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class redisCache {
private $redisSetting = array( // redis接口
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'passwd' => ''
public function __construct($prefix) { // 类构建时指定前缀
$this->redisSetting['prefix'] = 'tgbot-' . $prefix . '-';
public function getData($key) { // 查询Redis缓存,不存在返回NULL
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($this->redisSetting['host'], $this->redisSetting['port']);
if ($this->redisSetting['passwd'] !== '') {
$redis->auth($this->redisSetting['passwd']); // 密码认证
$redisKey = $this->redisSetting['prefix'] . $key;
$redisValue = $redis->exists($redisKey) ? $redis->get($redisKey) : NULL;
return $redisValue;
public function setData($key, $data, $cacheTTL = 600) { // 写入信息到Redis缓存 默认10min过期
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect($this->redisSetting['host'], $this->redisSetting['port']);
if ($this->redisSetting['passwd'] !== '') {
$redis->auth($this->redisSetting['passwd']); // 密码认证
$redisKey = $this->redisSetting['prefix'] . $key;
$status = $redis->set($redisKey, $data); // 写入数据库
$redis->pexpire($redisKey, $cacheTTL * 1000); // 设置过期时间 单位ms
return $status;