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#pragma once
/// The exposer can forcibly access private members of a class without changing
/// any code. It uses macros to construct a function that returns a reference
/// to the target member variable.
namespace exposer {
// REF: http://bloglitb.blogspot.com/2010/07/access-to-private-members-thats-easy.html
//template <typename T>
//struct Exposer {
// static T ptr;
//template <typename T>
//T Exposer<T>::ptr;
//template <typename T, T Ptr>
//struct ExposerImpl {
// static struct Factory {
// Factory() { Exposer<T>::ptr = Ptr; }
// } factory;
//template <typename T, T Ptr>
//typename ExposerImpl<T, Ptr>::Factory ExposerImpl<T, Ptr>::factory;
//template <typename T>
//constexpr T fetch();
//template <typename T, T Val, int Flag>
template <typename T, T Val, typename Unique>
struct Exposer {
// constexpr friend T fetch<>() { return Val; }
constexpr friend T fetch(Unique) { return Val; }
} // namespace exposer
#define FORCIBLY_ACCESS(Class, Member, Type) \
namespace exposer { \
template struct ExposerImpl<decltype(&Class::Member), &Class::Member>; \
inline auto& Class##_##Member(Class &T) { \
return T.*exposer::Exposer<Type Class::*>::ptr; \
} \
#define FORCE_ACCESS_VAR(Class, Member, Type, Unique) \
namespace exposer { \
struct Unique {}; \
template struct Exposer<Type (Class::*), &Class::Member, Unique>; \
constexpr Type Class::* fetch(Unique); \
Type& Class##_##Member(Class &T) { \
return T.*fetch(Unique{}); \
} \