mirror of https://github.com/dnomd343/klotski.git
217 lines
8.1 KiB
217 lines
8.1 KiB
#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "all_cases.h"
#include "tiny_pool.h"
#include "short_code.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "range_split.h"
try { \
FUNC; EXPECT_STREQ("should panic", "but no panic"); \
} catch (klotski::ShortCodeExp&) {}
using klotski::AllCases;
using klotski::ShortCode;
using klotski::CommonCode;
using klotski::BasicRanges;
using klotski::ALL_CASES_SIZE;
using klotski::SHORT_CODE_LIMIT;
using klotski::ALL_CASES_SIZE_SUM;
const static uint32_t TEST_CODE = 4091296;
const static std::string TEST_CODE_STR = "4WVE1";
TEST(ShortCode, limit) {
TEST(ShortCode, hash) {
auto tmp = std::unordered_set<ShortCode>{ ShortCode(TEST_CODE) };
EXPECT_EQ(tmp.size(), 1);
TEST(ShortCode, validity) {
EXPECT_NE(ShortCode::check(-1), true); // out of short code range
EXPECT_NE(ShortCode::check(29670987), true); // out of short code range
SHOULD_PANIC(ShortCode::create(SHORT_CODE_LIMIT)) // invalid code
SHOULD_PANIC(ShortCode::from_string("R50EH")) // with invalid `0`
SHOULD_PANIC(ShortCode::from_string("123456")) // length != 5
SHOULD_PANIC(ShortCode::from_string("Z9EFV")) // out of short code range
TEST(ShortCode, DISABLED_global) {
auto check = [](uint32_t start, uint32_t end) -> std::vector<uint64_t> {
std::vector<uint64_t> archive;
for (uint32_t short_code = start; short_code < end; ++short_code) {
auto common_code = ShortCode::unsafe_create(short_code).to_common_code();
EXPECT_EQ(common_code.to_short_code().unwrap(), short_code);
return archive;
auto pool = TinyPool();
std::vector<std::future<std::vector<uint64_t>>> tasks;
for (const auto &range : range_split(0, klotski::ALL_CASES_SIZE_SUM, 10000)) {
pool.submit(check, range.first, range.second)
pool.boot(); // running tasks
std::vector<uint64_t> result;
for (auto &tmp : tasks) {
auto ret = tmp.get(); // release data
result.insert(result.end(), ret.begin(), ret.end());
auto all_cases = AllCases::release();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ALL_CASES_SIZE_SUM; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(all_cases[i], result[i]);
TEST(ShortCode, speed_up) {
std::thread threads[4];
for (auto &t : threads) {
t = std::thread(ShortCode::speed_up, ShortCode::NORMAL);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
EXPECT_EQ(BasicRanges::status(), BasicRanges::AVAILABLE);
for (auto &t : threads) {
t = std::thread(ShortCode::speed_up, ShortCode::FAST);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
EXPECT_EQ(AllCases::status(), AllCases::AVAILABLE);
TEST(ShortCode, code_verify) { // test all layout
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
for (const auto &range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
auto code = (uint32_t)ShortCode::from_common_code(head << 32 | range);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::check(code), true); // test static `check` interface
auto tmp = ShortCode::unsafe_create(code);
EXPECT_EQ(tmp.valid(), true); // test dynamic `valid` interface
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) { // split into 16 threads
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(ShortCode, code_string) { // test all string code
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
for (const auto &range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
std::string code_str;
auto short_code = ShortCode::from_common_code(head << 32 | range);
code_str = short_code.to_string();
EXPECT_EQ(code_str.size(), 5); // length = 5
for (const auto &c : code_str) {
((c >= '1' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))
&& (c != 'I' && c != 'L' && c != 'O'), true
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_string(code_str), short_code); // test upper cases
std::transform(code_str.begin(), code_str.end(), code_str.begin(), ::tolower);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_string(code_str), short_code); // test lower cases
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) { // split into 16 threads
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(ShortCode, operators) {
std::cout.setstate(std::ios::failbit); // hide std::cout content
std::cout << "TEST OUTPUT -> " << ShortCode(TEST_CODE) << std::endl; // ostream test
EXPECT_EQ((uint32_t)ShortCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE); // convert as uint64_t
EXPECT_EQ(TEST_CODE, ShortCode(TEST_CODE)); // uint32_t == ShortCode
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE); // ShortCode == uint32_t
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE), ShortCode(TEST_CODE)); // ShortCode == ShortCode
EXPECT_NE(TEST_CODE + 1, ShortCode(TEST_CODE)); // uint32_t != ShortCode
EXPECT_NE(ShortCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE + 1); // ShortCode != uint32_t
EXPECT_NE(ShortCode(TEST_CODE), ShortCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE + 1)); // ShortCode != ShortCode
EXPECT_LT(ShortCode(TEST_CODE), ShortCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE + 1)); // ShortCode < ShortCode
EXPECT_GT(ShortCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE + 1), ShortCode(TEST_CODE)); // ShortCode > ShortCode
TEST(ShortCode, code_convert) {
EXPECT_STREQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE).to_string().c_str(), TEST_CODE_STR.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(ShortCode(TEST_CODE).to_string()), ShortCode(TEST_CODE));
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE).to_common_code(), CommonCode::from_short_code(TEST_CODE));
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
TEST(ShortCode, batch_convert) {
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
std::vector<ShortCode> short_codes;
std::vector<CommonCode> common_codes;
for (auto &&range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
common_codes.emplace_back(head << 32 | range);
EXPECT_EQ(short_codes, ShortCode::convert(common_codes));
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) {
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(ShortCode, constructors) {
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(TEST_CODE_STR).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(std::string(TEST_CODE_STR)).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value
auto common_code = CommonCode::from_short_code(TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(common_code).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode(CommonCode::from_short_code(TEST_CODE)).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value
TEST(ShortCode, initializate) {
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::create(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_string(TEST_CODE_STR).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_string(std::string(TEST_CODE_STR)).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value
auto common_code = CommonCode::from_short_code(TEST_CODE);
auto common_code_string = common_code.to_string(false);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_common_code(common_code.unwrap()).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_common_code(common_code).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
CommonCode::from_short_code(TEST_CODE) // r-value
).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_common_code(common_code_string).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(ShortCode::from_common_code(common_code.to_string()).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value