You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

270 lines
10 KiB

#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "common.h"
#include "raw_code.h"
#include "all_cases.h"
#include "tiny_pool.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "range_split.h"
try { \
FUNC; EXPECT_STREQ("should panic", "but no panic"); \
} catch (klotski::RawCodeExp&) {}
using klotski::RawCode;
using klotski::AllCases;
using klotski::CommonCode;
using klotski::ALL_CASES_SIZE;
using klotski::ALL_CASES_SIZE_SUM;
using klotski::Common::range_reverse;
const static uint64_t TEST_CODE = 0x0603'EDF5'CAFF'F5E2;
TEST(RawCode, hash) {
auto tmp = std::unordered_set<RawCode>{ RawCode(TEST_CODE) };
EXPECT_EQ(tmp.size(), 1);
TEST(RawCode, validity) {
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::check(0x0A34'182B'3810'2D21), false); // invalid code
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::check(0x8603'EDF5'CAFF'F5E2), false); // high 4-bits not zero
SHOULD_PANIC(RawCode::create(0x0000'0000'0000'0000)) // invalid code
TEST(RawCode, code_verify) { // test all layouts
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
for (const auto &range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
auto code = (uint64_t)RawCode::from_common_code(head << 32 | range);
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::check(code), true); // test static `check` interface
auto tmp = RawCode::unsafe_create(code);
EXPECT_EQ(tmp.valid(), true); // test dynamic `valid` interface
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) { // split into 16 threads
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(RawCode, operators) {
std::cout.setstate(std::ios::failbit); // hide std::cout content
std::cout << "TEST OUTPUT" << std::endl << RawCode(TEST_CODE); // ostream test
EXPECT_EQ((uint64_t)RawCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE); // convert as uint64_t
EXPECT_EQ(TEST_CODE, RawCode(TEST_CODE)); // uint64_t == RawCode
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE); // RawCode == uint64_t
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode(TEST_CODE), RawCode(TEST_CODE)); // RawCode == RawCode
EXPECT_NE(TEST_CODE + 1, RawCode(TEST_CODE)); // uint64_t != RawCode
EXPECT_NE(RawCode(TEST_CODE), TEST_CODE + 1); // RawCode != uint64_t
EXPECT_NE(RawCode(TEST_CODE), RawCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE + 1)); // RawCode != RawCode
TEST(RawCode, code_convert) {
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode(TEST_CODE).to_common_code(), CommonCode::from_raw_code(TEST_CODE));
TEST(RawCode, batch_convert) {
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
std::vector<RawCode> raw_codes;
std::vector<CommonCode> common_codes;
for (auto &&range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
common_codes.emplace_back(head << 32 | range);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_codes, RawCode::convert(common_codes));
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) {
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(RawCode, constructors) {
auto common_code = CommonCode::from_raw_code(TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode(common_code).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode(CommonCode::from_raw_code(TEST_CODE)).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value
TEST(RawCode, initializate) {
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::create(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::unsafe_create(TEST_CODE).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
auto common_code = CommonCode::from_raw_code(TEST_CODE);
auto common_code_string = common_code.to_string();
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::from_common_code(common_code.unwrap()).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::from_common_code(common_code).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
CommonCode::from_raw_code(TEST_CODE) // r-value
).unwrap(), TEST_CODE);
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::from_common_code(common_code_string).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(RawCode::from_common_code(common_code.to_string()).unwrap(), TEST_CODE); // r-value
TEST(RawCode, vertical_mirror) {
auto raw_code_1 = RawCode::unsafe_create(0x0'FC0'480'6DB'FC0'480); // invalid layout only for test
auto raw_code_2 = RawCode::from_common_code(0x4FEA13400);
auto raw_code_2_ = RawCode::from_common_code(0x8346AFC00);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_vertical_mirror(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.to_vertical_mirror(), raw_code_1);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_vertical_mirror(raw_code_1), true); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_vertical_mirror(raw_code_2), false); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_vertical_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_1)), true); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_vertical_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_2)), false); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_vertical_mirror(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.to_vertical_mirror(), raw_code_2_);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_vertical_mirror(raw_code_1), false); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_vertical_mirror(raw_code_2_), true); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_vertical_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_1)), false); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_vertical_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_2_)), true); // r-value
