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import marimo
__generated_with = "0.9.27"
app = marimo.App(width="medium")
def __():
import klotski
code = klotski.CommonCode(0x1A9BF0C00)
code.to_string(shorten=True) # just demo
return code, klotski
def __():
import igraph as ig
g = ig.Graph.Read_Pickle('main_combined.pkl')
for i in range(g.vcount()):
g.vs[i]['codes'] = ['|'.join(g.vs[i]['codes'])]
return g, i, ig
def __():
# loop = g.girth(return_shortest_circle=True)
# [(g.vs[x].degree(), g.vs[x]) for x in loop] # 8852(78) / 8923(79) / 8848(78) / 8922(79)
def __():
# print(g.vs[8852].degree() + g.vs[8848].degree()) # endpoint pattern 1 -> 10
# print(g.vs[8923].degree() + g.vs[8922].degree()) # endpoint pattern 2 -> 8
def __():
import marimo as mo
return (mo,)
def __(mo):
`endpoints: 8852 <---> 8848`
So, we should try to combine `8923` and `8922`, the step are both `79`.
def __():
# neigh_a = g.vs[8923].neighbors()
# neigh_b = g.vs[8922].neighbors()
# neigh = sorted(set(neigh_a) | set(neigh_b))
# print([x.index for x in neigh_a])
# print([x.index for x in neigh_b])
# print([x.index for x in neigh])
# new_point = g.add_vertex()
# assert g.vs[8923]['step'] == g.vs[8922]['step']
# new_point['step'] = g.vs[8923]['step']
# new_point['codes'] = g.vs[8923]['codes'] + g.vs[8922]['codes']
# new_point
def __(g):
# edges = [(x.index, new_point.index) for x in neigh]
# print(edges)
# g.add_edges(edges)
# g.delete_vertices([8923, 8922])
def __(g):
def find_combine_points(circle_points: list[int]) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
step_list = [g.vs[x]['step'] for x in circle_points]
# step_list = [53, 52, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 56, 55, 54]
size = len(step_list)
assert size % 2 == 0
half_size = int(size / 2)
target = -1
search_list = step_list + step_list + step_list
for index in range(size, size * 2):
right = search_list[index+1:index+half_size]
left = list(reversed(search_list[index+1-half_size:index]))
# print(f'{search_list[index]}: {left} vs {right} ({left == right})')
if left == right:
target = index - size
# TODO: check degree() value
assert target != -1
# print(target, step_list[target])
def fix_index(val: int):
if val < 0:
return val + size
if val >= size:
return val - size
return val
combine_points = []
for index in range(target + 1, target + half_size):
mirror = target * 2 - index
combine_points.append((fix_index(index), fix_index(mirror)))
return [(circle_points[x], circle_points[y]) for x, y in combine_points]
# find_combine_points([8852, 8923, 8848, 8922])
return (find_combine_points,)
def __(find_combine_points, g):
# NOTE: only for mirror circle pattern
def combine_points(point_pairs: list[tuple[int, int]]):
g.vs['id'] = range(g.vcount())
for id_a, id_b in point_pairs:
point_a = [x for x in g.vs if x['id'] == id_a][0]
point_b = [x for x in g.vs if x['id'] == id_b][0]
assert point_a['step'] == point_b['step']
print('combine:', point_a, point_b)
neigh_a = point_a.neighbors()
neigh_b = point_b.neighbors()
neigh = sorted(set(neigh_a) | set(neigh_b))
new_point = g.add_vertex()
new_point['step'] = point_a['step']
new_point['codes'] = point_a['codes'] + point_b['codes']
# print(new_point)
g.add_edges([(x.index, new_point.index) for x in neigh])
g.delete_vertices([point_a.index, point_b.index])
for i_ in range(146):
loop = g.girth(return_shortest_circle=True)
print('circle:', loop)
return combine_points, i_, loop
if __name__ == "__main__":