#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015-2015 breakwa11 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \ with_statement import os import sys import hashlib import logging import binascii import base64 import time import datetime import random import math import struct import zlib import hmac import hashlib import shadowsocks from shadowsocks import common, lru_cache, encrypt from shadowsocks.obfsplugin import plain from shadowsocks.common import to_bytes, to_str, ord, chr def create_auth_chain_a(method): return auth_chain_a(method) obfs_map = { 'auth_chain_a': (create_auth_chain_a,), } class xorshift128plus(object): max_int = (1 << 64) - 1 mov_mask = (1 << (64 - 23)) - 1 def __init__(self): self.v0 = 0 self.v1 = 0 def next(self): x = self.v0 y = self.v1 self.v0 = y x ^= ((x & xorshift128plus.mov_mask) << 23) x ^= (y ^ (x >> 17) ^ (y >> 26)) & xorshift128plus.max_int self.v1 = x return (x + y) & xorshift128plus.max_int def init_from_bin(self, bin): bin += b'\0' * 16 self.v0 = struct.unpack('= len(str2): if str1[:len(str2)] == str2: return True return False class auth_base(plain.plain): def __init__(self, method): super(auth_base, self).__init__(method) self.method = method self.no_compatible_method = '' self.overhead = 4 def init_data(self): return '' def get_overhead(self, direction): # direction: true for c->s false for s->c return self.overhead def set_server_info(self, server_info): self.server_info = server_info def client_encode(self, buf): return buf def client_decode(self, buf): return (buf, False) def server_encode(self, buf): return buf def server_decode(self, buf): return (buf, True, False) def not_match_return(self, buf): self.raw_trans = True self.overhead = 0 if self.method == self.no_compatible_method: return (b'E'*2048, False) return (buf, False) class client_queue(object): def __init__(self, begin_id): self.front = begin_id - 64 self.back = begin_id + 1 self.alloc = {} self.enable = True self.last_update = time.time() self.ref = 0 def update(self): self.last_update = time.time() def addref(self): self.ref += 1 def delref(self): if self.ref > 0: self.ref -= 1 def is_active(self): return (self.ref > 0) and (time.time() - self.last_update < 60 * 10) def re_enable(self, connection_id): self.enable = True self.front = connection_id - 64 self.back = connection_id + 1 self.alloc = {} def insert(self, connection_id): if not self.enable: logging.warn('obfs auth: not enable') return False if not self.is_active(): self.re_enable(connection_id) self.update() if connection_id < self.front: logging.warn('obfs auth: deprecated id, someone replay attack') return False if connection_id > self.front + 0x4000: logging.warn('obfs auth: wrong id') return False if connection_id in self.alloc: logging.warn('obfs auth: duplicate id, someone replay attack') return False if self.back <= connection_id: self.back = connection_id + 1 self.alloc[connection_id] = 1 while (self.front in self.alloc) or self.front + 0x1000 < self.back: if self.front in self.alloc: del self.alloc[self.front] self.front += 1 self.addref() return True class obfs_auth_chain_data(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.user_id = {} self.local_client_id = b'' self.connection_id = 0 self.set_max_client(64) # max active client count def update(self, user_id, client_id, connection_id): if user_id not in self.user_id: self.user_id[user_id] = lru_cache.LRUCache() local_client_id = self.user_id[user_id] if client_id in local_client_id: local_client_id[client_id].update() def set_max_client(self, max_client): self.max_client = max_client self.max_buffer = max(self.max_client * 2, 1024) def insert(self, user_id, client_id, connection_id): if user_id not in self.user_id: self.user_id[user_id] = lru_cache.LRUCache() local_client_id = self.user_id[user_id] if local_client_id.get(client_id, None) is None or not local_client_id[client_id].enable: if local_client_id.first() is None or len(local_client_id) < self.max_client: if client_id not in local_client_id: #TODO: check local_client_id[client_id] = client_queue(connection_id) else: local_client_id[client_id].re_enable(connection_id) return local_client_id[client_id].insert(connection_id) if not local_client_id[local_client_id.first()].is_active(): del local_client_id[local_client_id.first()] if client_id not in local_client_id: #TODO: check local_client_id[client_id] = client_queue(connection_id) else: local_client_id[client_id].re_enable(connection_id) return local_client_id[client_id].insert(connection_id) logging.warn(self.name + ': no inactive client') return False else: return local_client_id[client_id].insert(connection_id) def remove(self, user_id, client_id): if user_id in self.user_id: local_client_id = self.user_id[user_id] if client_id in local_client_id: local_client_id[client_id].delref() class auth_chain_a(auth_base): def __init__(self, method): super(auth_chain_a, self).__init__(method) self.hashfunc = hashlib.md5 self.recv_buf = b'' self.unit_len = 2800 self.raw_trans = False self.has_sent_header = False self.has_recv_header = False self.client_id = 0 self.connection_id = 0 self.max_time_dif = 60 * 60 * 24 # time dif (second) setting self.salt = b"auth_chain_a" self.no_compatible_method = 'auth_chain_a' self.pack_id = 1 self.recv_id = 1 self.user_id = None self.user_id_num = 0 self.user_key = None self.overhead = 4 self.client_over_head = 4 self.last_client_hash = b'' self.last_server_hash = b'' self.random_client = xorshift128plus() self.random_server = xorshift128plus() self.encryptor = None def init_data(self): return obfs_auth_chain_data(self.method) def get_overhead(self, direction): # direction: true for c->s false for s->c return self.overhead def set_server_info(self, server_info): self.server_info = server_info try: max_client = int(server_info.protocol_param.split('#')[0]) except: max_client = 64 self.server_info.data.set_max_client(max_client) def trapezoid_random_float(self, d): if d == 0: return random.random() s = random.random() a = 1 - d return (math.sqrt(a * a + 4 * d * s) - a) / (2 * d) def trapezoid_random_int(self, max_val, d): v = self.trapezoid_random_float(d) return int(v * max_val) def rnd_data_len(self, buf_size, last_hash, random): if buf_size > 1440: return 0 random.init_from_bin_len(last_hash, buf_size) if buf_size > 1300: return random.next() % 31 if buf_size > 900: return random.next() % 127 if buf_size > 400: return random.next() % 521 return random.next() % 1021 def udp_rnd_data_len(self, last_hash, random): random.init_from_bin(last_hash) return random.next() % 127 def rnd_start_pos(self, rand_len, random): if rand_len > 0: return random.next() % 8589934609 % rand_len return 0 def rnd_data(self, buf_size, buf, last_hash, random): rand_len = self.rnd_data_len(buf_size, last_hash, random) rnd_data_buf = os.urandom(rand_len) if buf_size == 0: return rnd_data_buf else: if rand_len > 0: start_pos = self.rnd_start_pos(rand_len, random) return rnd_data_buf[:start_pos] + buf + rnd_data_buf[start_pos:] else: return buf def pack_client_data(self, buf): data = self.rnd_data(len(buf), buf, self.last_client_hash, self.random_client) data_len = len(data) + 8 mac_key = self.user_key + struct.pack(' 400: rnd_len = struct.unpack(' 0xFF000000: self.server_info.data.local_client_id = b'' if not self.server_info.data.local_client_id: self.server_info.data.local_client_id = os.urandom(4) logging.debug("local_client_id %s" % (binascii.hexlify(self.server_info.data.local_client_id),)) self.server_info.data.connection_id = struct.unpack(' self.unit_len: