#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import traceback from shadowsocks import common, shell from configloader import load_config, get_config import getopt import sys import json class MuJsonLoader(object): def __init__(self): self.json = None def load(self, path): with open(path, 'rb+') as f: self.json = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf8')) def save(self, path): if self.json: output = json.dumps(self.json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(output) class MuMgr(object): def __init__(self): self.config_path = get_config().MUDB_FILE self.data = MuJsonLoader() def userinfo(self, user): ret = "" for key in user.keys(): ret += '\n' if key in ['transfer_enable', 'u', 'd'] : val = user[key] if val / 1024 < 4: ret += " %s : %s" % (key, val) elif val / 1024**2 < 4: val /= float(1024) ret += " %s : %s K bytes" % (key, val) elif val / 1024**3 < 4: val /= float(1024**2) ret += " %s : %s M bytes" % (key, val) else: val /= float(1024**3) ret += " %s : %s G bytes" % (key, val) else: ret += " %s : %s" % (key, user[key]) return ret def add(self, user): up = {'enable': True, 'u': 0, 'd': 0, 'passwd': "m", 'method': "aes-128-cfb", 'protocol': "auth_sha1_v2_compatible", 'obfs': "tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible", 'transfer_enable': 1125899906842624} up.update(user) self.data.load(self.config_path) for row in self.data.json: match = False if 'user' in user and row['user'] == user['user']: match = True if 'port' in user and row['port'] == user['port']: match = True if match: print("user [%s] port [%s] already exist" % (row['user'], row['port'])) return self.data.json.append(up) print("### add user info %s" % self.userinfo(up)) self.data.save(self.config_path) def edit(self, user): self.data.load(self.config_path) for row in self.data.json: match = True if 'user' in user and row['user'] != user['user']: match = False if 'port' in user and row['port'] != user['port']: match = False if match: print("edit user [%s]" % (row['user'],)) row.update(user) print("### new user info %s" % self.userinfo(row)) break self.data.save(self.config_path) def delete(self, user): self.data.load(self.config_path) index = 0 for row in self.data.json: match = True if 'user' in user and row['user'] != user['user']: match = False if 'port' in user and row['port'] != user['port']: match = False if match: print("delete user [%s]" % row['user']) del self.data.json[index] break index += 1 self.data.save(self.config_path) def clear_ud(self, user): up = {'u': 0, 'd': 0} self.data.load(self.config_path) for row in self.data.json: match = True if 'user' in user and row['user'] != user['user']: match = False if 'port' in user and row['port'] != user['port']: match = False if match: row.update(up) print("clear user [%s]" % row['user']) self.data.save(self.config_path) def list_user(self, user): self.data.load(self.config_path) if not user: for row in self.data.json: print("user [%s] port %s" % (row['user'], row['port'])) return for row in self.data.json: match = True if 'user' in user and row['user'] != user['user']: match = False if 'port' in user and row['port'] != user['port']: match = False if match: print("### user [%s] info %s" % (row['user'], self.userinfo(row))) def print_server_help(): print('''usage: python mujson_manage.py -a|-d|-e|-c|-l [OPTION]... Actions: -a ADD add/edit a user -d DELETE delete a user -e EDIT edit a user -c CLEAR set u/d to zero -l LIST display a user infomation or all users infomation Options: -u USER the user name -p PORT server port -k PASSWORD password -m METHOD encryption method, default: aes-128-cfb -O PROTOCOL protocol plugin, default: auth_sha1_v2_compatible -o OBFS obfs plugin, default: tls1.2_ticket_auth_compatible -t TRANSFER max transfer for G bytes, default: 1048576, can be float point number -f FORBID set forbidden ports. Example (ban 1~79 and 81~100): -f "1-79,81-100" General options: -h, --help show this help message and exit ''') def main(): shortopts = 'adeclu:p:k:O:o:m:t:f:h' longopts = ['help'] action = None user = {} try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts) for key, value in optlist: if key == '-a': action = 1 elif key == '-d': action = 2 elif key == '-e': action = 3 elif key == '-l': action = 4 elif key == '-c': action = 0 elif key == '-u': user['user'] = value elif key == '-p': user['port'] = int(value) elif key == '-k': user['passwd'] = value elif key == '-o': user['obfs'] = value elif key == '-O': user['protocal'] = value elif key == '-m': user['method'] = value elif key == '-f': user['forbidden_port'] = value elif key == '-t': val = float(value) try: val = int(value) except: pass user['transfer_enable'] = val * (1024 ** 3) elif key in ('-h', '--help'): print_server_help() sys.exit(0) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print(e) sys.exit(2) manage = MuMgr() if action == 0: manage.clear_ud(user) elif action == 1: if 'user' not in user and 'port' in user: user['user'] = str(user['port']) if 'user' in user and 'port' in user: manage.add(user) else: print("You have to set the port with -p") elif action == 2: if 'user' in user or 'port' in user: manage.delete(user) else: print("You have to set the user name or port with -u/-p") elif action == 3: if 'user' in user or 'port' in user: manage.edit(user) else: print("You have to set the user name or port with -u/-p") elif action == 4: manage.list_user(user) elif action is None: print_server_help() if __name__ == '__main__': main()