#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import sys
from syncplay import ep_server
def checkOpt(args: list, option: str) -> bool:
if option not in args: # option not found
return False
args.remove(option) # remove target option
return True
def fetchOpt(args: list, option: str, default):
if option not in args: # option not found
return default
index = args.index(option)
if index + 1 == len(args):
print('Error: `%s` missing value' % option, file = sys.stderr)
targetVal = args[index + 1]
del sys.argv[index : index + 2] # remove target option and value
return targetVal
isDebug = checkOpt(sys.argv, '--debug')
portValue = None # no specify in default
if 'PORT' in os.environ: # `PORT` env variable
portValue = os.environ['PORT']
portValue = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--port', portValue)
passwdStr = None # no password in default
if 'PASSWD' in os.environ: # `PASSWD` env variable
passwdStr = os.environ['PASSWD']
passwdStr = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--password', passwdStr)
saltValue = '' # using empty string in default
if 'SALT' in os.environ: # `SALT` env variable
saltValue = os.environ['SALT']
if checkOpt(sys.argv, '--random-salt'):
saltValue = None
saltValue = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--salt', saltValue)
tlsPath = '/certs'
if 'TLS_PATH' in os.environ: # `TLS_PATH` env variable
tlsPath = os.environ['TLS_PATH']
tlsPath = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--tls', tlsPath)
enableTls = False
if checkOpt(sys.argv, '--enable-tls'):
enableTls = True
if 'TLS' in os.environ and os.environ['TLS'] in ['ON', 'TRUE']:
enableTls = True
motdMessage = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--motd', None) # without motd message in default
motdFile = fetchOpt(sys.argv, '--motd-file', None)
if motdFile is not None:
motdMessage = None # cover motd message
elif motdMessage is not None:
motdFile = '/app/syncplay/motd'
os.system('mkdir -p /app/syncplay/')
with open(motdFile, mode = 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') as fileObj:
if isDebug: # print debug log
if portValue is not None:
print('Port -> %s' % portValue)
if saltValue is None:
print('Using random salt', file = sys.stderr)
print('Salt -> `%s`' % saltValue, file = sys.stderr)
if passwdStr is None:
print('Running without password', file = sys.stderr)
print('Password -> `%s`' % passwdStr, file = sys.stderr)
if enableTls:
print('TLS enabled -> `%s`' % tlsPath, file = sys.stderr)
if motdFile is not None:
print('MOTD File -> `%s`' % motdFile, file = sys.stderr)
if motdMessage is not None:
print('MOTD message -> `%s`' % motdMessage, file = sys.stderr)
if portValue is not None:
sys.argv += ['--port', portValue]
if passwdStr is not None:
sys.argv += ['--password', passwdStr]
if saltValue is not None:
sys.argv += ['--salt', saltValue]
if enableTls:
sys.argv += ['--tls', tlsPath]
if motdFile is not None:
sys.argv += ['--motd-file', motdFile]
if isDebug: # print debug log
print('Boot args -> %s' % sys.argv, file = sys.stderr)