#include #include #include "tiny_pool.h" pool_t* tiny_pool_create(uint32_t size) { /// thread pool struct create pool_t *pool = (pool_t*)malloc(sizeof(pool_t)); if (pool == NULL) { return NULL; // malloc pool failed -> stop create } /// threads memory initialize pool->thread_num = size; pool->threads = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * size); if (pool->threads == NULL) { free(pool); return NULL; // malloc threads failed -> stop create } memset(pool->threads, 0, sizeof(pthread_t) * size); // clean thread ids as zero /// variable initialization pool->busy_thr_num = 0; pool->status = PREPARING; pool->task_queue_size = 0; pool->task_queue_rear = NULL; pool->task_queue_front = NULL; /// thread mutex initialization if (pthread_mutex_init(&pool->status_mutex, NULL)) { free(pool->threads); free(pool); return NULL; // status mutex init error -> stop create } if (pthread_mutex_init(&pool->task_queue_busy, NULL)) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->status_mutex); free(pool->threads); free(pool); return NULL; // queue mutex init error -> stop create } if (pthread_mutex_init(&pool->busy_thr_num_mutex, NULL)) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->task_queue_busy); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->status_mutex); free(pool->threads); free(pool); return NULL; // busy thread num mutex init error -> stop create } /// thread condition variable initialization if (pthread_cond_init(&pool->task_queue_empty, NULL)) { pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->busy_thr_num_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->task_queue_busy); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->status_mutex); free(pool->threads); free(pool); return NULL; // pthread cond init error -> stop create } if (pthread_cond_init(&pool->task_queue_not_empty, NULL)) { pthread_cond_destroy(&pool->task_queue_empty); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->busy_thr_num_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->task_queue_busy); pthread_mutex_destroy(&pool->status_mutex); free(pool->threads); free(pool); return NULL; } return pool; // tiny thread pool create success } void task_queue_push(pool_t *pool, task_t *task) { printf("push one task\n"); // TODO: lock task queue pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->task_queue_busy); if (pool->task_queue_rear == NULL) { // empty queue pool->task_queue_front = task; pool->task_queue_rear = task; } else { // queue with element pool->task_queue_rear->next = task; pool->task_queue_rear = task; } ++pool->task_queue_size; printf("push success -> size = %d\n", pool->task_queue_size); // TODO: unlock task queue pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->task_queue_busy); if (pool->status == RUNNING) { // TODO: send cond signal // printf("send signal -> queue not empty\n"); // pthread_cond_signal(&pool->task_queue_not_empty); printf("send broadcast -> queue not empty\n"); pthread_cond_broadcast(&pool->task_queue_not_empty); } } bool tiny_pool_submit(pool_t *pool, void (*func)(void*), void *arg) { // check status -> failed if (pool->status == EXITING) { return false; // TODO: return false here } // TODO: malloc error -> return bool false task_t *new_task = (task_t*)malloc(sizeof(task_t)); new_task->func = func; new_task->arg = arg; new_task->next = NULL; // TODO: new task push into task queue task_queue_push(pool, new_task); // TODO: queue push may failed -> return false // TODO: return bool true return true; } task_t* task_queue_pop(pool_t *pool) { printf("try pop one task\n"); // TODO: lock task queue pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->task_queue_busy); while (pool->task_queue_front == NULL) { printf("pop enter wait\n"); // TODO: wait new task added pthread_cond_wait(&pool->task_queue_not_empty, &pool->task_queue_busy); printf("pop exit wait\n"); } printf("pop exit loop\n"); task_t *front = pool->task_queue_front; if (pool->task_queue_front == pool->task_queue_rear) { // only one element // queue is empty now pool->task_queue_front = NULL; pool->task_queue_rear = NULL; /// will it cause dead lock? pthread_cond_signal(&pool->task_queue_empty); } else { pool->task_queue_front = front->next; } --pool->task_queue_size; printf("pop success -> size = %d\n", pool->task_queue_size); // TODO: unlock task queue pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->task_queue_busy); return front; } void* thread_entry(void *pool_ptr) { // TODO: main loop for one thread // TODO: check if thread pool exiting // TODO: pop one task --failed--> blocking wait // --success--> start running and then free task_t pool_t *pool = (pool_t*)pool_ptr; while (pool->status != EXITING) { printf("thread working\n"); task_t *task = task_queue_pop(pool); // task working task->func(task->arg); free(task); } printf("sub thread exit\n"); return NULL; } void tiny_pool_boot(pool_t *pool) { // TODO: create admin thread // TODO: create N work-threads (using N = 8 in dev) // TODO: avoid booting multi-times pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->task_queue_busy); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pool->thread_num; ++i) { printf("start thread %d\n", i); pthread_create(&(pool->threads[i]), NULL, thread_entry, (void*)pool); } printf("thread boot complete\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->status_mutex); pool->status = RUNNING; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->status_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->task_queue_busy); } //void tiny_pool_kill(pool_t *pool) { // // printf("pool enter EXITING status\n"); // // pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->status_changing); // // pool->status = EXITING; // // pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->status_changing); // //} void tiny_pool_wait(pool_t *pool) { // TODO: wait all tasks exit // TODO: check `busy_thread_num` == 0 and queue empty } void tiny_pool_join(pool_t *pool) { // TODO: set status -> JOINING -> avoid submit // TODO: wait --until--> queue empty // TODO: set status -> EXITING -> some thread may exit // TODO: signal broadcast -> wait all thread exit }