You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
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class ipInfo {
private $apiPath = '';
private function changeCoor($num) { // 转为时分秒格式
$stage_1 = floor($num);
$stage_3 = ($num - $stage_1) * 60;
$stage_2 = floor($stage_3);
$stage_3 = round(($stage_3 - $stage_2) * 60);
return $stage_1 . '°' . $stage_2 . '′' . $stage_3 . '"';
private function coorFormat($rawStr) { // 格式化经纬度字符串
$lat = number_format(trim(explode(',', $rawStr)[0]), 8); // 纬度
$str = '(' . $this->changeCoor(abs($lat));
$str .= ($lat < 0) ? 'S' : 'N';
$lon = number_format(trim(explode(',', $rawStr)[1]), 8); // 经度
$str .= ', ' . $this->changeCoor(abs($lon));
$str .= ($lon < 0) ? 'W' : 'E';
$str .= ')';
return $str;
public function getInfo($ip) {
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { // IP地址不合法
return array(
'status' => 'error',
'message' => 'Illegal IP Address'
$redis = new redisCache('ip');
$info = $redis->getData($ip); // 查询缓存数据
if (!$info) { // 缓存未命中
$info = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->apiPath . $ip), true);
if ($info['status'] !== 'T') { // 上游接口错误
return array(
'status' => 'error',
'message' => 'Server Error'
if ($info['loc'] != NULL) {
$info['locCoor'] = $this->coorFormat($info['loc']); // 转换为经纬度格式
$redis->setData($ip, json_encode($info), 1800); // 缓存30min
} else { // 缓存命中
$info = json_decode($info, true); // 使用缓存数据
return array(
'status' => 'ok',
'data' => json_encode($info) // 返回查询结果
class ipInfoEntry {
private function isDomain($domain) { // 检测是否为域名
preg_match('/^(?=^.{3,255}$)[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+$/', $domain, $match);
return (count($match) != 0);
private function dnsResolveIPv4($domain) { // DNS解析A记录
$ipAddr = array();
$rs = dns_get_record(strtolower($domain), DNS_A);
foreach ($rs as $record) {
$ipAddr[] = $record['ip'];
return $ipAddr;
private function dnsResolveIPv6($domain) { // DNS解析AAAA记录
$ipAddr = array();
$rs = dns_get_record(strtolower($domain), DNS_AAAA);
foreach ($rs as $record) {
$ipAddr[] = $record['ipv6'];
return $ipAddr;
private function dnsResolve($domain) { // DNS解析IP记录
$ipAddr = array();
$ipv4 = $this->dnsResolveIPv4($domain);
foreach ($ipv4 as $ip) {
$ipAddr[] = $ip;
$ipv6 = $this->dnsResolveIPv6($domain);
foreach ($ipv6 as $ip) {
$ipAddr[] = $ip;
return $ipAddr;
private function getInfo($ip) {
$content = (new ipInfo)->getInfo($ip); // 发起查询
if ($content['status'] !== 'ok') {
return array(
'text' => $content['message'] // 返回错误信息
$info = json_decode($content['data'], true);
$msg = '<b>IP:</b> <code>' . $info['ip'] . '</code>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($info['as'] != NULL) {
$msg .= '<b>AS:</b> <a href="' . substr($info['as'], 2) . '">';
$msg .= $info['as'] . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($info['loc'] != NULL) {
$msg .= '<b>Location:</b> <a href="';
$msg .= $info['loc'] . ',9.963a,7999.357d,35y,-34.3h,45t,0r/data=KAI">';
$msg .= $info['locCoor'] . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
if ($info['city'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>City:</b> ' . $info['city'] . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['region'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>Region:</b> ' . $info['region'] . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['country'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>Country:</b> ' . $info['country'] . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['timezone'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>Timezone:</b> ' . $info['timezone'] . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['isp'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>ISP:</b> ' . $info['isp'] . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['scope'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>Scope:</b> <code>' . $info['scope'] . '</code>' . PHP_EOL; }
if ($info['detail'] != NULL) { $msg .= '<b>Detail:</b> ' . $info['detail'] . PHP_EOL; }
return array(
'parse_mode' => 'HTML', // HTML格式输出
'disable_web_page_preview' => 'true', // 不显示页面预览
'text' => $msg,
'reply_markup' => json_encode(array( // 显示按钮
'inline_keyboard' => array([[
'text' => 'View on echoIP',
'url' => '' . $ip
public function query($rawParam) { // ipInfo查询入口
if ($rawParam == '' || $rawParam === 'help') { // 显示使用说明
'parse_mode' => 'Markdown',
'text' => '*Usage:* `/ip IPv4/IPv6/Domain`',
'reply_markup' => json_encode(array( // 显示echoIP按钮
'inline_keyboard' => array([[
'text' => 'Get my IP address',
'url' => ''
if (filter_var($rawParam, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { // 参数为IP地址
tgApi::sendMessage($this->getInfo($rawParam)); // 发起查询
if (!$this->isDomain($rawParam)) {
tgApi::sendText('Illegal Request'); // 非法请求
$ips = $this->dnsResolve($rawParam);
if (count($ips) == 0) { // 解析不到IP记录
tgApi::sendMarkdown('Nothing found of `' . $rawParam . '`');
foreach ($ips as $ip) {
$buttons[] = array([ // 生成按钮列表
'text' => $ip,
'callback_data' => '/ip ' . $ip
if (count($ips) >= 2) {
$buttons[] = array([ // 两个及以上的IP 添加显示全部的按钮
'text' => 'Get all detail',
'callback_data' => '/ip ' . $rawParam
'parse_mode' => 'Markdown',
'text' => 'DNS resolve of `' . $rawParam . '`',
'reply_markup' => json_encode(array( // 显示IP列表按钮
'inline_keyboard' => $buttons
public function callback($rawParam) { // ipInfo回调入口
if (filter_var($rawParam, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { // 参数为IP地址
} else { // 参数为域名
global $tgEnv;
'message_id' => $tgEnv['messageId']
$ips = $this->dnsResolve($rawParam);
foreach ($ips as $ip) {
$this->query($ip); // 逐个输出