shadowsocks =========== |Build Status| shadowsocks is a lightweight tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls. 2.0 is currently under development. Please use 1.4.x. Both TCP CONNECT and UDP ASSOCIATE are implemented. `中文说明 `__ Install ------- First, make sure you have Python 2.6 or 2.7. :: $ python --version Python 2.6.8 Install Shadowsocks. Debian / Ubuntu: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: apt-get install build-essential python-pip python-m2crypto python-dev pip install shadowsocks CentOS: ^^^^^^^ :: yum install m2crypto python-setuptools easy_install pip pip install shadowsocks OS X: ^^^^^ :: git clone cd M2Crypto pip install . pip install shadowsocks Windows: ^^^^^^^^ Choose a `GUI client `__ Usage ----- Create a config file ``/etc/shadowsocks.json`` (or put it in other path). Example: :: { "server":"my_server_ip", "server_port":8388, "local_address": "", "local_port":1080, "password":"mypassword", "timeout":300, "method":"aes-256-cfb", "fast_open": false, "workers": 1 } Explanation of the fields: +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Name | Explanation | +==================+=====================================================================================================+ | server | the address your server listens | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | server\_port | server port | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | local\_address | the address your local listens | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | local\_port | local port | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | password | password used for encryption | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | timeout | in seconds | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | method | encryption method, "aes-256-cfb" is recommended | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | fast\_open | use `TCP\_FASTOPEN `__, true / false | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | workers | number of workers, available on Unix/Linux | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Run ``ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json`` on your server. To run it in the background, use `Supervisor `__. On your client machine, run ``sslocal -c /etc/shadowsocks.json``. Change the proxy settings in your browser to :: protocol: socks5 hostname: port: your local_port It's recommended to use shadowsocks with AutoProxy or Proxy SwitchySharp. Command line args ----------------- You can use args to override settings from ``config.json``. :: sslocal -s server_name -p server_port -l local_port -k password -m bf-cfb ssserver -p server_port -k password -m bf-cfb --workers 2 ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks/config.json Wiki ---- License ------- MIT Bugs and Issues --------------- Please visit `Issue Tracker `__ Mailing list: Also see `Troubleshooting `__ .. |Build Status| image:: :target: