#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import yaml import argparse from typing import Any from typing import Generator from syncplay import ep_server class SyncplayBoot: """ Handle Syncplay bootstrap arguments. """ def __debug(self, prefix: str, message: Any) -> None: """ Print out debug information. """ if self.__debug_mode: print(f'\033[33m{prefix}\033[0m -> \033[90m{message}\033[0m', file=sys.stderr) def __temp_file(self, file: str, content: str) -> str: """ Create and save content to temporary files. """ file = os.path.join(self.__temp_dir, file) with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(content) return file def __build_parser(self) -> Generator: """ Build arguments parser for Syncplay bootstrap. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Syncplay Docker Bootstrap') yield parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, help='listen port of syncplay server') yield parser.add_argument('--password', metavar='PASSWD', type=str, help='authentication of syncplay server') yield parser.add_argument('--motd', metavar='MESSAGE', type=str, help='welcome text after the user enters the room') yield parser.add_argument('--salt', metavar='TEXT', type=str, help='string used to secure passwords') yield parser.add_argument('--random-salt', action='store_true', help='use a randomly generated salt value') yield parser.add_argument('--isolate-rooms', action='store_true', help='room isolation enabled') yield parser.add_argument('--disable-chat', action='store_true', help='disables the chat feature') yield parser.add_argument('--disable-ready', action='store_true', help='disables the readiness indicator feature') yield parser.add_argument('--enable-stats', action='store_true', help='enable syncplay server statistics') yield parser.add_argument('--enable-tls', action='store_true', help='enable tls support of syncplay server') yield parser.add_argument('--persistent', action='store_true', help='enables room persistence') yield parser.add_argument('--max-username', metavar='NUM', type=int, help='maximum length of usernames') yield parser.add_argument('--max-chat-message', metavar='NUM', type=int, help='maximum length of chat messages') yield parser.add_argument('--permanent-rooms', metavar='ROOM', type=str, nargs='*', help='permanent rooms of syncplay server') yield parser.add_argument('--listen-ipv4', metavar='INTERFACE', type=str, help='listening address of ipv4') yield parser.add_argument('--listen-ipv6', metavar='INTERFACE', type=str, help='listening address of ipv6') self.__parser = parser def __build_options(self) -> Generator: """ Build options list for Syncplay bootstrap. """ for action in [x for x in self.__build_parser()]: is_list = type(action.nargs) is str opt_type = bool if action.type is None else action.type yield action.dest, opt_type, is_list def __init__(self, args: list[str], config: dict[str, Any], cert_dir: str, temp_dir: str, work_dir: str, debug_mode: bool = False): self.__debug_mode = debug_mode self.__cert_dir, self.__temp_dir, self.__work_dir = cert_dir, temp_dir, work_dir self.__options = [x for x in self.__build_options()] # list[(NAME, TYPE, IS_LIST)] self.__debug('Bootstrap options', self.__options) env_opts = self.__load_from_env() self.__debug('Environment options', env_opts) cfg_opts = self.__load_from_config(config) self.__debug('Configure file options', cfg_opts) cli_opts = self.__load_from_args(args) self.__debug('Command line options', cli_opts) self.__opts = env_opts | cfg_opts | cli_opts self.__debug('Bootstrap final options', self.__opts) def __load_from_args(self, raw_args: list[str]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Loading options from command line arguments. """ args = self.__parser.parse_args(raw_args) self.__debug('Command line arguments', args) arg_filter = lambda x: x is not None and x is not False return {x: y for x, y in vars(args).items() if arg_filter(y)} def __load_from_config(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Loading options from configure file. """ self.__debug('Configure file', config) options = {x[0].replace('_', '-'): x[0] for x in self.__options} return {options[x]: config[x] for x in options if x in config} def __load_from_env(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Loading options from environment variables. """ def __convert(opt_raw: str, opt_field: str, opt_type: type) -> tuple[str, Any]: if opt_type is str: return opt_field, opt_raw elif opt_type is int: return opt_field, int(opt_raw) elif opt_type is bool: return opt_field, opt_raw.upper() in ['ON', 'TRUE'] self.__debug('Environment variables', os.environ) options = {x.upper(): (x, t) for x, t, is_list in self.__options if not is_list} # filter non-list options return dict([__convert(os.environ[x], *y) for x, y in options.items() if x in os.environ]) def release(self) -> list[str]: """ Construct the startup arguments for syncplay server. """ args = ['--port', str(self.__opts.get('port', 8999))] if 'password' in self.__opts: args += ['--password', self.__opts['password']] if 'motd' in self.__opts: args += ['--motd-file', self.__temp_file('motd.data', self.__opts['motd'])] salt = self.__opts.get('salt', None if 'random_salt' in self.__opts else '') if salt is not None: args += ['--salt', salt] # using random salt without this option for opt in ['isolate_rooms', 'disable_chat', 'disable_ready']: if opt in self.__opts: args.append(f'--{opt}'.replace('_', '-')) if 'enable_stats' in self.__opts: args += ['--stats-db-file', os.path.join(self.__work_dir, 'stats.db')] if 'enable_tls' in self.__opts: args += ['--tls', self.__cert_dir] if 'persistent' in self.__opts: args += ['--rooms-db-file', os.path.join(self.__work_dir, 'rooms.db')] if 'max_username' in self.__opts: args += ['--max-username-length', str(self.__opts['max_username'])] if 'max_chat_message' in self.__opts: args += ['--max-chat-message-length', str(self.__opts['max_chat_message'])] if 'permanent_rooms' in self.__opts: rooms = '\n'.join(self.__opts['permanent_rooms']) args += ['--permanent-rooms-file', self.__temp_file('rooms.list', rooms)] if 'listen_ipv4' in self.__opts and 'listen_ipv6' in self.__opts: args += ['--interface-ipv4', self.__opts['listen_ipv4']] args += ['--interface-ipv6', self.__opts['listen_ipv6']] elif 'listen_ipv4' in self.__opts: args += ['--ipv4-only', '--interface-ipv4', self.__opts['listen_ipv4']] elif 'listen_ipv6' in self.__opts: args += ['--ipv6-only', '--interface-ipv6', self.__opts['listen_ipv6']] self.__debug('Syncplay startup arguments', args) return args def syncplay_boot() -> None: """ Bootstrap the syncplay server. """ temp_dir = os.environ.get('TEMP_DIR', '/tmp') work_dir = os.environ.get('WORK_DIR', '/data') cert_dir = os.environ.get('CERT_DIR', '/certs') config_file = os.environ.get('CONFIG', 'config.yml') debug_mode = os.environ.get('DEBUG', '').upper() in ['ON', 'TRUE'] config = yaml.safe_load(open(config_file).read()) if os.path.exists(config_file) else {} bootstrap = SyncplayBoot(sys.argv[1:], config, cert_dir, temp_dir, work_dir, debug_mode) sys.argv = ['syncplay'] + bootstrap.release() if __name__ == '__main__': syncplay_boot() sys.exit(ep_server.main())