ret += self.pack_client_data(buf[:self.unit_len]) buf = buf[self.unit_len:] ret += self.pack_client_data(buf) return ret def client_post_decrypt(self, buf): if self.raw_trans: return buf self.recv_buf += buf out_buf = b'' while len(self.recv_buf) > 4: mac_key = self.user_key + struct.pack('= 8192 or length < 7: self.raw_trans = True self.recv_buf = b'' raise Exception('client_post_decrypt data error') if length > len(self.recv_buf): break if hmac.new(mac_key, self.recv_buf[:length - 4], self.hashfunc).digest()[:4] != self.recv_buf[length - 4:length]: self.raw_trans = True self.recv_buf = b'' raise Exception('client_post_decrypt data uncorrect checksum') self.recv_id = (self.recv_id + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF pos = common.ord(self.recv_buf[4]) if pos < 255: pos += 4 else: pos = struct.unpack(' self.unit_len: ret += self.pack_server_data(buf[:self.unit_len]) buf = buf[self.unit_len:] ret += self.pack_server_data(buf) return ret def server_post_decrypt(self, buf): if self.raw_trans: return (buf, False) self.recv_buf += buf out_buf = b'' sendback = False if not self.has_recv_header: if len(self.recv_buf) >= 12 or len(self.recv_buf) in [7, 8]: recv_len = min(len(self.recv_buf), 12) mac_key = self.server_info.recv_iv + self.server_info.key md5data = hmac.new(mac_key, self.recv_buf[:4], self.hashfunc).digest() if md5data[:recv_len - 4] != self.recv_buf[4:recv_len]: return self.not_match_return(self.recv_buf) if len(self.recv_buf) < 12 + 24: return (b'', False) self.last_client_hash = md5data uid = struct.unpack(' self.max_time_dif: logging.info('%s: wrong timestamp, time_dif %d, data %s' % (self.no_compatible_method, time_dif, binascii.hexlify(head))) return self.not_match_return(self.recv_buf) elif self.server_info.data.insert(self.user_id, client_id, connection_id): self.has_recv_header = True self.client_id = client_id self.connection_id = connection_id else: logging.info('%s: auth fail, data %s' % (self.no_compatible_method, binascii.hexlify(out_buf))) return self.not_match_return(self.recv_buf) self.encryptor = encrypt.Encryptor(to_bytes(base64.b64encode(self.user_key)) + to_bytes(base64.b64encode(self.last_client_hash)), 'rc4') self.recv_buf = self.recv_buf[36:] self.has_recv_header = True sendback = True while len(self.recv_buf) > 4: mac_key = self.user_key + struct.pack('= 4096: self.raw_trans = True self.recv_buf = b'' if self.recv_id == 0: logging.info(self.no_compatible_method + ': over size') return (b'E'*2048, False) else: raise Exception('server_post_decrype data error') if length + 4 > len(self.recv_buf): break client_hash = hmac.new(mac_key, self.recv_buf[:length + 2], self.hashfunc).digest() if client_hash[:2] != self.recv_buf[length + 2 : length + 4]: logging.info('%s: checksum error, data %s' % (self.no_compatible_method, binascii.hexlify(self.recv_buf[:length]))) self.raw_trans = True self.recv_buf = b'' if self.recv_id == 0: return (b'E'*2048, False) else: raise Exception('server_post_decrype data uncorrect checksum') self.recv_id = (self.recv_id + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF pos = 2 if data_len > 0 and rand_len > 0: pos = 2 + self.rnd_start_pos(rand_len, self.random_client) out_buf += self.encryptor.decrypt(self.recv_buf[pos : data_len + pos]) self.last_client_hash = client_hash self.recv_buf = self.recv_buf[length + 4:] if data_len == 0: sendback = True if out_buf: self.server_info.data.update(self.user_id, self.client_id, self.connection_id) return (out_buf, sendback) def client_udp_pre_encrypt(self, buf): if self.user_key is None: if b':' in to_bytes(self.server_info.protocol_param): try: items = to_bytes(self.server_info.protocol_param).split(':') self.user_key = self.hashfunc(items[1]).digest() self.user_id = struct.pack('