zipIPv6($param); // 格式化IPv6地址 } return $param; // IPv4 / IPv6 } $info = (new Domain)->analyse($param); if (isset($info['site'])) { // 请求参数识别到有效域名 return $info['site']; } return null; } private function getWhoisInfo($param) { // 发起whois查询 输入 AS+编号 / IP地址 / 网址 $notFound = array( 'No whois server is known for this kind of object.', 'Unknown AS number or IP network. Please upgrade this program.' ); if (strpos($param, 'AS') === 0 || filter_var($param, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { // 请求内容为 AS编号 / IP地址 $content = $this->whois($param); foreach ($notFound as $msg) { // 匹配错误信息 if (trim($content) === $msg) { $content = $this->whois($param, ''); // 手动查询IANA服务器 } } return array( 'param' => $param, 'content' => $content ); } $content = $this->whois($param); // 请求内容为域名 if (trim($content) === 'No whois server is known for this kind of object.') { // 无内置whois服务器地址 $domain = explode('.', $param); $tld = '.' . $domain[count($domain) - 1]; // 获取网址顶级域名 $whoisServer = (new Domain)->getWhoisServer($tld); // 获取对应Whois服务器 if ($whoisServer == null) { return array( 'param' => $domain, 'content' => 'TLD currently has no whois server' // 顶级域无Whois服务器 ); } $content = $this->whois($param, $whoisServer); // 手动向对应服务器查询 } return array( 'param' => $domain, 'content' => $content ); } public function whoisInfo($param) { // Whois查询接口 带缓存 $param = $this->formatParam($param); if ($param == '') { return null; } // 输入错误 // TODO: redis cache $info = $this->getWhoisInfo($param); // 发起查询 return $info; } } class whoisQueryEntry { public function query($rawParam) { // TODO: help message / enshort whois info / splite long message $content = (new whoisQuery)->whoisInfo($rawParam)['content']; tgApi::sendMessage(array( 'text' => $content, 'disable_web_page_preview' => 'true' // 不显示页面预览 )); } } ?>