "core.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "size.h"
namespace klotski {
using klotski::AllCases;
using klotski::BasicRanges;
using klotski::Common::check_range;
using klotski::Common::range_reverse;
std::vector<CommonCode> Group::all_cases(uint32_t type_id) {
auto tmp = block_num(type_id);
std::vector<uint32_t> ranges; // basic ranges of type_id
BasicRanges::generate(ranges, BasicRanges::generate_t { // generate target ranges
.n1 = 16 - tmp.n_1x1 - (tmp.n_1x2 + tmp.n_2x1) * 2, /// space -> 00
.n2 = tmp.n_1x2, /// 1x2 -> 01
.n3 = tmp.n_2x1, /// 2x1 -> 10
.n4 = tmp.n_1x1, /// 1x1 -> 11
for (auto &range : ranges) {
range = range_reverse(range); // basic ranges reversed
std::vector<CommonCode> all_cases;
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 15; ++head) { // address of 2x2 block
/// head -> 0/1/2 / 4/5/6 / 8/9/10 / 12/13/14
if ((head & 0b11) == 0b11) {
++head; // skip invalid address
/// head(4-bit) + basic-range(32-bit) --check--> valid cases
for (auto &&range : ranges) {
if (!check_range(head, range)) { // case valid
head << 32 | range_reverse(range) // release valid cases
return all_cases;
std::vector<RawCode> Group::group_cases(const RawCode &seed) {
std::queue<uint64_t> cache;
absl::flat_hash_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> cases; // <code, mask>
cases.emplace(seed.unwrap(), 0); // without mask
auto core = Core(
[&cache, &cases](auto &&code, auto &&mask) { // callback function
auto current = cases.find(code);
if (current != cases.end()) {
current->second |= mask; // update mask
cases.emplace(code, mask);
while (!cache.empty()) { // until BFS without elements
core.next_cases(cache.front(), cases.find(cache.front())->second);
cache.pop(); // case dequeue
auto result = std::vector<RawCode>();
for (auto &&raw_code : cases) { // export group cases
return result;
std::vector<std::vector<CommonCode>> Group::build_groups(uint32_t type_id) {
auto all_cases = Group::all_cases(type_id);
if (all_cases.empty()) { // match type_id TODO: ??? (7-0-0)
return {};
std::vector<std::vector<CommonCode>> groups;
auto min = std::min_element(all_cases.begin(), all_cases.end());
auto first_group = Group::group_cases(min->to_raw_code());
groups.emplace_back(first_group.begin(), first_group.end());
if (first_group.size() == all_cases.size()) { // only contains one group
// std::vector<CommonCode> rs(k.begin(), k.end());
// std::vector<CommonCode> rs;
// rs.reserve(k.size());
// for (auto &&rr : k) {
// std::cout << rr.to_common_code() << std::endl;
// rs.emplace_back(rr.to_common_code());
// }
// std::sort(rs.begin(), rs.end());
// for (auto &&rr : rs) {
// std::cout << rr << std::endl;
// }
// std::cout << r[0] << std::endl;
// std::cout << k[0].to_common_code() << std::endl;
// return
return groups;
// TODO: reuse first_group
std::set<CommonCode> cases(all_cases.begin(), all_cases.end());
for (auto &&tmp : groups[0]) {
// auto c = tmp.to_common_code();
// current_group->emplace_back(c);
// std::set<CommonCode> cases;
// uint32_t index = 0;
// for (auto &&tmp : all_cases) {
// if
// }
// std::cout << cases.size() << std::endl;
// std::cout << all_cases.size() << std::endl;
while (!cases.empty()) {
auto ret = Group::group_cases(cases.begin()->to_raw_code());
auto current_group = groups.end() - 1;
for (auto &&tmp : ret) {
auto c = tmp.to_common_code();
std::stable_sort(groups.begin(), groups.end(), [](const std::vector<CommonCode> &c1, const std::vector<CommonCode> &c2) {
return c1.size() < c2.size();
std::cout << groups.size() << std::endl;
return std::vector<std::vector<CommonCode>>();
} // namespace klotski