TEST(RawCode, horizontal_mirror) {
auto raw_code_1 = RawCode::from_common_code(0x1A9BF0C00);
auto raw_code_2 = RawCode::from_common_code(0x4FEA13400);
auto raw_code_2_ = RawCode::from_common_code(0x6BFA47000);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_horizontal_mirror(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.to_horizontal_mirror(), raw_code_1);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_horizontal_mirror(raw_code_1), true); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_horizontal_mirror(raw_code_2), false); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_horizontal_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_1)), true); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_1.is_horizontal_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_2)), false); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_horizontal_mirror(), false);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.to_horizontal_mirror(), raw_code_2_);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_horizontal_mirror(raw_code_1), false); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_horizontal_mirror(raw_code_2_), true); // l-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_horizontal_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_1)), false); // r-value
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_2.is_horizontal_mirror(static_cast<RawCode&&>(raw_code_2_)), true); // r-value
TEST(RawCode, vertical_mirror_global) {
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
for (const auto &range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
/// generate code and mirror layout
auto common_code = CommonCode::unsafe_create(head << 32 | range);
auto raw_code = common_code.to_raw_code();
auto raw_code_mirror = raw_code.to_vertical_mirror();
/// verify vertical mirror
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.valid(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.to_common_code().to_raw_code(), raw_code_mirror);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code.is_vertical_mirror(), false);
EXPECT_NE(raw_code, raw_code_mirror);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.to_vertical_mirror(), raw_code);
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) { // split into 16 threads
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
TEST(RawCode, horizontal_mirror_global) {
auto test = [](uint64_t head) {
for (const auto &range : AllCases::fetch()[head]) {
/// generate code and mirror layout
auto common_code = CommonCode::unsafe_create(head << 32 | range);
auto raw_code = common_code.to_raw_code();
auto raw_code_mirror = raw_code.to_horizontal_mirror();
/// verify horizontal mirror
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.valid(), true);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.to_common_code().to_raw_code(), raw_code_mirror);
if (raw_code.is_horizontal_mirror()) {
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code, raw_code_mirror);
} else {
EXPECT_NE(raw_code, raw_code_mirror);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_code_mirror.to_horizontal_mirror(), raw_code);
std::thread threads[16];
for (uint64_t head = 0; head < 16; ++head) { // split into 16 threads
threads[head] = std::thread(test, head);
for (auto &t : threads) { t.join(); }
/// NOTE: for RawCode global test
uint64_t raw_code_convert(uint64_t common_code) { // try to convert as raw code
auto code = C_2x2 << (common_code >> 32) * 3;
auto range = range_reverse((uint32_t)common_code);
for (int addr = 0; range; range >>= 2) {
while ((code >> addr) & 0b111 && addr < 60) {
addr += 3;
if (addr >= 60) {
return 0;
switch (range & 0b11) { // match low 2-bits
case 0b01: // 1x2 block
code |= C_1x2 << addr;
case 0b10: // 2x1 block
code |= C_2x1 << addr;
case 0b11: // 1x1 block
code |= C_1x1 << addr;
case 0b00: // space
addr += 3;
return code;
TEST(RawCode, DISABLED_global) {
auto search = [](uint64_t start, uint64_t end) -> std::vector<uint64_t> {
std::vector<uint64_t> archive;
for (uint64_t common_code = start; common_code < end; ++common_code) {
if (RawCode::check(raw_code_convert(common_code))) {
archive.emplace_back(common_code); // valid layout
return archive;
auto pool = TinyPool();
std::vector<std::future<std::vector<uint64_t>>> tasks;
for (const auto &range : range_split(0, 0x10'0000'0000, 0x10'0000)) {
pool.submit(search, range.first, range.second)
pool.boot(); // running tasks
std::vector<uint64_t> result;
for (auto &tmp : tasks) {
auto ret = tmp.get(); // release data
result.insert(result.end(), ret.begin(), ret.end());
auto all_cases = AllCases::release();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ALL_CASES_SIZE_SUM; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(all_cases[i], result[i]);